SFMW TR: 8-7

Associated parks:

This was my first time to the bay area, so I decided to hit this park. I was not disappointed. The rides were great, and the lines were very small. The food was a little expensive though, we paid 3.50 for a fairly small hot dog, I know I was a fool, but I was hungry. The loading times were a little slow too, and fastlane didn't help much on that, also the $10 parking and the closing at 8:00 was a little odd. But on to the rollercoasters-

Medusa-(5/5) our first ride of the day, we rode in the front since there was hardly a line, and I heard the front on these floorless coasters beats the rest of the train by far. This was my first time on a floorless and I was not disappointed, the straight drop is a huge plus, the big loop was awesome, the other inversions were great too, the barrel roll being my favorite. The front really did make a difference, during the corkscrews it seemed as if our feet were going to get cut off. The rest of the train was fun, but really doesn't give you the effect that the front does. Very smooth, fast, and quiet ride.

Kong-(3/5) fun, but rough. I personally like the lift hills on vekoma SLCs better than B&Ms inverted since there is nothing below you and you fear heights it does give you a scare, but the ride is too rough. Head banging left and right, earaches, headaches, and neck cracking is what it may leave you when you get off the ride. It's got plenty of speed and elements, if only it was smooth it would be a world class ride. Not to mention how many clones of this in the world there are.

Boomerang- (3/5) nothing new, the first couple times I rode a boomerang it was fun, but there is just too many of them, this being my third, it's fun and all, I blacked out at the end with the six inversions being in such a short time. Vekoma needs less clones.

Roar- (5/5) now this is what I call a world class coaster, speed through out the whole ride, no slowing down, just the right amount of roughness a woodie should have, enough to feel out of control, but not enough to give you some permanent injuries. The best twister I've ridden, nice surprises, great laterals, great first drop. Right behind Ghost Rider on my woodie list, if only it was longer and had more airtime, it would top GR.

V2-(5/5) I love the adrenaline rush I get on launched coasters, there's nothing like it. And this is no exception. Great launch, but I also loved going backwards on the vertical spike, there's nothing like being 150 feet in the air looking straight down with your feet hanging, awesome ride.

Overall it's a great park, had some cool flat rides as well.

*** This post was edited by Coaster Steve on 8/13/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Coaster Steve on 8/13/2001. ***
I was there the exact same day! I am about 6"1 and I wore a mostly white Pacific Basketball shirt,and Kaki Paints, maybe you saw me!

Steel top 5
4. Riddler's Revenge
5. Goliath
Hey that's cool maybe I did, but I don't remember. let's see I was with my little brother and my little sister, me and my little brother both have buzzed red hair, my little sister has blonde braids for hair, we were carrying a camera bag and were taking pictures and recording the rollercoasters. also we got the last ride of the night on Medusa, if by chance you did too. So with that overload of info did you see me?

"come on Johnny, put him in a body bag, yaaa!!" -Tommy from Karate Kid
I was there too, but only for about 2 hours at the end of the day.

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