SFMM Trip Report (8-23-01) and DCA (8-25-01)

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Every year I go to L.A and hit MM. This trip I went on Thursday to MM and on Saturday I went to DCA. Well on to MM! When I got there, there was a massive amount of people at the front Gate (10:00) and I was worried that every ride would be packed. When I got into the park I decided to go right for Superman. There was barely a line! I waited for about 2 min.(for the front) and hopped right in! It was one great ride. The launch is defiantly the best part. As soon as I was done I hopped right back in line and did it again. My only complaint is that its way to short.(7/10)! After that I headed to Riddlers Revenge. I noticed that Thrill Shot was testing but not often. To my belief,
RR is usually one of the most crowded rides at MM. Well not today! I walked right on into the loading platform. If I wouldnt of waiting for the front it would of been about a 10 min. wait, but in my case it was about a 20 min. wait. This ride is so smooth! I loved it! The drop is so intense along with the inversions (8/10). After that I went over to Batman and noticed that the line looked way to long (about 45. min). Yes, Batman is a great ride but I dont think its worth that long of a wait. So instead of Batman I went to Golaith. The line was pretty short (for Golaith). It ended up being about an hour wait. I waited that long because it's such a great ride. The drop is amazing. I only wish it could be longer. WOW that helix is strong(9/10)! After I conquered Goliath I headed over to Viper. The wait wasn't to bad (35 min). The last time I went to MM I loved Viper. It was defiantly one of my favorites. Well, something changed because I was defiantly not impressed this time. First of all, the restraints suck. They seemed more bulky then last time I went, and wow is this baby rough. Defiantly the roughest ride I have ever been on. The pacing is great and same with the speed but I didnt enjoy it very much because of the constant head-banging (6/10). That was sadly my last ride at MM that day. Besides Viper, I thought all the rides I did were great. MM also seemed a lot cleener then last time I came. Overall: 8/10.

On Saturday I headed over to Disney's California Adenture.Now, I went on a saturday so I was expecting crowds of a great amount. When I arrived there were more people then I have ever seen at a park in my life. It was amazing. After I waited in a 10 min. line to buy my park ticket, I entered.WOW! This park is so amazing. Everything was clean and high-tech! Not a piece of Garbage to be found. I was very impressed. I headed over to Maliboomer first and waited in a 20 min. line. This ride is awsome. The first blast is amazing. The g's you feel on that thing were....WOW(8/10)! After that I got a shake because I was starving and then got a fastpass for Mullholland Madness. That ride is tight! It's the same as the all the other wild mouse rides but still very enjoyable! A little to short, but great(7/10). After that I went to Soarin over California. The line was about 40 min. but went by very quickly! This has got the best 3D/Simulation ride ever. It's so unique and high-tech! I enjoyed every second of it. The unique suspened chairs you sit in are great (9/10). After that I used a fastpass on California Screaming. CS has got to be one of my favorties coasters of all time. It's well perfect! Super Smooth, fast, the launch is amazing, and the loop pulls an insane amount of g's! One awsome ride (10/10)! After that I did Maliboomer one more time and then left. Overall: 9/10

That concludes my L.A theme park report

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