SFGAm next Thursday, June 20th

Will anyone else be there? And how will crowds be?

MI Adventure!

meeting calendar. try using that.


If the world was perfect, we would have a rollercoaster at every corner.

I'm going there with another fanatic, I won't get there until roughly 3:00 and I'll only be able to stay between 3 and a half to 5 hours (my parents are going to a wake in Illinois.) But etherwise, I really don't think the crowds will be bad, despite what people say, the best way to avoid it is the Fast Lane, it really is worth the ten bucks get there early if you want them. I'll probably depending on crowds will only be doing the left side of the park (i.e. Deja Vu [if open], Raging Bull, Viper, Demon, and Whizzer) I will be wearing a shirt that is handmade, has my cbuzz name on the back, and it says "Deja Vu or bust" and on the front it says Coaster Fanatic. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday's Gone With The Wind.
Elijah Rock.
Is it written in the stars?
La Vie Boheme!!!

Todd, your away at both of your AOL instant messages, come back on one of them.

Tuesday's Gone With The Wind.
Elijah Rock.
Is it written in the stars?
La Vie Boheme!!!

Meeting calendar in the tools section to your right.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

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