SFGAm June 25

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We got to the park late at about 2:30. We didn't feel like waiting for long lines so we skipped alot of rides and circled the park alot. Most crowded I have seen the park this year. I don't want to post the whole trip so here is the rides we went on:

American Eagle Blue Backwards- 2X- Great rides on it. Nice airtime on first drop. But, a little rough on the second bunny hill. I saw the third blue train. 7/10

American Eagle Red Forwards- 1X- Nice rides but I still like Blue Backwards better. 6/10

Demon- 1X- The ride seemed kind of slow today. But, it seemed more smoother today than usual. 6.5/10

Raging Bull- 2X- Both times were short waits. About 25 minutes. They were running three train operation, which was nice. I also got my first night ride on it. It was great nice air time and the park looks so good at night, and the rides seem better too. It also seemed faster at night. 10/10

Roaring Rapids- 1X- It was really hot thorugh out the day, so we went on some water rides. The lines were long, but it was worth it. On it we didn't get soaked but it was still fun! 6.5/10

Splash Water Falls- 1X- We got soaked on this. And we tried to escape the bridge with out getting wet, but we didn't make it! 7/10

Adrenaline Rush- 1X- This is the 2nd time I saw it, so it was kind of boring. But, the air conditioner was very soothing. 5/10

Condor- 1X- We where gonna ride S:UF, but the line was huge so we just went on Condor. Nice view. 6/10

Viper- 1X- Great Airtime probably because I left my lap bar up really high. Oh and there was a bad ride- op who said to us " this ride sucks, probably cuz its old" and I wanted to say have you ever ridden it its awesome and its not old it was made in 1995! I thought that was riddiculous that she said that. 8/10 ( it would have got 9 if it weren't for the ride-op)

Side Notes: It was hot and humid thorugh out the day and it was nice that they had the mist machines running and the Coca- Cola Cool Zone. Water rides were really crowded. And there was a few little shows for Kids Fest.

We left the park at about 9:05 because we were on Raging Bull and we got in line beofre 9. Overall a great day except for the crowds

Shockwave @ SFGAm R.I.P 1988-2002
Top 5 Coasters at SFGAm 1)S:UF 2)RB 3) DV 4)V2 5)Viper
Smell ya later!

Do you think there is a possibility that the ride op was just kidding with you knowing both that it is not that old and that it is a good ride?

I see Superman!

No, I think she was serious. But, I dont no. I'm pretty sure she was serious though.

Shockwave @ SFGAm R.I.P 1988-2002
Top 5 Coasters at SFGAm 1)S:UF 2)RB 3) DV 4)V2 5)Viper
Smell ya later!

Haven't u been to SFGA quite a bit these past few weeks... it seems u've posted quite a few trip reports lately but anyway nice tr, sorry to see a rude ride-op

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