SFGAm, 8/25. Finally got on V2!!!

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Only my second trip to my homepark so I was really anxious. The weather called for a washout (rain) so this kind of made me worry but my buddy and myself decided to take the chance anyway. Luckily we chose right because the crowds were light for a Saturday and the rain came in spurts.

Arrived at the park around 9:45. After paying the "INSANE" $10 parking fee, we found a spot in the 5th row from the entrance. When we entered my first mission and goal was to get on V2. Incase you are wondering why I had a mission, the last time I was at the park, I tried to get on V2 but couldnt get the side seatbelt of the harness to latch. Well, after dropping 23 pounds in just a  month(I lost it the hard way but thats another story) I boarded and to my delight the seatbelt latched with a lot of slack to spare. We tried the back first. Ride op says "Quick launch" and before you know it, you are off and running. What a unique and thrilling experience. The back tower with the brakes was the highlight of the ride. After that I said that we need to experience more of that spike so later in the day we sat near the front. While I liked the back better, the feeling of climbing that spike was nothing short of a religious experience. SFGAm has a winner with V2. ==2 laps, 10 min. and 45 min. wait.==

Next up was Batman:TR. Chose the back seat and as usual, this ride is the definition of intense. Absolutely no slowing up as soon as you crest the lift hill. It may lack in the track length department but the short time you are going through the elements cant be beat. ==1 lap, 5 min. wait.==

After Batman, my buddy started to feel nautious. It turns out he stayed up partying until 4:00 AM the night before and we had to get up by 8:00 AM.  He said this wouldnt stop him from riding but wanted to eat something before we get on anymore scream machines.
We decided to head over to SW Territory and get a bite to eat in the Crazy Buffalo Saloon. Wow, what a great themed sit down restaurant. Our waitress acted the way every waiter or waitress should. She was pleasant , polite, and served us very efficiently.

After eating, we walked over to Viper. It seemed to be back seat day on coasters so thats what we rode on this one. I cant get over how this woody seems to age like a fine wine. The headchoppers and laterals on this ride are insane. ==1 lap, 20 min. wait.==

O.K. Now my buddy was starting to be very quiet so I asked him if he still felt sick. He said his stomach was still messing with him but he would be alright. We headed over to American Eagle to a complete walk-on. Red side of course. The trains were so empty we decided to ride in our own cars. This ride is hit and miss with me. While I still love it because of the great first drop and airtime on the out bunny hops, the brakes were on extremely hard this time in the helix. I should have expected it but It doesnt hurt to wish they would be off. Coming off the helix was where a nightmare occured. My buddy sitting directly in front of me starts puking on our way back on the bunny hops towards the station. Here I am having fun and all of a sudden I see this brown liquid start to fly. He completely sprayed the seat next to me and got some on my shirt. This was nasty and I kept yelling at him to swallow until we got off but he couldnt hold it and hurled again. When we arrived in the station I told the ride op and he was like "DAMN".

Well, after a vomit shower and going to the washroom to clean up, my buddy had to go lay down in the car. I said I would meet up with him. It was now solo riding time for a little while. I was off to Raging Bull. They had a 2 train operation which kind of aggravated me because the line was long enough to justify a 3rd train. Hopped on the back car(surprise, huh???) and we were off. Going up the hill I had 3 teenagers in the same row with me. The one guy sitting next to me had never rode RB before. As soon as we got to the top I put my arms straight up and legs straight out. He looks at me and says "You are &?%@ nuts!! I laughed and then started yelling with delight. I cant get enough of this massive piece of steel masterpiece. The ejector air you get down the first drop and the floating air you get throughout the rest of the circuit is nothing short of magical. ==1 lap, 40 min. wait.==

I looked over at Giant Drop and luckily they had just opened the line after the ride broke down for some time. I figured what the heck? The line is going to be short this time so I marched over to "Da Drop" and got a quick fix stomach losing sensation. ==1 lap, 5 min. wait.==

I headed out to the parking lot to see how my buddy was holding up. Luckily he felt better and decided to continue having fun. I told him that I had my coaster fix so lets catch some shows and ride some slower flat rides so that is what we did for the remainder of the trip. I did get on Demon, Shockwave, and Iron Wolf (All 1 lap each) while he waited but all of the lines for these were walk-ons so he never waited long.

All in all a great day besides the hurling on the Eagle episode. The park was clean, most of the employees were friendly and efficient. Some of them were trying to make people laugh which worked. I am glad to call this Six Flags my homepark. I walked out a tired but happy man.
I dont want to grow up, Im a Coasters-R-Us kid!!!!

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 8/26/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 8/26/2001. ***

How did you lose the weight?
I was hospitalized with acute pancreatitis. I couldnt eat for a week straight and was only on IV's. When you get this condition and are on a strict hospital healing process, your body drops weight very quickly. That was the only good thing that happened when I got sick because I needed to shed some pounds. I made a full recovery and now I am at an ideal weight.
I dont want to grow up, Im a Coasters-R-Us kid!!!!
Awesome TR, it's weird, i never encountered a vomit attack ever...Oh well, glad you had fun:)

"Thank you for challenging the Raging Bull. We hope you enjoy the rest of you're day, here at Six Flags Great America."

It's good to hear that your feeling better Chitown.

I was going to ask you to use paragraphs but something got in the way when I was going to tell you. It's easier to read the TR with the paragraphs.

I'm glad you were able to get on Vertical Velocity.

That sinks to hear your friend "blew some chunks" on American Eagle. When I was at SFGAm in July, a women "blew some chunks" on the four row of the yellow train on Raging Bull. It was the left end seat. I felt sorry for the guy who had to sit there. Early in the day I saw silver tank cans like tanks for swimming and was wondering what those were for. I had to find out the hard way.

Don't Fight It: Ride It! Raging Bull

Was the illness the reason that a coaster fiend such as yourself has only been up to "G-Town" twice this season? I remember in the off-season you were saying how you rode past the park on your lunch breaks, or something like that. Maybe I'm wrong.
My illness was part of the reason for only going twice this year. The other was not being able to take off work and I dont like going to this park on weekends. However since the park is now only open weekends I basically had no choice but to go on a Saturday.

I never went by the park during lunch breaks. I always passed the park when I would go pick up my daughter because she lives in that area.

Raging Bull, thanks for the kind words. I feel great now. My TR is paragraphed.

I dont want to grow up, Im a Coasters-R-Us kid!!!!

I wouldn't want to go to SFGAm on weekends, but since the park is only open on weekends now, I can see why you have to go.

I wouldn't like to be in a hospital bed for a week and not eat anything.

I bet ya that it felt good to eat something after you got out of the hospital :)

Don't Fight It: Ride It! Raging Bull

beast7369's avatar
Actually SFGAM is still open weekdays...well until next Monday (Labor Day) anyway.

Welcome to Deja Vu...home of the world wide wait.

I'm happy to hear you finally got to ride an Intamin Impulse, but I'm sorry to hear how you lost the weight. I'm glad you enjoyed the ride however.

Batwing-Bow Down

beast7369 said:
Actually SFGAM is still open weekdays...well until next Monday (Labor Day) anyway.
Welcome to Deja Vu...home of the world wide wait.

If you go to the Six Flags site you will see that the park is not open this week unless they are doing bonus days like SFWOA. Can anyone confirm this.

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!

Glad to hear that you are doing well, Chitown.  I noticed that you had stopped posting and wondered what happened.  Great to have you back and I'm glad that you had a good time (minus the Eagle incident).

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