SFMM- 5-11-02- Park was packed!!!!!!

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Well we go there around 11:30 and took the tram over to the entrance. We waited a half an hour just get in.

Anyway here are my ride reviews! 1-10- 10 being the best

Viper (7/10) too bumpy, just not fun, but I did like those slow corkscrews overall it guess it was fun. Waited about 20 min.

Deja Vu (10/10) Excellente. I love the very beginning. When it takes you up. Awesome , didnt really think backwards was all that great though. hour wait. I like how the station was organized and they only let people in the staion when a seat is open.

Goliath (9/10) Very intense. First and 2nd drop was fun. The double helix gave me a headache. But it went away. I couldnt keep my hands up on that part. 45 min wait

Riddler's Revenge (8/10) I didnt really like standing so I sat on the little bicycle seat. Nice big loops and great elements. It was too crazy in the station there were too many people. hour wait

Superman (6/10) The line was dirty. How do you spell it Que Queing something like that. Theme was terrible. Just the robot superman was cool inside the line. Nice launch, i can just imagine Xcellerator. Huge wheels. Waste of time to me.

Batman Didnt ride 2 hour wait

X didnt ride, most of my friends were way too scared. 4 hour wait though. the closest we got to X was on Vipers lift hill.

Flashback closed

Spinout, that was cool

Chicken plantation was the best. The supreme scream in kids town was fun too. Collosus was too long 1 hour wait for it.

Ninja was another waste of time. (4/10) Way too short.

Psyclone (5/10) got 6 laps on it. The wait was 2 min. Bumpy

We forgot about revolution. And that concludes my TR.

*** This post was edited by Ether 212 on 5/13/2002. ***

Wow how could you forget about Revolution. The park didn't seem to be that crowded by the desciption of the hours of line you've waited.

If Goliath is only 45 min wait, i consider the park not crowded. Of course MM does a excellent job of dispacting the trians.


Sounds cool. I'm terribly sorry you didn't get to ride X. 4 hours is worth it IMO. Sorry your got 6 laps on Pysclone.

"Excitement, Adventure. A Jedi Craves Not These Things."

Great TR, SFMM is one of those parks you just have to get there at opening and even before that. S:TE just doesn't wow people anymore does it? How could you say the theming is so bad? Its very good for a lightly themed park that SFMM is, and in general of any parks, IMO.

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