SFNE - 5/26/2000

Associated parks:

Where: Six Flags New England; Agawam, MA (formerly Riverside: The Thrill Park)

Who: Me, two of my friends from home, and Shawn Mamros of rec.roller-coaster.

When: Friday, May 26, 2000; got there around 4:15 pm

I was wicked excited about finally being able to get out to SFNE this season (my first Six Flags park ever) and I have to say that as of right now, I am totally NOT a big fan of Six Flags, and I hope SFO can change my mind.

Superman: Ride of Steel
When we got there around 4:15 or so we bought our tickets then went straight to Superman. When I first saw the queues for it I laughed, as they are rather short compared to what I'm used to and also are a different kind of handrail. We got up onto the platform in 45 minutes and got in line for the front, which we figured to be about an extra half hour or so. This was not to be. The ride ops failed to dispatch a train and then after a number of unsuccessful tries, unloaded it and called the mechanics to look at it. About 20 minutes later, they finally transferred it off (the mechanics did...I doubt the ride operators even know how to transfer a train) and took a long time doing it. They then ran the other train empty a few times and finally loaded it and went up with one train for awhile. The line for the front was moving up slowly but surely, and we were about 5 or 6 trains away when some folks came up the exit ramp. Naturally they wanted to sit in the front, so the Six Flags employees let them sit there immediately. THIS made me very upset. At Cedar Point, we (1) ask the people in line for the seat if they mind if we put someone in the seat and (2) if someone wants to sit in the front, we make them wait the extra time for it, as in when the last person in line for the front at the time they get onto the ramp has ridden. These people did neither, and then a woman who was apparently with the exit pass people came running up just as they were a漀甀琀 爀攀愀搀礀 琀漀 搀椀猀瀀愀琀挀栀 琀栀攀 琀爀愀椀渀⸀⸀⸀愀渀搀 琀栀攀礀 甀渀氀漀挀欀攀搀 愀氀氀 琀栀攀 爀攀猀琀爀愀椀渀琀猀 愀渀搀 氀攀琀 栀攀爀 最攀琀 椀渀 琀栀攀 琀爀愀椀渀⸀  一攀攀搀氀攀猀猀 琀漀 猀愀礀Ⰰ 琀栀椀猀 搀椀搀 渀漀琀 栀攀氀瀀 挀愀瀀愀挀椀琀礀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 搀椀搀 洀漀爀攀 琀漀 甀瀀猀攀琀 琀栀漀猀攀 漀昀 甀猀 眀栀漀 栀愀搀 愀琀 琀栀椀猀 瀀漀椀渀琀 戀攀攀渀 眀愀椀琀椀渀最 昀漀爀 渀攀愀爀氀礀 㐀  洀椀渀甀琀攀猀 漀渀 琀栀攀 瀀氀愀琀昀漀爀洀⸀  䐀椀猀瀀愀琀挀栀 椀渀琀攀爀瘀愀氀猀 愀琀 琀栀椀猀 琀椀洀攀 眀攀爀攀 瀀爀漀戀愀戀氀礀 戀攀琀眀攀攀渀 㐀ⴀ㜀 洀椀渀甀琀攀猀Ⰰ 䤀 眀愀猀渀✀琀 欀攀攀瀀椀渀最 琀爀愀挀欀 爀攀愀氀氀礀⸀  吀栀攀渀Ⰰ 眀栀攀渀 眀攀 眀攀爀攀 愀戀漀甀琀 㐀 漀爀 㔀 琀爀愀椀渀猀 愀眀愀礀 昀爀漀洀 琀栀攀 昀爀漀渀琀Ⰰ 琀栀攀礀 搀攀挀椀搀攀搀 琀漀 琀爀愀渀猀昀攀爀 琀栀攀 漀琀栀攀爀 琀爀愀椀渀 戀愀挀欀 漀渀⸀  吀栀椀猀 琀漀漀欀 愀 最漀漀搀 ㈀  洀椀渀甀琀攀猀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 琀栀攀渀Ⰰ 琀眀漀 猀攀琀甀瀀猀 氀愀琀攀爀Ⰰ 眀攀 眀攀爀攀 漀渀 琀栀攀 爀椀搀攀⸀  䜀攀琀琀椀渀最 琀栀攀 昀爀漀渀琀 猀攀愀琀 攀渀搀攀搀 甀瀀 琀愀欀椀渀最 愀 最漀漀搀 ㌀ 栀漀甀爀猀Ⰰ 氀漀渀最攀爀 琀栀愀渀 眀攀 眀愀椀琀攀搀 琀漀 爀椀搀攀 䴀椀氀氀攀渀渀椀甀洀 䘀漀爀挀攀⸀  吀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀Ⰰ 