SFMM Oct.19 Who says you can't ride everything?

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My thrid trip to the mountain, with my sister, mom, her boyfriend and his daughter, there first time me, my mom and sister's been beofore. My 3rd trip here and first sence X and Deja arrived. WE left nor cal beofore five and made it down there as planned before opening.

My sister and I had season passes so we got in line and waited for the gates to open, the plan was to go to Deja Vu. We made it first, that was a loooong run/walk. I thoought we were lost! But we made it to Vu and it wasn't good. There was an op standign there with the small crowd and the ride wasn't testing. The rest of the group wasn;t there so I decided to wait then, all of a sudden, we start walking into the queue! We get read the ruels, dang one more inch and I'll be too tall! We're on the second train of the day in the front row! The first 2 seats! Yahoo! I noticed how quiet thsi was coming through the station as well, defently lots quieter than the Invertigos and Boomers. I was nervous rerally for one reason, stalling on the towers, is a nasty fear of mine, but it was chilly and the ride wasn't testing and ran one cycle, usually means valley time! But the ride ripped through the course and was amazing. The second towers were we got the brunt of the drop was probibly the best part of the ride, defiently a screamer! This ride was super smooth, had a little bit of intensity and was very fun, we got off and the line was really growing we had to wait for the my mom's b/f to finsih riding so part of the gruoup went to Pysclone, we rode 2 times waiting for him!

They loved it which was great, and the GP was to! It was a walk on. Well. It's better than Grizzly, made Colossus fowards. But it's main claim to fame is it's long. My second ride was in the back and man pain! Not as bad as flashback but I hurt my rib , which was recenlty healed from last spring. But it didn't hurt after. Some good things about the back were the airtime on one of the last hills! Yeah! airtime! The last part of the ride is a drag and the turnarounds are rough. Don't ride this if your hurt or a fragile person. I'll ride agian, only short waits. This ride I think isn't far away from being a fromible ride. It was like a slower much roguher Roar. I'll ride agian The re tracking on the first drop worked wonders and PTC's wouldn't hurt. After we left the bay I noticed how much the back of the park was just flooding with games. Thats the reason we see know flats! Geese. RIp some out and add more than coasters to the back of the park! We made our way up the hill to ride my favorite coaster/ride/freefall you name it: S:TE. The wait was just behind the atmoatic doors. I couldn't believe how fast the train was being dispatched ( one side of course) So we were on the fourth row in no time. WOW! I love this ride so much. It's not the launch it's the fact that the ride is PURE speed, when it slows down, it's going up the amazing 415 ft hill, and on this day getting a good 360-375 feet up. The thing is, the amzing feeling when you hit the 100 MPH and look up at the HUGE hill, it's amzing the sheer hight of the thing. The view from the top, too see Goliath look small, indescribible, I defently felt the float at the top to.

Ninja was closed and My mom looking at the park map decided she would accually ride a ride that's not in a Disney park! She rode the Goldrusher, and it was a walk on, but problems with the station brakes made us wait a tad longer. The first time I rode last year this ride was boring, slow and dull was what I would call it, but now I finnaly felt why this is an awesome mine train! The first drop and helix was killer, I just which that 2nd lift hill didn't kill every thing. After that, it kinda switches off from being fast, to mellow, and the finale was really good. The Rush was on! Too bad I didn't get a night ride though.

After that the waits for the B&M's in the back of the park were short

RR, IMO the best B&M in CA, had a short wait, and I knew I was home when I heard "Equador" by Sash playing in the station and one of the techno lights working We decided to ride in the back and I think I had my best ride ever! Strong forces in the first drop and loop, the last Corkscrew ( barrel roll for stand up) and helix also had some g's. Defently a smooth ride still. Oh yeah 3 TRAIN OP! Crew keeping stacking down as much as they could.

Next another short wait in Gotham. We rode Batman in the front row and talked one in the group to ride, I told her the first drop was only 88 feet ( I didn't lie!) She was freaking out behind us going up the lift and I knew she'd be ok, once we rolled into a weak first drop, after that it was 3 g time! The loop snapped us through it and the 3 g errr zero g roll was awesome as usual. Then the next loop. They had the mist on in the trench to! But unfortinally, now Batman sign lit in the station, no music or tv's in there also. The last part of the ride was fun as usual, but all the forces seemed to be in my feet! Well Batman isn't as good as Top Gun at PGA or DD. I think my last rides on it were much better due to it being fresh off re hab. I still love how SFMM has kept the theming up though. Good Job. I also got a little preview on how Gotham would look that night..

