SFMW Monday, 6/24

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SFMW Monday June 25th

Entered the gates at 9:50 a.m. Headed to Medusa with my brother and my cousin with a 15 minute wait. The ride is still as great as it always has been. Next was the New V2 with a 10 minute wait.

New V2:
The station seems the same as last year, except with the addition of the new rubber floors. The launch is still very intense and the first twist, I stalled on my side. The launch backwards got faster (The speed still seems the same to me) and we go up the tower and it has some good weightlessness. Once again through the station, and this time completing the twist and going over the crowds below. The twist provided some weightlessness. Back wards through the station again and up the back tower, the holding brake really caught me by surprise, I never knew the brake would be so intense. We fly down and up the front tower once more being stalled in a cool position and the ride ends.

I still like the old V2 better because there is more airtime, but being stalled twice in one ride is so fun. Depending on where you sit, is how you will stall in the twist. I’m glad the holding brake is working and the GP still likes the ride as much as last year (I don’t think they noticed the new change)

It’s time to hit Roar with a walk on. Roar seems to have gotten rougher. We hit V2 again and go to Boomerang with a 5 minute wait. I hit some flats and went to ride Medusa and I kept riding all the coasters till it was time to leave at 6:30.

Total count:
Medusa- 10
V2- 11
Roar- 3
Boomerang- 2
Kong- 0

I never wanted to waste my time with Kong. I met up with some fellow coaster enthusiasts Kyle and Eric and we had a good time the second half of the day. Overall, this has to of been my best trip to SFMW yet. I am happy with V2 finally back open. I can’t wait for my next trip sometime soon.

Thus confirming my trip report.

http://sixflagsthrills.tripod.com/sixflagsthrills visit for some great thrills!
"enough is enough"-?

*** This post was edited by coastermaster on 6/25/2002. ***

i was at SFMW on monday and i was anticipating on riding V2 and after i bought my ticket (soon to buy a season pass) my friend had lost his season pass and had to walk all the way back to the parking lot (which seems like 100 miles away and he got there and started searching soon to find out it was under his seat anywayz we had back and get in the park. V2 was running because we had got there at 1;30 and entered the park at 2;30 it look uglier then ever but i still wanted to get a ride or two so we head towards it and get in line soon after that the ride op announces there was some TD's (come to find out that it would be off and on all day)so my friend ben and I went across to roar which i thought was awesome (like i always do) due to all that airtime, especially when sitting in the back. during the lift we noticed that V2 was operating again so then we got off and went over there and of coarse failing to make it back in to the station i thought i was screwed but no it got startd again and headed back(this was at the very end). during the wait i noticed while it is operating the whole thing swings back and forth. it was fun watching it becuz i was bored otherwise anyways i got on the ride eventually and here is my evaultion

launch = good

corkscrews = GREAT

backspike = GREAT

backspike stallin = BAD

i kno everyone must be saying BAD!!!! but i didnt like it that much for rough it was i expected it to be alot smoother than it was. bbbuuuutttt...... everything else makes up for it so i give the new V2 2 thumbs up

Awsome TR Andy! Good thing I found my season pass. V2 was pritty good but not as good as the orginal though.

"I took the highway to the danger zone"

I went to SFMW today and I have to say V2 is at least 10 times better. It is more extreme now rather than boring. I logged in 14 rides and I enjoyed every ride. The holding brake was pretty cool, but on 2 of the rides it didn't work (made lots of noise but no change in train speed). If you are a first time rider, ride back seat! it is great going to the top of the rear spike, just be prepared for that holding brake! It was really fun and so much better than before.

Also, I rode every coaster at the park front and backseat at least one time. It was a really good day at an ok park. I can't wait to go the 5th and get past 20 rides.


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