栀漀眀攀瘀攀爀Ⰰ 眀愀猀 䈀䔀吀吀䔀刀 琀栀愀渀 䴀椀氀氀攀渀渀椀甀洀 䘀漀爀挀攀⸀  䤀琀 眀愀猀 戀攀琀琀攀爀 琀栀愀渀 愀渀礀琀栀椀渀最 䤀✀瘀攀 攀瘀攀爀 爀椀搀搀攀渀 戀攀昀漀爀攀Ⰰ 椀渀 昀愀挀琀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 䤀 眀愀猀 挀漀洀瀀氀攀琀攀氀礀 攀渀琀栀爀愀氀氀攀搀 愀渀搀 瘀漀眀攀搀 琀漀 爀攀琀甀爀渀 琀漀 椀琀 氀愀琀攀爀 琀漀 爀椀搀攀 愀最愀椀渀 ⠀洀漀爀攀 愀戀漀甀琀 琀栀愀琀 漀渀攀 氀愀琀攀爀⤀⸀  䤀琀 栀愀搀 戀漀琀栀 欀椀渀搀猀 漀昀 愀椀爀琀椀洀攀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 瘀椀漀氀攀渀琀 愀椀爀琀椀洀攀 愀渀搀 琀栀攀 昀氀漀愀琀攀爀 愀椀爀琀椀洀攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 䤀 昀攀氀琀 攀瘀攀爀礀 猀椀渀最氀攀 最⸀  吀栀攀 琀甀渀渀攀氀猀 眀攀爀攀 愀渀 愀眀攀猀漀洀攀 攀昀昀攀挀琀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 琀栀攀 洀椀猀琀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 渀漀琀 戀攀 漀渀 愀琀 渀椀最栀琀⸀⸀⸀椀琀✀猀 爀攀愀氀氀礀 爀攀愀氀氀礀 挀漀氀搀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀一椀最栀琀眀椀渀最㰀戀爀㸀਀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ㰀戀爀㸀਀䘀爀漀洀 琀栀攀爀攀 眀攀 眀攀渀琀 琀漀 琀栀攀 䠀甀猀猀 䘀氀礀 䄀眀愀礀 挀愀氀氀攀搀 一椀最栀琀眀椀渀最 琀栀愀琀 眀愀猀 爀椀最栀琀 戀攀猀椀搀攀 匀刀伀匀 椀渀 琀栀攀 䐀䌀 䌀漀洀椀挀猀 愀爀攀愀⸀  吀栀椀猀 琀栀椀渀最 刀伀䌀䬀匀℀  吀愀氀欀 愀戀漀甀琀 琀栀攀 猀攀渀猀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 昀氀礀椀渀最 愀渀搀 瀀氀甀渀最椀渀最Ⰰ 琀栀椀猀 椀猀 渀漀琀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 眀攀愀欀 昀漀氀欀猀℀  䤀 琀栀椀渀欀 攀瘀攀爀礀 瀀愀爀欀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 椀渀瘀攀猀琀 椀渀 漀渀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀猀攀℀  㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䘀伀伀䐀㰀戀爀㸀਀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ㰀戀爀㸀਀䴀礀 昀爀椀攀渀搀 渀攀攀搀攀搀 琀漀 攀愀琀Ⰰ 猀漀 匀栀愀眀渀Ⰰ 愀 匀䘀一䔀⼀刀椀瘀攀爀猀椀搀攀 氀漀挀愀氀Ⰰ 琀漀氀搀 甀猀 琀栀攀爀攀 眀愀猀 愀 匀甀戀眀愀礀 渀攀愀爀戀礀 椀渀猀椀搀攀 琀栀攀 瀀愀爀欀 猀漀 琀栀愀琀 眀攀 眀漀甀氀搀渀✀琀 栀愀瘀攀 琀漀 攀愀琀 猀琀愀渀搀愀爀搀 瀀愀爀欀 昀漀漀搀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 眀攀 瀀爀漀挀攀攀搀攀搀 琀漀眀愀爀搀猀 椀琀⸀  一漀爀洀愀氀 焀甀愀氀椀琀礀 礀漀甀✀搀 攀砀瀀攀挀琀 昀爀漀洀 愀 匀甀戀眀愀礀Ⰰ 愀 氀椀琀琀氀攀 戀椀琀 椀渀昀氀愀琀攀搀 瀀爀椀挀攀猀 戀甀琀 漀栀 眀攀氀氀Ⰰ 栀攀栀攀⸀  䰀愀琀攀爀 䤀 猀愀眀 愀 吀愀挀漀 䈀攀氀氀 猀漀爀琀 漀昀 瀀氀愀挀攀 椀渀猀椀搀攀 琀栀攀 瀀愀爀欀⸀  䤀 眀漀甀氀搀 栀愀瘀攀 洀甀挀栀 爀愀琀栀攀爀 攀愀琀攀渀 琀栀攀爀攀 椀昀 䤀 栀愀搀 欀渀漀眀渀 椀琀 攀砀椀猀琀攀搀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀刀椀瘀攀爀猀椀搀攀 䌀礀挀氀漀渀攀㰀戀爀㸀਀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 搀漀甀戀氀攀ⴀ猀琀攀瀀瀀攀搀 漀瘀攀爀 琀漀 琀栀攀 刀椀瘀攀爀猀椀搀攀 䌀礀挀氀漀渀攀 愀昀琀攀爀 攀愀琀椀渀最 愀渀搀 猀愀眀 愀 搀攀挀攀瀀琀椀瘀攀氀礀 猀栀漀爀琀 氀椀渀攀⸀  吀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 猀攀琀 甀瀀 眀栀椀氀攀 眀攀 眀攀爀攀 椀渀 氀椀渀攀Ⰰ 愀氀猀漀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 琀he dispatch intervals were pathetic. Seeing the line and being used to the efficiency of a certain other park I expected about 15-20 minute wait. 45 minutes later we were seated on the coaster and waiting to be dispatched. This ride is great too, it's wild and unpredictable, and the changing in direction and force flings you around relentlessly without feeling Mean Streak rough. I've heard the old Morgan trains were bad but I love the new PTC trains on it. They are attractive and comfortable with painted stars and stripes on them. How very patriotic. :) :)

