SFGAM'S Deja Vu to open in July??

This kid I know, hes a operator and supervisor, he told me that the ride wont open til July because they lost the blueprints?? I think that was it, and the trains arent done. I dont really believe the train part, but I dont know about the prints. This ride is already getting old, and I havent rode it yet. Anyone hear about this?
It better open in July, thats when im going again. I want to be able to ride it atleast once this summer.

Tylers Da Bomb said:
"This kid I know, hes a operator and supervisor, he told me that the ride wont open til July because they lost the blueprints??

LoL, cmon. You dont actually believe ride-ops do you?

Dayuum, Your HOT!
True, but still. The ride is taking to long to open. Im always bored of it.
I highly doubt they lost the blueprints. I think it was the faulty life mechanism.
I know most people would disagree with me, but I think the delay is effecting the attendance in a good way. (Remember: This is just a thought)

Any ways, Most of the "GP" doesn't know when Deja Vu is going to open, Unlike us coaster enthusiasts who check up on that stuff every day, :).
So, the GP goes to the park hoping that new ride is going to be open, It isn't, oh too bad they think, we'll come back again in a week or two. So they come back, and guess what? It's still not open.
In the meantime SF is gaining money from the drinks, food, ect. I know that it wasn't the plan or anything, but it's just another one of my crazy thoughts.
Anyway, This is building up a lot of excitement just waiting for the ride to officially open. Most people probably think I'm crazy right about now, but.......
Don't fight it, Ride it, Raging Bull!
Webmaster:SFGAm 2001
The earliest this ride will open will be toward the end of July. You can commit that to be true, I'm sure that the employee's know what time period the ride will be open and if they tell you they are lying. Like I said look for the ride to open toward the end of July. Employee's please comment.

The part about the train's is somewhat true. I can't comment about the blue prints.


SFoG's is supposed to open at the end of the month. I hope so, It had better be worth the wait! :)

Mindbender...Can you hear the Riddler chuckling?
It better be open by July 14 beccause that is when Im going to SFGAm. I truly hope it's open, or I won't be able to go on the ride for a long time.

Congratulations Ray Bourque!!

Colorado Avalanche: 2001 Stanley Cup Champions!
When I went to the park with my school in May. One of the ride ops said they weren't sure if it would at all open this year. I dont believe this one bit, but wow what the heck is keeping them from opening? He also commited that they are having a lot of problems with the ride all over the place? WHat trouble? Someone please fill me in
Deja Vu isn't going to open this year at all? Now that's some of the biggest bull crap I've ever heard. The ride is just being delayed a little longer than I would like. I'm just glad GA is getting one.

Don't fight it, Ride it, Raging Bull!
Webmaster:SFGAm 2001
i herd from a friend a ride op that will run dejavu that it is supposed 2 open july 27th but dont take my word 4 it

rollercoaster kid said:
"i herd from a friend a ride op that will run dejavu that it is supposed 2 open july 27th but dont take my word 4 it"

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""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
nope wrong again....

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