SFMW 5-4-02, got to hear park managment talking...

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In the area that eveing, my sister, dad and I whent to SFMW for a passholder only time in the park. We got in at around 7:30, and the HUGE crowd was leaving as we were coming. We walked in, and couldn't help notice the new front spike of V2, wow. That is so funny looking, and it's smal from up close! There is 1 twist and its climbing significantly They got her passed prossed, and I rode Cobra for my first time, they let us go through tiwce and its a good ride, that huge train kills it in the first drop if your in the front of the loooooong train, you don't gain speed until your done with the drop! The rest of the ride is fine! I really liked it, and added to my count.

Next was Medusa with everyone back, luckily the station was half full, I have never ever waited long for this on any of my 9 laps. The longest was on my first lap and I waited about 30 minutes MAX every other time a walk on, or a half full station like tonight. The ride was running 2 trains as usual and in looking at the transfer track, trains 1 and 3 were running, got on in the middle. Just as we boarded I saw the lights on the break run and around station turn on, looks like we would get the first ride with the lights on, and sence the lights were on, is it a night ride? Medusa is the only lit coaster at SFMW currently and it looks great at night. This was almost if not just as good as the front row rides I had on it, there were forces, in the 2nd corkscrew, and the final helix, strong one to. Great ride, and upon entering the queue, THE MUSIC IS BACK! It really does appear SFMW's new managment is dedicated to atmosphere, and theming. The music isn't the classical Gladiator soundtrack from 2000, but its kinda circus techno music!, Its not quite loud enough, but it's not so quiet you won't know it is thier, it sounds a bit like Riddler's Revenge. Dad and Sister went to Dinosphere, I went to Kong\

Kong had 2 trains working finnaly, and had a short wait, it was almost full darkness now, but not dark enough to not able to see the new lava rock under the station. Very nice! This was my first non disney-non kid coaster, I love it then and still do, after riding it in the 2nd to last row, I am an SLC fan, I'll admit it, infact I have never met a Vekoma I haven't liked! I finnaly noticed to bad head banging these rides have, it was just before the 2 zero g rolls. For some reason I didn't feel it! I think its that huge padding on the OTSR, but I didn't find out how to solve the roughness on these rides, don't hold onto the restraint, hold on to the bars on the side of the seats, you have much better control of your body and won't feel the roughness.

I kept waiting and waiting for my dad and sister in the Dinosphere simulator 3d show, I heard this loud concert, was something in Pacific Stadium? No its pitch black so I though the Jungle theater and it was! But it was a small band, that was preety good, I went back to Dinosphere and we had time for one more ride, ROAR.

There still is no sign of the second train on this ride. March 16 the park opened. Roar did have a wait just beyond the station steps and the line still moved with 1 train, kudos to the quick crew. It was pitch dark, and Roar has no lights, but still you could see the track a a little bit, but there defently were some surprizes! This ride just ruels, it had the most intesity and airtime I have ever had on this ride. Awesome! Afterwards the park had been closed for a while and all the rides were down, and Roar had a couple more train loads to dispatch. walking through the front entrace, I saw two managment talking, or at least one. I think one was Jeff Joulet, ( park GM) all I could hear from them was, "3 Million Dollars" He said it like a bargin, I think he was talking about the V2 redesign. Or the ammount of money the park will get to expand next year. Anyway, a great night at SFMW! I noticed on the way out, the line for funnel cakes was out the door! I didn't know people come to SFMW for the funnel cakes! I also saw people taking them out of the park! well thanks for reading!

X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don't you love SF ?

Great TR! My main reason for liking SFMM and SFMW was for the funnel cakes. I'm so jealous of anyone who gets to go to SFMW these days. I went when SF had just bought the park and all they had was Kong, Voodoo(sp?), a few other flat rides and Boomerang. Roar wasn't built yet, and if I'm no mistaken they had a white water raft ride there. Does anyone know the name of it? I never see anyone mention it in their TR's. They also got a ride like Tidal Wave and SFMM don't they?
Vekoma seems to be getting good publicity as well. Is the end near? (I love Vekoma)

R.I.P Megadeth. 20 Years of Metal will not be forgotten.

Thanks SFMM 4 Ever, your correct about the water rides, I believe added in 1999, when alot was added. The rafts are called, White Water Safari, the chute the chutes( like Tidal Wave) is called Moonsoon falls.

X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don' you love SF ?

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