After the Cyclone we headed to the Thunderbolt, which also had a line that looked like about 15-20 minutes but ended up being 45-60 minutes. This coaster uses skid brakes and Premier Parks doesn't seem to trust its employees to run two trains on it (can't say I blame them after that day's episode), so it was one train operation all night on this one. It was a decent coaster, pretty smooth for its age, a bit gentle but sometimes those rides are nice, yanno? The canned thunder is wicked cheesy though, hehe.

Mind Eraser
This was the most efficiently running coaster in the entire park. It's a Vekoma SLC and DANG is it ROUGH! The line was short and the crew was pretty quick, no problems getting on it. The coaster has some wicked cool elements, but it banged my head around way too much. Definitely ERASED some brain cells. I think in the future for inverted coasters I'll stick to B&M ones.

ALMOST Superman: Ride of Steel again
Well, earlier I had vowed to return to this ride to have another go with it, and when we returned the line was pretty short. The ride went down, though, about 15 minutes after we got in line, and then after about a half hour of standing, we heard an announcement from the platform that the ride was down and 漀甀氀搀 渀漀琀 戀攀 爀攀漀瀀攀渀椀渀最⸀  吀栀椀猀 椀猀 愀 渀攀眀 爀椀搀攀Ⰰ 礀愀搀愀 礀愀搀愀Ⰰ 眀椀氀氀 戀爀攀愀欀 搀漀眀渀 猀漀洀攀琀椀洀攀猀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 䤀 挀漀甀氀搀渀✀琀 栀攀氀瀀 昀攀攀氀椀渀最 搀椀猀愀瀀瀀漀椀渀琀攀搀⸀  吀栀攀爀攀 眀攀爀攀 洀愀渀礀 瀀攀漀瀀氀攀Ⰰ 栀漀眀攀瘀攀爀Ⰰ 眀栀漀 搀椀搀 渀漀琀 栀椀搀攀 琀栀攀椀爀 昀攀攀氀椀渀最猀 愀戀漀甀琀 琀栀椀猀 洀愀琀琀攀爀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 琀漀漀欀 攀瘀攀爀礀 挀栀愀渀挀攀 琀漀 礀攀氀氀 栀漀爀爀椀戀氀攀Ⰰ 琀攀爀爀椀戀氀攀 琀栀椀渀最猀 愀戀漀甀琀 匀椀砀 䘀氀愀最猀 椀渀 最攀渀攀爀愀氀 愀渀搀 琀栀椀猀 漀渀攀 椀渀 瀀愀爀琀椀挀甀氀愀爀⸀  吀栀攀礀 眀攀爀攀 爀攀昀攀爀爀攀搀 琀漀 䜀甀攀猀琀 刀攀氀愀琀椀漀渀猀 愀渀搀 䤀 昀攀攀氀 戀愀搀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 瀀攀漀瀀氀攀 眀栀漀 栀愀搀 琀漀 眀漀爀欀 琀栀攀爀攀 琀栀愀琀 渀椀最栀琀Ⰰ 戀攀挀愀甀猀攀 愀猀 眀攀 眀攀爀攀 氀攀愀瘀椀渀最 琀栀攀 瀀愀爀欀 眀攀 猀愀眀 琀栀攀 氀椀渀攀 戀攀最椀渀渀椀渀最 琀漀 愀挀挀甀洀甀氀愀琀攀 椀渀 昀爀漀渀琀 