Now onto Collossus backwards! Everyone rode even my mom! Holy crap, well she rode fowards and well.. won't be riding agian but wasn't tramatized! We got the last row on the backwards side, which allowed us to stare at the whole track backwards, very cool sensation falling down the hills, but the brakes kill this poor ride, it would have a nice air filled drop then crawl over the hills, the turn around before the bunny hops, must of took a year! But the hops were the best part of the ride. Nice short wait to. I noticed how the queue was also repainted. Now paint S:TE's queue!

Now we did Blood Falls, whoo hoo! The tv's are on! Don't ask why I said that, but I love SFMM tv! They had a Green Day Music video on! C'mon SFMM tv owns all! Well Blood falls didn't look like much was added, saw a butt load of fog machines though. Some speakers on the lift, and what looked to be an aera were monsters would scare, also passed a camp site. Well, here was the only bad employee of the day,the ride had numerous ops working in the towers on the flume and one was sleeping on the JOb! NO JOKE! But the one operating the last drop was great, he gave us a smile when we were laughing in antisipation of getting soaked on the drop. Best typical flume i've been on.

We went over to Viper and they decided not to ride, but to look for Ice cream then go back to the hotel. I rode Viper, marvelous! 3 train Operation 15 minute wait! Awesome ride as usual. Now that SFMM needs these huge capacity rides, Viper is even better to me! The first drop and Loop is so awesome. The ride seemed much smoother, I have never had head banging, but the little guy next to me was in the line of OTSR fire, on the break run he said" I liked the ride a lot expcept the park were my head banged side to side" I explained to him, soon he won't need to worry. But he still liked it, and I usually get a lot of shoulder banging, but it was minimal on this trip. X was a 3 hour wait. I wanted to ride very badly so I bought a great frozen Lemmonaide for 3.75 and queued up. Well no fastlane today is this oen train op? Somthing must of happend... Well trains stoped cycling. Uhh oo people in the queue start to spreak the word that it's broken for 30-60 min. I'm gone. There goes 35 minutes. Well I came out of there into a very crowded park. I was tired, boerd and by myself. I strolled past Reve, line out of queue. I take everyone's favorite ride The Orient Express to the top of the hill,

Ninja is still closed. S:TE has it's nomal wait, down the hill I go. Arrowhead Splash down, was going to ride but line out of queue ( i think there was alot of room in the queue not being used) RR, line out of queue! I hear loud noise, oh Batman and Robin show! I stroll in, and the show started, we're being held back because of safty, all of a sudden BOOM loud pyro, smoke is everywere, and they fill us into the stadium, which was sold out with the exception of the section we were about to fill.

The show ended up being a full house and I was impressed. If Disney or Universal did this it be much better. The dialouge was all pre recorded, stage hands rushed out on stage in the middle of the show, and the fighting was real fake, plus a dramattic fall stunt was viciously given away by the whole theater seeing the mats they landed on. But hey SF isn't known for these types of shows, and I was surpirzed at how much pyro there was, plus the sound system was amazing! The hellicopter was cool but you could easily see the robotic arm holding it up, I think Disney or Universal would figure out how to get it to fly though, but why am I griping? The Bat mobile was cool coming out with no one it it! Show was a bit on the short side to.

Well Line for RR was huge so I went up the hill Ninja was still closed but I saw the last lift hill going, and I went to the queue and waited, soon people joined and it tested a train. An op come on the pa system and said it's closed for another 1 .5 hours. Well I needed a boost of addreniline, it's Superman time. The wait was down a little but the dispatch times were still amazing resulting in a pretty short wait. The crystal Cavern needs to get some TLC bad, at least they have the lights working though! I which they piped the Superman theme in the plaza area, I spied 5 speakers hidden off in the bushes to, playing that darn fright fest storm that played ALL DAY AND NIGHT! And the theme plays in the first part of the cavern, so it's already there just needs to be piped out! Well I think it would make the atmoshpere aroudn the ride much better. The cavern was cold to fitting right in with the theme. Well I strap in and picked up the launch, right when I said " here we go" we were off like a bat out of hell. 20 seconds later, I was feeling great agian!

Well It's 30 minutes later and Ninja's running with people in line! Well I gave this ride one last shot to please me, in the money seat the very front. Wow this ride was great, the side to side rocking was great in those to spiral things. The last helix was killer! It's kinda long to! I found my niche for this ride!

