SFMM TR 6-18 ...Long

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OK, so its been a while, but I decided to post this trip report, well....because I enjoy writing them. We arrived at the park a little before 1 p.m. ( that's what hotel rooms do to you, stupid curtains). This was my fourth time to this park, and what else can I say except that I love it. I know this park gets a bad rap, because it's dirty, has rude employees, etc. etc. ok, so the employees aren't the most enthused people out there, but I didn't have any run ins with any rude ones, and the park seemed pretty clean to me. The things I like about this park more than Cedar Point is it has a lot more trees, forest areas, terrain, variety in the atmosphere, and themeing, it's not Disneyland, but I still enjoy the themeing at this park. Enough of that.. on to the coasters.rating is 1-10

Riddlers Revenge-8. Smooth and fast,plus every inversion is awesome, one of my favorites from B&M. Much better than Mantis in my opinion. The ride operators don't care if you're standing up, I saw alot of riders sitting down, and others had their feet about a foot off the ground, looks painful, but it was apparent that they lived. I love standing in the que for this thing, looking at the monstrous inversions surrounding you is quite awesome. The vertical loop gave some pretty good hang time, good positive gs through out the ride. 1 ride, hour wait.

Batman-8. Very intense, no low point on this ride, speed the whole way through, very tight inversions, and man do I love the zero g roll. The only minus is that it is too short. 1 ride, 25 minute wait.

Goliath-9. Great, great ride. This ride offers just about everything. The ride is fast and smooth. First drop is awesome and the tunnel really adds to the experience, second hill is almost as good with the tight twist down into its drop, then the bunny hop with its great everlasting floating airtime, twisting into the block brakes going into the second part of the ride, the part of the ride that reminds me of a giant jet star, and of course the helix from hell. Very twisty, great g forces and headchoppers. You can really feel heavy pressure in that helix, but I only got tunnel vision, no blacking out. 2 rides with an hour wait and a 40 minute wait.

Viper-8. I don't know why people complain about this ride. Everyone says it's rough, whatever, I felt hardly any roughness on this ride today. It was the best I've ever rode it. The vertical loops almost caused me to black out. The trim after the first loop was barely on so it cruised around the first turn.The vertical loops almost caused me to black out. It has some great pop-up air going into the mid-course brakes. I really enjoy the batwing inversion and the slow corkscrews that give some good hang time, and don't forget the surprise hill at the end, I really love this ride more than a lot of other people do. 1 ride, 20 minute wait.

Revolution-4. Ok, this ride has so much potential it's not even funny. The way this ride uses the terrain and travels through the forest areas is very unique, plus the layout is very different and has not been cloned or near cloned like just about every other ride at the park. But unfortunately the brakes totally kill this ride, I swear there were brakes at the top of every hill, not to mention the near complete stop before the hill leading to the loop, it has some great drops and speed, but then it slows down every time it gets going, very frustrating. Then those horrid OTSR's, what is their purpose besides of giving you a headache? then they also have the lap bars. It boggles my mind. Take all of the brakes off and take off the shoulder restraints, then you have a classic, unique ride. 1 ride, 10 minute wait.

Ninja-7, a really fun ride, nothing too extreme, pretty relaxing and enjoyable swinging your way through the woods at 50 mph. But it's too short, and it ends with a lift hill which is kinda dissapointing.

Superman-0, why such the low rating? take a guess.... yep, we didn't ride. After the first hour we got there I noticed that it wasn't running later in the day I saw it running so we ran up there and when we got almost to the loading station it closed, we heard some lady saying the train got stuck on the tower, I don't know if that's possible, but whatever. It was very dissapointing for my friends, because they have been waiting since it aired on Discovery Channel to ride it and their one trip to the Mountain it had to be closed. I have ridden it before and I love this ride, sure it doesn't do much, but it gives me an extreme feeling that no other ride has ever given me.

Deja Vu-9.5. This ride shattered my expectations. I expected a larger sized inverted Boomerang, boy was I wrong. This coaster rules. The lift up scared me looking straight down, so I started yelling with everyone else on the train, then the drop is one huge rush, through out the ride there were parts that I didn't know what was going on, it was great, then the second tower looking straight up is quite an experince and the freefall down is just incredible, then the trip backwards is very disorienting. Through the station and up the tower again and ...whoa, it stops leaving everyone pressed against their restraints and it climbs up higher than brings you slowly back down. Not a dull moment on this ride, the whole thing is just a huge adrenaline rush, much better than I expected. New favorite ride in the park. 2 rides with 1 hour wait times.

We also rode freefall, the only ride that scares me, to add to that the ride had to brake down while we were on it, I wish I was a the top when it broke down, then I could've wet my pants, this ride gives me more of a gut wrench than the newer freefalls do, very good rush. though it is painful when it stops to swing you back to ground level.

X also recieves a zero for not being opened, but I expected it. It makes me cry, this ride looks so stellar, and when it was just sitting there I thought to myself "why don't they just open it" I mean I took a 750 mile road trip down here, and I really wanted to ride this ride. All well, I'm planning on another trip in November, so maybe it'll be open by then.

Also I saw some Ace members there since it was coaster con, we rode Deja Vu a little before 11p.m. and there were a group of four that probably got the last ride of the night, I forgot the names but one was wearing a Hypersonic XLC shirt and there was another was wearing a Titan shirt. Also i forgot to mention my friend that looks like Jack Osborne broke a myster (sp?) in the Goliath line trying to fill up his Coke bottle, the tip came off and it started spraying like a fire hose, it was pretty funny.

All in all I had a Stoney time at the Mountain.

Nice TR! I hope X opens soon.

-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.

Nice TR! I hope X opens soon.

-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.

That story with your friend is hilarious, but the water in the mister's are BEYOND disgusting. I can't believe that he was going to drink it! I have no idea where it comes from, but I don't want to. When we were there, the water smelled so bad, and I wanted to run out of there. But then I came to my senses and realized I was in line for Goliath ;).
"There's no such thing as a mistake. There's what you do, and what you don't do."
GREAT TR! You feel a lot like I do about SFMM! Don't mess around with the water in sprinkler's ethier.

One possitive to 1 train operation: no stacking! ( we hope)

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