漀昀 䜀甀攀猀琀 刀攀氀愀琀椀漀渀猀 愀渀搀 椀琀 氀漀漀欀攀搀 氀漀渀最 愀渀搀 昀甀爀椀漀甀猀⸀  㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䤀渀 挀漀渀挀氀甀猀椀漀渀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 爀椀搀攀猀 愀琀 琀栀椀猀 瀀愀爀欀 愀爀攀 搀攀昀椀渀椀琀攀氀礀 甀瀀 琀漀 瀀愀爀Ⰰ 眀椀琀栀 匀刀伀匀 愀渀搀 琀栀攀 䌀礀挀氀漀渀攀 戀攀椀渀最 攀砀琀爀攀洀攀氀礀 漀甀琀猀琀愀渀搀椀渀最⸀  吀栀攀 漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀猀 愀渀搀 瀀愀爀欀 瀀漀氀椀挀椀攀猀Ⰰ 栀漀眀攀瘀攀爀Ⰰ 栀愀瘀攀 愀 氀漀渀最 眀愀礀 琀漀 最漀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 琀栀攀礀 洀攀攀琀 洀礀 猀琀愀渀搀愀爀搀猀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 愀氀琀栀漀甀最栀 琀栀椀猀 椀猀 樀甀猀琀 洀礀 漀瀀椀渀椀漀渀 愀渀搀 戀愀猀攀搀 漀渀 漀渀攀 瘀椀猀椀琀Ⰰ 渀漀琀栀椀渀最 眀椀氀氀 挀栀愀渀最攀 洀礀 洀椀渀搀 愀戀漀甀琀 椀琀⸀  䠀漀瀀攀昀甀氀氀礀Ⰰ 匀椀砀 䘀氀愀最猀 伀栀椀漀 眀椀氀氀 挀栀愀渀最攀 洀礀 椀洀瀀爀攀猀猀椀漀渀猀 漀昀 匀椀砀 䘀氀愀最猀 瀀漀氀椀挀椀攀猀 愀渀搀 漀瀀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀猀⸀⸀⸀栀漀瀀攀昀甀氀氀礀⸀   㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀一愀琀愀氀椀攀 ∀琀眀漀 洀漀爀攀 眀攀攀欀猀 愀渀搀 䤀✀氀氀 戀攀 瀀爀漀挀攀猀猀椀渀最 椀渀 愀琀 䌀倀∀ 嘀椀氀氀愀渀椀㰀戀爀㸀਀
Jeff's avatar
Good TR, Natalie... I'm disappointed that you like Superman better than The Force, but I'm not surprised either. See what you did? Now I have to visit New England soon! (And while I'm at it, find a way to work Boulder Dash in to the itinerary!)

I think you'll be disappointed from an operational standpoint at a lot of parks. You've got a high benchmark to compare to as a former coaster op at Cedar Point. There are a so many good rides at so many different parks, but no one can beat the excellence that Cedar Fair, Busch and Orlando parks achieve in running their rides.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 5/29/2000. ***
Also don't judge the whole chain on thes newly "converted" parks. Some of the older parks (Sfgadv, SFStl)are run very well and have good capacity.
I agree, Nat. Superman is by far the best steel coaster ever built IMO. I also agree that Six Flags will never get their act together completely.

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