SFMM dudes

Last Sunday I went to SFMM.  I had a great time.  While I was in the season pass line there were two guys with Beast shirts on.  One was very blond and the other had brown hair.  The shirts read, "Beast 45 years" or something like that.  Anyways when I saw them  at Deja Vu they were talking about screamscape.  I thought to myself and figured they might be here because Coasterbuzz is the most famous coaster site on the net.  So if you guys are here, say hey.

BTW, Deja Vu Kicks V2 butt ;) :) :)

Formerly Xtremerider86

I like v2 better than DV hehe :-)
Soggy's avatar
You should have talked to them. I always talk to people who are sporting coaster t-shirts from other parks (with the exception of Disney). Coaster logo shirts are the dead giveaway for ACE'rs and enthusiasts.

BTW, The Beast is not 45 years old. It turned 20 in 1999, maybe they were 20th anniversary shirts?

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

Sometimes a person wearing a coaster logo shirt isn't an enthusiast, like the poor guy who was at SFA on a day when multiple people where visiting from CoasterCon at HP. Everyone kept asking him if he was an enthusiast because he was wearing a Beast shirt. He looked a little confused.

Batwing-Bow Down

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