Now I went down to Foods Ect to have dinner, I got a blue ice and when to Tacos ect. and got 2 tacos and chips for 5.50. I walked past Blood falls, which now was about to open for the night. The lift hill speil about Camp Omagosh! Was loud and fog was everywere. The wonderfull waterfall had red lights on it, was a great visual display! I sat down at the Chick Plantation to eat and watch it, I noticed the tv's showed a nice pre show for it, mmm I guess all the tv's in SFMM would have to show this, so that is why almost all were off, I don't care they could still show it around park, they had cartoons on after "the special report" anyway! Ok i'm weird. The food was good and I met up with the group agian and me and my mom's m/f went to wait in the 3 hour line for X. Well, lots of talking and looking at Viper, helped and soon enough we were at the station, were we could hear the awesome techno music! Too bad we were stuck here for about an hour! Well we got in the station, as we got closer I couldn't believe how big the trains are wow. I haven't seen so many people jumping up and down and so exicted to ride a coaster! I also noticed how high the station is above ground. The ops on this ride were magnificant, they worked as hard as they could , while monitoring the croud in the station, the have to not only check restrints, but force the seats to recline, becuase they seem to not want to go down all the way. Well in the middle of the train we strapped in the butterfly harness. I was on the inside seat, parter said he didn't care if it would be rough. SO we took the long dencent up the lift hill, I was holding on for dear life. We passed Viper's hight, and starred into the night sky for ages, then it happend..

We flipped over face first to the ground, the drop went by so fast soon we were facing the ground on top of the Raven turn! We couldn't believe how awesome this was, both screaming like mad! The bunny hill and 1st rotation were insane then in the turnaround I finnaly realized how fast we were going, I thought we would fly off the track! Then into the roll, another roatation, Raven turn agian, so awesome, must be the best element out there, and twist into the breaks. The whole train came into the station going nuts! We got the photo and met up with everyone else. We went into Monster alley which was a dark corridor in Baja Ridge, with dim colored lights, monstors had shakers and there own smoke machines, and really came out of nowere and scared us! A nice short free attraction. Then we went to Samuri summit which was tiny! There was a scare zone in the immeadiate area of Ninja, which was aweomse, but that was it! Must of been cause it was near closing time, but not by the looks of it! We went down the hill to Gotham but saw the Thumperbumpers, smokin and had to ride. Fright fest brought on a new look, featuring loud techno music, lights, and tons of fog. But jsut before our ride, the smoke went off, I guess because it was after closing and they were shutting down, still fun, we went to Gotham to find no fog, closed attractions and one evil clown whp was kinda enough to take a pic. It was the same costume as on Deja Vu in SFMM's Fright Fest adds. After that we left, the light show on Collssus was realy cool, with all the flashing lights, and there was a big jam out of the lot. Plus people had trashed it bad!

That was an awesome day I was there from before opening to close, I though fright fest would be more, but it was a very welcome addition to the day. It was neat seeing the cloud of smoke over parts of SFMM from all the fog machines as well, I love this park and it was SPOTTLESS FOR THE 3RD TIME! The crews were great and alot of rides ran full capacity. I didn't see any B&M track though, but that will also be an awesome people eating addition to SFMM!


EDIT: I forgot! I rode Goliath after my ride on Collossus, we rode in the middle of the train, the this was my 3rd spin, the wait was pretty short and moved very fast. Eversene my last visit they added these bars above almost all the queue, that blow tons of mist, man it was tough to see! It felt so good. Well the ride came and the lift seemed quicker, I actually kept my eyes open the whole trip! My voice distorted during the helix of doom, and the first 3 drops were temendous! That tunnel is awefuly low!
I don't think I forgot anything else, other members of my group rode Reveloution at night which I hear was a walk on, and a blast.

See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!

*** This post was edited by Todd on 10/23/2002. ***

Nice TR! Did you think X was really smooth?


Yes, not even a hint of a bang at all! Thanks for the reply.

See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!

Very nice TR and it makes me confident that I can ride all the coasters in one day next year. After all I think I'm part of the reason you named your TR what you did.

*** This post was edited by medusafanatic on 10/22/2002. ***

I also forgot to ask you why didn't you ride Goliath?
Magic Mountain sure sounds like it has a great collection of rides to me! Now lets just see if they can have them all open at the same time.

*** This post was edited by PT300 on 10/23/2002. ***

anyone know why the tv's were off? :)
Nice TR. For once, we see one for this park without any negative rantings.
Yeah Medusafantatic your the inspiration for the tittle! I really don't see why this park gets such a bad rap! I mean yeah it's not perfect but what is?

See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!

*** This post was edited by Todd on 10/27/2002. ***

You messed up on my name lol no hard feeling though. One thing I still want to know though is why didn't you ride Goliath.

Check Edit.

See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!

There's no edit:)


Look at the end of the post.:)
Oops I thought he meant medusafanatic's name in Todd's post after his TR.


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