SFMM 8/15

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This was my 2nd trip to the mountain in 2 weeks which is pretty good considering I live in UT.  Last time I went with my wife and her little sister.  This time my parents took me and my little sister.  My wife would've come to but she couldn't get work off.

Last time I went we ran to Goliath, Collosus, Batman, Riddlers, etc.  I wanted to try a new way.  Thank goodness I did.  Once again we were the first ones in the parking lot and we were one of the first people in line.  We ran to the lift that takes you up to Ninja and Superman.  We rode Superman twice before anyone was there.  My family loved it.  My mom couldn't even open her eyes!  A little after we got off Superman it was closed for most of the day after that!  We lucked out.

Ninja was next.  This is another winner in my book.  I love the front seat.  I don't even mind the lift hill at the end.

We hit Riddler's Revenge in the back row twice real quick right before the crowds came.  A great ride with a lot of cool inversions.

Batman TR:  I've always waited for the front row but today was different and will be from now on.  I got on the back row and it is way more intense!  I felt so much blood running to my feet.  This is my favorite ride in the park.  I like it even more than Goliath because I think Batman is more intense and I love the inversions.  Once X opens though I think I'll have another new favorite.

After Batman we met up with my cousins and rode Viper!  This always gives a good ride.  Gotta love the first loop that just keeps going up then the double loop into the sweet batwing and then those awesome trim brakes that let you hang through the corkscrews! 

We rode Psyclone after that.  My little sister and I got on the train before everyone else in our group.  Our ride was fine but everyone else got stuck on the next train in the transfer track area.   They were stuck for about a half hour which worked out well because they said we could all get on anything we wanted except Goliath.  So we went on Riddler's again.  Walked up through the exit and they let us get right on! 

THRILL SHOT!  The day I was there it was $10 for 1 ride.  I was actually a little disappointed because I would have paid the $18 for 2 rides.  Instead I just rode it once "Absolutely Insane"  The best part about this ride is the vulnerability you feel.  You don't have much to hold onto.  Getting flipped over as that thing took off was nuts.  I thought we were getting close to the top but it just kept going.  Once y9ou do get to the top you just hang up there for awhile!  Cool feeling.  Then you drop back to the ground.  It was worth the $10 I spent.  Ride it at least once if you haven't already.

We finally got in line for Goliath and waited about an hour.  I rode in the 2nd seat.  I love shooting into the tunnel.  I thought the trims were on a lot more this time then two weeks ago.  I could barely feel them two weeks ago and this time it felt like we came to a stop.  It's to bad they have to lay the brakes on so hard.  I wonder how Titan's mid-course brakes feel.  Probably not as bad because they have an extra helix before the brakes.

Another fun day at SFMM.  We left around 5:30 because it was so hot that day.  We had already ridden everything that we wanted to and my family was wasted.

I actually thought the employees were doing a pretty good job except on Goliath were I saw three trains getting stacked all the time while I waited in line.

Soggy's avatar
I was there the same day. I also went to Superman first, but we were the next in line to go when it broke down.

You should have stayed until 7:15, you could have witnessed X testing! I snagged some killer shots here: http://www.geocities.com/soggyjay/Soggys_pics.html?998064557980
We left after X tested, it went 5 times then shut down.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

i can't believe they tested it later that day. I was watching for it all day and it never went. We saw them putting another train on the transfer track in the morning but that was it.
Someday I'll get to see this thing in action with my own eyes and ride it for myself. I can't wait for that day!

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