SFGAm TR ( 6-11)

Associated parks:

This was my first day at the park in almost 11 months. When me and my friend walked in I got my Season Pass processed quickly. Me and my friend then saw that Deja Vu was open. We headed for the ride and it broke down after 5 minutes.

We just headed for Raging Bull. There were only 2 trains running This is a great ride with a great first drop, and is my #3 steel behind Millennium Force and Magnum. I give it a 9.5/10.
There was NO line. So we rode again.

We approached Viper, a great woodie with lots of airtime. No line for this one, so we rode again. I give this 9/10.

We decided to walk to American Eagle. No line for this one either! I've never ridden a full circuit coaster backwards, and to me, there is no real difference besides seeing the track in front of you. Good ride but is WAY too slow in the mid course. I'll give the AE 7.5/10.

We then headed for Demon, a ride we knew we'd probably only ride once. This ride is okay for a person who has never been on a looping coaster, but the corkscrews are too rough. This deserves a 6.5/10.

Me and my friend decided to try to wait for Deja Vu again. Boy, is everything about the pre ride expierence bad. The trains take about 5 minutes to load, and it's VERY annoying. There are little cages in front of the ride before you get in! That's just ridiculous. We waited an hour and a half when every other coaster in the park was a walk on. C'mon. The ride itself is scary when you are going up the lift backwards, as you are facing down with the harnesses barely protecting you. The ride itself was pretty good, but not worth the wait. I give it 7/10.

We skipped Iron Wolf because me and my friend both dislike the ride, and walked to the V2 and Batman area. V2 had no line, so we rode this first. I like this ride, it's my favorite behind Raging Bull and Viper. It gets an 8/10. Batman also had no line, and I actually blacked out on the Zero G Roll! I like Raptor a lot better than this ride, but Batman is still real intense, but too short. Batman gets a 7.5/10.

I rode Shockwave, in the red train, this ride was just too rough. At first I give it a 6.5/10. Me and my friend walked to Burger King instead of spending a fortune on Six Flags food. We walked back into the park, I got 2 re rides on V2, 2 more rides on Eagle, one backwards and one fowards, 2 Batman re rides with one in the front, A shockwave re ride that was MUCH better in the front of the blue train and gets a 7/10, I re rode Viper 4 times, no line at all each time. I also rode Whizzer, which is a good ride. I was originally going to ride it earlier but it rained hard for about 10 minutes.

After 2 rides earlier on Raging Bull at the end of the day and re rode it 8 times. We also rode it in the front once which is better than the back, as most people think the back is better. It was finally dark for our 10th ride, but then the ride broke down! After 10 minutes, the ops announced that it was opening again! I had a pretty good night ride. I've been to SFGAm about 20 times, and I'd say that this was probably the best. Thank you, SFGAm!

*** This post was edited by BRENTWOOD23 on 6/12/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 6/13/2002. ***

Good TR, but please break your story into paragraphs so its easier on the eyes.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

Due to the fact that Deja Vu broke down at the end of the night the ride ops allowed us to reride 3 times in a row without getting off. Once again SFGAM knows how treat their customers.

Me and my friend then saw that Deja Vu was open. We headed for the ride and it broke down after 5 minutes. Is this ride run by a bunch of immigrants?

I'm sorry but why do you have to discriminate against immigrants for? The ride has its problems, lets not blame them on the immigrants


"Me and my friend then saw that Deja Vu was open. We headed for the ride and it broke down after 5 minutes. Is this ride run by a bunch of immigrants?"

what is with that? thats a bunch of crap and if u dont like the internationals that are at the park then dont come. they are part of what makes six flags so great. most of them are really nice people who are very intelligent. and i think its great how they come here from a different country and learn many new things just to work here. if that was u would u want someone to say that about u? dont blame the rides undependablity on people u may or may not have a problem with. i know that at some coasters in the park they have dt's bc of regular guests are u gonna sit there and make rude comments about them? i think that was uncalled for. u dont even know any of these ppl and if u took the time to get to know them maybe u wouldnt be so quick to pass judgement about them.

Sorry guys. I missed that statement when I read the TR. It has now been removed. BRENTWOOD, watch what you say in the future.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

Geez, chill out guys, it was a joke, and no, I'm not racist. If somebody said " It was run by a bunch of white people"...I would laugh. And to LucyintheSky's post, I wasn't LITERALLY talking about the Six Flags employees.

*** This post was edited by BRENTWOOD23 on 6/13/2002. ***

If anyone wants to see the pictures I took from my digital camera that day visit my friend's coaster site http://dropzone224.tripod.com and go to the picture section.

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