SFGAm Labor Day rains don't scare us! Shockwave ?

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We arrived at 10 and went straight to Southwest Territory. It was raining a lot so we went to Chubasco. After that we went to Raging Bull. No one was waiting so we decided to be the first to wait. We waited awhile and got wet int the rain. It wasn't a ride op, but someone with a higher position(light blue shirt) was walking around and he told us that "it would be awhile due to the lightning." We said we knew. I also asked him if Shockwave was coming down. He said, "I haven't heard anything yet, but I hear a lot of things, but it's just deciding what to believe." Of course he could be joking with me, but it seems to me the employees know nothing yet!

It was kind of funny because we waited under the fiesta fries stall to keep dry, but when people would get close to RB, my friend and I would go back in RB's line to be the first ones! It finnaly started testing at noon. At 12:15 they let people in and we were the first row of the first train of the day.

They finnaly started running all the rollercoasters so we went to Viper. We waited 5 minutes for last row.

We then went to V2. We went directly in the station. We waited front row. Then it started lightning again. No rain, just lightning. We waited an extra 15 minutes.

Then we went to Batman. 10 minute wait. It was about 2:00pm so we decided to leave.

V2 can't be compared to any of the rides in SFGAm!The Vertical Drop was amazing!

I heard it wasn't crowded at all cuase of the rain, you lucked out!

See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!

Why did you leave!?!?!?! I would've stayed all day!

87 different coasters for this year and counting... 149 total!

Kick The Sky's avatar

I was there as well and did stay. Walk on rides on Viper, Demon, and Eagle. Practical walk-ons on Raging Bull, Batman, V2, Whizzer and Iron Wolf. 3 hour line for Delay ja vu :)

All in all a great day and I got to meet Bull Guy in the queue for Viper.

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Operation Wicked Twister - Goal: Lose 50 lbs by next season to ride it! (updates soon)

Some of the best days ive been at the park is when it has rained!!! It scares off alot of people so we can have it too ourselves!! I went Sunday instead and now wish i had went Mon. instead, i chose unwisely!!
BullGuy's avatar

Labor Day is almost always a great time to come out to GAm. The parks open 'till 8, and crowds are light, regardless of the weather. We got on all of the major coasters multiple times throughout the day, but only stayed at the park 'till 7. For the first time since Deja Vu opened, I waited less than 30 minutes. Viper gave the usual hell spawned ejector airtime, and it even changed one of my buddies opinion of it.(Nice meeting you, Kick The Sky) Bull was slow in the morning, but that was probably because we got on very early. It was doing hella batter later on. the surprise of the day came on Iron Wolf. I only ride in the front, but since my friends were impatient, they opted for the back, because of a shorter line. I was bracing for a rough one, but got a surprisingly smooth ride. The only downside to the day was on Giant Drop. We rode it 5 times throughout the day, and it didn't feel as intense as other times. Still good fun. Shockwave's chain is clearly there, I have no idea how one could not see it, but I'm assuming that the naysayers haven't actually checked for it... That about sums up my short, disorginized mini-TR. Now one more thought...

I doubt the ops hear anything but rumors as to Shockwave's fate. I asked one ride op about Shcokwave, just to see what kind of answer I would get, and I was told that Shockwave is coming down because "one of the tires fell off". I told him somthing similar happened on Demon in the 90's, and he said "Well, Demon has three trains, and it's newer than Shockwave".

The moral of the story? Ride Ops aren't Gods. They do not know everything. You may come across a more knowledgeable one, but for the most part, they hear nothing but rumors.

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at Coasterbuzz.

*** This post was edited by BullGuy on 9/3/2002. ***

It wasn't a ride op I talked to, it was a supervisor. We left early because I had to work at 5pm. I live in Lake in the Hills, and I work at the Huntley Jewel Osco so it was quite a drive.

V2 can't be compared to any of the rides in SFGAm!The Vertical Drop was amazing!

BullGuy's avatar
I wasn't talking to you directly, I only said that because every so often you see "well the ride-op said this and that was coming next year...", and this was a good chance to preach my story.

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at Coasterbuzz.

*** This post was edited by BullGuy on 9/4/2002. ***

Oh, sorry BullGuy! I thought you were talking to me. Anyway, my mistake.

V2 can't be compared to any of the rides in SFGAm!The Vertical Drop was amazing!

Kick The Sky's avatar

Hey BullGuy, when you were there did you notice Batman stopped on the lift with a backpack dangling from the back row? Some idiot tryed to take his backpack on the ride and it fell on the lift and caught on the bottom of the seats. Great catch by the ride crew BTW.

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Operation Wicked Twister - Goal: Lose 50 lbs by next season to ride it! (updates soon)

BullGuy's avatar
No, I missed it, but I'm not surprised. People try the darndest things at amusement parks sometimes... :)

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at Coasterbuzz.

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