SFMM, DCA TR..short and to the point.

Associated parks:

First ever time to SFMM. Heard the rumors about how rundown it is, so I expected to worst. And it was raining.. FIRST RIDE:
"X", in fact, was on the very first train to go that day. Enjoyed it but just couldnt remember which way I was going the whole time..very disorienting ... I like that.
Rides in no specific order..
Viper...A little rough but but enjoy the many times upside down.
Goldrusher...Since I was a kid, I just love the little mine coasters.
Riddler's Revenge...Only my second stand up ride. It was cool i guess, but cant have kids now!! HAHA
Revolution...had to ride the first upside downer. It was alright I guess. Didnt like the restraints.
Scream...One of my favorite types of coasters, floorless, enjoyed it very much, just not as much as Superman at SFFT.
Colossus...Enjoyed this more than I thought I would not as rough as its counterpart in SFGAdv. New cars??
Those are the highlights of my day. OH, and I broke my camera. The park was decent but alot of things closed and food places need to be cleaner.
Went to DCA and enjoyed this park VERY much. Nice, clean, and decked out.
California Screamin...Very nice coaster. Long ride. and a nice launch. Good music behind your ears. Rode it a few times.
Mulholland Madness...(spelled right?) Very first mouse coaster for me. Love the quick turns feels like your going to come off the track.
Soarin over California...decent ride but I was sitting all the way over on the edge, which I dont like on these type of rides.
Grizzly River Run (think that was the exact name)... the best rapids ride, if not the best water ride i have been on. Rode it 3 or 4 times. The atmosphere was great. Drops where good, the caves made it more fun. Just a great water ride!!!!!!!
Those are the main highlights of our day. The 3-D show in Bugs Land was very good as well. I had a blast at this park. Didnt want to leave.

"I see black spots." -- Me after riding Titans second helix.
Hey, what were your thoughts on Superman & Goliath @ SFMM?


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