SFMM TR. 2/16/02

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We left Tucson at about midnight-thirty. We drove to Phoenix and headed to LA. When we got to LA, we stopped at Denny’s and I had a waffle with strawberries on it (mmmmmm). We arrived at SFMM at about 9:00. We parked at the bus parking lot and I got to see a side of Colossus I had never seen before. There was a big flag hanging on it and I could see the old bunny hop below the brakes. There were already a lot of people at the gates. I walked very fast to the entrance, went in the bathroom, changed, and brushed my teeth. I waited in line with my coaster buddies and we waited for the gates to open at 10:00. 10:00 finally rolled around and we worked our way to the gates.

After getting through them, I went to a locker and put my stuff away. I then had this overwhelming urge to run to X, so I did. I sprinted past my friends and they didn’t even notice me. Someone from our group pointed me out and they followed me. I arrived at the steps to the bridge to X. I waited for them, which made my running a waste of energy and time, but we were among the first to get to X. We waited in line and I read all the stats about it on that big blue board. Okay, I’m done with X for now. Read the review here.

After X, we rode Déjà Vu. We were only in line for about 30 minutes on this horrible capacity ride. They don’t let you pick your seat, so I didn’t get to ride in the very back like I wanted to. I got in row 10 on an outside seat on the left, which is what I wanted. I had no idea the cars were that close to the ones in front of them until I actually saw the ride in person. Vekoma has got some clearance issues, people. I also noticed that the upstops don’t touch the rails. Bad, bad Vekoma. This ride’s gonna get rough in the next few years. Anyway, we got on, and this sucker HAULS up the lift. Back, back, back, vertical. Amazing. I was facing straight down and was about to drop down a OH MY GOSH! AHHHHHH! This sucker got my stomach! AHHH! Man! What a drop! Nice G’s into the cobra roll, and the cobra roll was nice and tight. The vertical loop was good and I got thrown into the seat exiting it. The climb up the second tower was pretty neat, and the drop was good. The G’s into the loop were amazing, and we went a little slow through the cobra roll. I did not like the sudden jerk at the lift when it was going to lower us into the station. I was expecting it, so I let my chest hit the restraint, but my friend wasn’t expecting that, and he got hit right in the groin. Poor guy. Déjà Vu did something to me, and I felt horrible afterwards. Maybe it was the whole going backwards, but I felt bad after that ride. Face/Off didn’t do anything to me. I don’t know what it was, but I felt like crap after Déjà Vu. I also noticed it was a little rough entering and exiting the vertical loop backwards. My 55th coaster! 6/10

They (my coaster buddies) wanted to ride Psyclone since it was right next to Déjà Vu. We waited in line for about 30 minutes. I decided to give it a shot since it was retracked not too long ago. Bad idea. This ride still got my stomach, but I didn’t like it too much. It was rough as ever and made me feel pretty bad after riding. Stupid Déjà Vu. Note to self: bring aspirin or something next time. Oh, climbing the lift I turned around and saw those woodie trains sitting in the bone yard. 4/10

I wanted to ride Gold Rusher to settle everyone’s stomachs. I also love this ride! It’s one of my favorite rides in the park. I love it so much! It’s the best at night, but we didn’t get a night ride. There was really no one in line so we waited a little less than a minute. I rode in the last train on the right side. What can I say? I love this ride! Great head-choppers and great finale. 7/10 (funny. It gets a higher rating than Déjà Vu)

On to the tallest, fastest standup coaster in the world: Riddler’s Revenge. We waited 45 minutes for this monster, but it didn’t seem like a long time at all. There were four in my group so we could all get on a Beemer in the same row, so that was nice. We didn’t have Fastlane so we couldn’t ride in the front, which is what I wanted. Instead we chose row 2. I wanted to sit on the very left because I’ve heard the drop is good there. I was not mistaken. Great drop, great G’s into the vertical loop, but it sorta hurt my crotch. Riddler has great pacing and I love the huge oblique loop. The MCBR wasn’t on very much at all, which was great, until the last car was about to exit, and that’s when I felt the brakes, but they barely grabbed it. I got a bit of airtime after the corkscrew and the helix was nice. The final corkscrew blew me away! It’s got great G’s and it’s the best corkscrew I have ever been on! I totally forgot how good that last inversion was! My friend said he was “violated” on that ride. I guess he didn’t really give enough knee bending room. 7/10

Batman: The Ride. My friend likes this because he’s ridden the one at SFGAm. He kept trying to insist to me that they were different, but the only difference is color. He decided to believe me now, since I am the enthusiast know-it-all. I’ve never ridden this ride in the back, so I decided to do it. Great drop, good G’s! This ride is just fun, but afterwards, I felt so horrible! Stupid Déjà Vu did something to my inner ear and made me feel a bit sick after all the rides. Batman was just the worst, though. It’s a good ride, but afterwards I felt my stomach churning and some acid moved up my esophagus. Nasty. That’s never happened to me after riding a coaster before. We all had to sit down after that. Déjà Vu totally screwed us all up! Batman: 7/10

