SFKK 06-14-04 It was running...it was actually running!!!

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My g/f and I decided to waste a few hours at our home park, SFKK. Crowds wasn't too bad with the majority of the people at the water park. Greezed Lighting was closed, so we headed over the bridge towards Chang. Chang of course was still
running a one train operation. With atleast a 20 minute wait, however while I was waiting I noticed something running in the skyline.

No...wait it couldnt be could it?? It was Quake!! I haven't seen this ride operate since the 2000 season. Anyways, after a great ride on Chang which needs a paint job very badly. I never understood why they stopped plans for making this area into Gotham City. Of course back then they had the Batman Stage show, but if there is one thing SFKK needs is theming.

Anyways, I decided to get my 1st ride on Blizzard River, wow these rafts are extremely small. It was a great raft ride, but is these rafts supposed
to get this much water in them. I mean there had to be atleast a couple of feet of water, it was atleast a inch or two past my ankles. Which brings me to the point, that yes, I did want to get wet, but not give my shoes a bath. I also noticed that SFKK recently installed misting fans in a few of the queues like T2 and along walk ways. That is a nice perk

Anyways afterwards we decided to ride Thunder Run which was a walk on, great ride as always, but the op stapled me in so zero airtime. Afterwards we headed towards Quake, I couldnt believe it
was actually running and by the looks of the riders on it, who really cared. The ride seemed quite chunky and appeared as if it could break down at any moment. They should really remove this and put in a Top Spin. The ride isn't fun at all, but its still good for a nice break.

So since we was still soaked from Blizzard River, we then decided to ride Mile High Falls. Apparently
the one train operation rule is going strong here with only one boat running. Not only that, but at the top during the turn around, there wasn't any water. Nothing like a water ride minus the water, haha.
I also noticed that during the turn around back to the station that there was a few water cannons that was setup, but not working...too bad. Anyways, I was never much of a fan of Twisted Whatever, so we skipped that. Before walking back across the bridge, we rode The Giant Wheel....and then we noticed that Greezed Lighting was actually running.

So we headed back in that direction and stopped at the Tin Lizzies...I havent rode one of these in forever, brings back memories. We then went front row walk on for Greezed Lighting, this was my 1st time on the front row and going thru that loop backwards was kinda freaky. It felt like you could fall out, haha.

We then headed over to Road Runner Express, I dont really like Wild Mouse coasters, it always freaks me out thinking the coaster will go off the edge during those turns, but thats what it is supposed to feel like. We was going to leave, but decided to ride Breakdance. Its a nice flat, but the unloading for this thing is horrid. The op has to come to each
car and release the lap bar, so we was waiting atleast 5 minutes to get off the ride.

With just recently visiting SFGAM, I got to see how a real Six Flags park should operate. I mean don't get me wrong, SFKK has improved by leaps & bounds. However with the one train operation & much need paint jobs, there is still room for improvments.
I just hope that maybe we can get our own Deja Vu & V2. Atleast V2 wouldn't take up much room in the park. I won't hold my breath..... *** Edited 6/15/2004 5:02:37 PM UTC by Tek233***

You really want a Deja Vu? You'll *never* see one of those mofos running.

[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
All the people at the Coasterbuzz Con 2K4 did.
onceler said:
All the people at the Coasterbuzz Con 2K4 did.

That's right Mike, we sure did, it was worth the 20 minute wait even when the catch car or whatever it is called went down, I didn't think we were going to ride it but we stuck it out, didn't we? It was good to put faces with names, not to mention the free coke cans you gave for my friends and I.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

The rafts on Blizzard River aren't that small. Hershey's boats only have 6 seats. I actually prefer the smaller boats over larger ones. It seems like the rapids can toss the boat around more the smaller it is.
I did get to ride Deja Vu at SFGAM with a 40 minute wait...awesome ride. I think they pretty much got the kinks out.
Yup...cuz headbashing isn't a flaw, it's a feature!
Here's Kristin and +Danny with their Deja Vu ears.

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Wow, I really like Danny's comic acting in "Scrubs."

[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Sounds like six Flags is really turning their customer service around! :-)

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