SFMM 8-25 Deja Vu Opening Day!

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Soggy's avatar
We (myself and 2 co-workers) arrived at 9:30 to a very crowded entry plaza. They opened the gates a bit early, at 9:45! The race was on! I guess the word was out about DV opening, because by the time we got back there, there were already 200 or so people ahead of us!

I saw it test as soon as I got within view, but they did not actually open the ride until almost 10:30. The signs read that 6'3" is the official maximum height, but I took off my shoes and slouched a bit and was able to make it on! Dodged that bullet!

The ride itself is (as others have stated) much better than my expectations. DV is MILES ahead of a standard Boomerang, and also much more fun than an Invertigo. The lifts are VERY quick. Hanging on the first tower gives awesome anticipation, then WHOOSH!! You are down the drop and through the station in a blink of an eye. The G-forces are not too strong, but the ride is great. A tad bumpy, but NO HEADBANGING AT ALL!!! I really hope it stays that way! The backwards vertical drop is the best part of the ride IMO, a REAL stomach turner. If the GIB had simply larger towers at the 45 degree angle like Invertigo, than it would be not nearly as good. The vertical towers really make this ride worth it!

All in all I give it an 8 out of 10.

The only problem I have is cpacity. It's official, the 1100 pph that Vekoma advertised is a pipe dream. I estimated 300-450 pph in today's line. Horrible.

The total ride time is 1:20. Also, the OSTR's are much larger than on B&M's. If you are too large (girth) for a B&M with OSTR's you may fit on DV.
I need a push from the ride op on B&M's, but I was able to buckle my own on DV with quite a bit of room to spare!

I waited 1 hour and 10 minutes, but that includes the fact that it did not open until 10:30. Once they filled the whole queue, we were just about to start the nicely painted part of the queue (there is a not-no-nice looking part of the queue that goes behind the chili dog place) The wait was about 40 minutes from there. By the time we got off (11:15) the queue was PACKED. I heard rumors of a 3 hour wait, I believe them.

Some more DV tid-bits. They allow you to wait for the front, but the rest of the train is assigned seating. They are trying to fill every seat on every train (nice thought, actually) and tell you where to go. They have 16 loading gates, 2 people go each gate per dispatch. The even numbers go to the outside seats, and the odd numbers go inside. This so-called "sleek V-shaped train" might cause problems. One of the seats (6-1) was roped off (on opening day, sigh) already. I was in 6-2.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

So how you take your shoes off if they make you keep them on throughout the park, I am gonna have this hight problem too. :(
SFMM line cutters are the braviest in the world.
Ahh you were way behind me soggy, which way did u go, cuase when they tested it i was already by the side of surfside. Opening day for rides are so fun cuase everyone is pumped and they all clap and cheer as the went uip the lift.


Soggy, you were able to fit on Deja Vu? Aren't you 6'4"!? Lucky man. I was there today, and I had to walk around by myself while my sister and my friend went on Deja Vu. At least I got rides on Psyclone, Batman and Ninja! Heh heh. They thought the ride was amazing, and I felt like crying as they described it to me. Sigh...I'm very depressed right now...only X can cheer me up!
       We got to the line for the ride around 11 and it was almost a 3 hour wait. It was definetly worth it though. It broke down for about a half-hour while we were in line, we had already waited almost 2 hours and the people in front of us got out of line after all that time. Dangeling in my harness up the first vertical tower is very scary and really adds to the ride. Vekoma has a great ride here, a top 10 coaster for sure.
Deja Vu and X-Flight, Vekoma's comeback.
Soggy's avatar
Todd: I took my shoes off and had them in my hands as I was coming up the ramp into the station. Nobody gave me any grief about it.

Intaminrocks: Were you on the very first train? If so I have some digital pictures of the first public train running the course.

saviormachine: yes, I am almost 6'4". (6'3¾") I suppose I was close enough to make the cut, but the ops WERE checking. I was checked by 3 different people for height.

Suspended Andrew: Nice meeting you! He was wearing his snazzy CoasterBuzz t-shirt, which are still available for purchase! (shameless plug)

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

Hey Soggy,

Just wondering if you've done V2 yet and how it compares to DV. On the transitions from the verticle drops to the horizontal track, are the g's extremely powerful, or is it a smooth transition. Just curious, I like V2, but honestly, the repetitive back and forth extreme g's on the transitions make me toooo dizzy and nauseated. Just worried I might have the same problem with DV.

Soggy's avatar
No, I have not been on an Intamin Impulse Coaster, so I cannot say for sure how it compares. I did not feel extremely powerful G's on the pullouts from the vertical drops, so you might be OK with it. Also, you only go through those drops once each on DV rather than multiple times on V².

I think more people will like Deja Vu than dislike it. Now, BRING ON THE X!

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

Cool,  I am glad that I am only 6'1". I will probably be going up to SFGA next summer to ride theirs.....assumeing they don't decide to put one at SFoT.
I guess I'll just wear sandles so they make me take them off.
People if your too tall don't go on it.  Just what we need is some (rider) not following the height limit.  Then some (one) gets hurt.  Follow the rules,  there are other wonderful rides at SFMM that (people) that are too tall can enjoy. 

Deja Vu on Media Event was great!  Favorite part is going up the first tower

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