I grabbed a soft, frozen lemonade near Gold Rusher since it’s tradition to get one. While waiting in line, I saw someone walk by wearing a black MF shirt. Of course I had to yell, “Yeah! Millennium Force! You rock!” or something along those lines. I also had on my blue MF shirt (are you a part of these boards? Give a shout out!). After that, we got on the Orient Express, or as I call it, the Sloth. After that, I finished up my soft, frozen lemonade and we went on the merry go round. I love that thing. We sat in a couch the first trip, and decided to stay on for another ride. My group persuaded me to ride a horse, so I did. Some guy in front of me kept getting on and off different horses and the ride op was sorta getting mad at him since he was switching horses. At one point, the kid stepped to the inside part of the ride, the part that doesn’t spin, and it freaked him out. What an idiot.

After that, I wanted to ride Canyon Blaster. I rode it and it was fun. The ride op must think I’m weird since I like it so much. 4/10

After that, I decided to try Goliath Jr, even though I’m taller than the height restriction of 54 inches. I waited in line and when I got on the loading platform, the ride op told me I was “too big.” I tried to bribe her with a dollar and act sweet, but she didn’t want to break park rules. I just wanted to up my coaster count.

They wanted to hit Goliath after we rested. We were in line for an hour to ride this sucker, the longest we waited all day. The park must not have been too crowded Saturday. I was sorta quiet in line and they wondered why I wasn’t shouting stats and stuff, so I decided to go nuts! I told them the stats and how people thought it was the tallest coaster in the world, which it never was. Eventually I told them how MF took Goliath’s throne of fastest and longest drop, but how SD2K dethroned MF in no time. I went on to say the stats of SD2K and all the records it’s broken. That got some guy in front of me to give a very impressed look. Like he’s never seen an enthusiast before. I wanted to ride in the very back since I’ve never done that on Goliath. This would be my 5th ride on Goliath and the four times before I rode in the front train. I had to ride in the back this time. I sat on the left side in the middle row of the last car. This coaster hasn’t gotten my stomach in a while, but the way it tore down the drop got me. I love that feeling and I’m glad I can still get it! I kept my arms up in the tunnel, and the turnaround seemed a little faster than I remember. GREAT FLOATING AIRTIME in the camelback! Simply amazing airtime! I loved it! The brakes were on tight as usual, but in the back we get more of the drop off them. The helix seemed a little more powerful this time than last year, and I actually began graying out. Just a tiny bit, though. Right at the end of the helix, things got gray on the outside of my vision, but we exited and things got back to normal. Nice G’s, but this coaster still fails to impress me since they overbraked it. It was so much better when it first opened. Riding in back gives it an extra point. 8/10

We decided to do both woodies at SFMM. We waited for 25 minutes for Colossus. Colossus is a fun woodie and riding in the back still gets my stomach. Great drops, no airtime. There are places where it looks like you’ll get airtime, but there was none. Psyclone had more air than this did. The chain grease heading up the lift smells good. They only ran one side, the right side heading up the lift, and had two train operation on that. 6/10

That’s our day. Now on to the random notes:

After Colossus, we headed up towards Cyclone bay and Déjà Vu vallied in the cobra roll! There was no one on it, so I guess they evacuated the people using those ugly stairs. There was an employee at the entrance and I asked him when it vallied and he told me, “Today.” I asked him when today and he didn’t know. I asked him if it would be open the next day and he didn’t know. They sure tell their employees a lot, huh? Well, kiddies, that’s all for this TR.
My wishlist for the 2002 season includes 121 different coasters, 92 of which I have not ridden.

Great TR
Is there somthing more, then what I've been handed, I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answers!- Hoobastank
I take it you live in Graham-Greenlee at UA, or at least went on their trip.  I didn't realize that there might actually be another Coasterbuzz reader/enthusiast that lived in Tucson.  I was going to go along on the trip, but wasn't able to get on at the last minute.  My friend Scott (an RA there) went, do you know him?  A good TR, and I have to agree that Goliath is fandamntastic in the back, especially at night.  Too bad you didn't get to ride X but once, but I suppose that's how it is when you're with a group that wants to ride everything.  Me, I'd be happy to just ride X all day long.



Montumba said:
I take it you live in Graham-Greenlee at UA, or at least went on their trip.  I didn't realize that there might actually be another Coasterbuzz reader/enthusiast that lived in Tucson.  I was going to go along on the trip, but wasn't able to get on at the last minute.  My friend Scott (an RA there) went, do you know him?  A good TR, and I have to agree that Goliath is fandamntastic in the back, especially at night.  Too bad you didn't get to ride X but once, but I suppose that's how it is when you're with a group that wants to ride everything.  Me, I'd be happy to just ride X all day long.


Close, but I live in Hopi.  Neato.  Hey, where are you?  We should get together some time.  Do you go to school here at UA?  I'd like to meet an enthusiast other than my brother!

I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest

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