SFKK announcement?

Does anyone now when SFKK will announce their new/used ride? They don't say anything on the six flags website.

SFKK is the only park I've know to start it's advertising after the park has been open.

I don't know when the announcement will be or even if they will announce it.


Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

Most of the announcements for the SF parks will be made some time in mid to late january,so you've got about 50 days to wait until then.
Chuck's right, other than somewhat early advertising, I've never known SFKK to announce a ride.

Go Tigers

I do re-call them announceing and advertising Chang and Twisted Twins befor the season started

Yeah, Chang and Twisted Sisters were both announced before the end of the previous years. Even the front page of the Metro section of our newspaper had a big drawing of what Chang was going to look like and everything.

Of course when Chang was added it was still when Premiere owned SFKK,I remember when Roar @ SFA was being advertised during frightfest in 97.

They had the layout & stats printed on the back of the frightfest maps reading "coming in 98 the worlds greatest wooden rollercoaster period!" as their marketing campain for the new ride.

Premier Parks still does own SFKK. Same guys, new name.
john peck's avatar
Ah, but KK was not owned by Premeir/SF when Chang was built in 1997.
The website now mentions something about lightning... instead of rock n' rollin or whatever it was before?
If you look at the top of their website it says.... with seven world class coasters. At the bottom it mentions Lighnin is about to strike for the 8th time in the same place! Stay tuned. That just about gives it away that they will be getting their 8th rollercoaster.
I believe the 8th coaster was already a given for must of us here on CB. So we have "Rock n' Rollin" and "Lightning". So does Viper keep its SFoG Theme? Stay Tuned GREASERS!!!!!

CBCon Quote "We didn't even get wet"......30 seconds later you hear plop, then splash!!!!

john peck's avatar
Has anyone driven past the park recently to see if there has been any new construction going on?


Of course when Chang was added it was still when Premiere owned SFKK,I remember when Roar @ SFA was being advertised during frightfest in 97.

Premier Parks still owns Six Flags, in essence. Remember that back in '98 Premier Parks bought Six Flags from Time Warner, NOT the other way around. They contiued with the name Premier Parks for a bit, but then they changed their name to Six Flags Theme Parks Inc., but their stock symbol continues to be PKS I believe.

In other words, the same company has owned SFKK for a while and SFA (formerly Adventure World and Wild World) has essentially been under the same company since around '91 or '92 when Wild World became Teirco's (name before Premier Parks) 3rd park after Frontier City and the water park in OK.

Whatever it is, we should be happy that SFKK is at least getting a new/used coaster! The question I have is, with clues like Rockin and Rollin and Lighting striking an 8th time, what kind of theming are they thinking of???

The "8th time" part is just referring to SFKK's 8th coaster. I also wonder what kind of themeing they will have, but I'll be happy for any themeing at this point.


I dont care what they theme it. You can theme it after Barbie, Wonderwoman, Tiddleywinks, Spaceghost, etc, etc.

Just as long as they are giving life back to this great Anton masterpiece. ;)

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

LOL Just not theTeletubbies! Please! I do know someone that would love the Wonder Woman theme.....;)
Brad Sherman
"I had a good summer. I went to Great America, then I got Mono." - Wayne Campbell, SNL
Model coasters and rides

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