SFGAm 8/12/02 Shock Wave Surveyors

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When my friend and I pulled into the drop off, there was a Surveyor in the drop off zone. The surveyor said Shock Wave would definately be gone next year. He also said it would be some sort of Superman ride. When we suggested Superman Ultimate Flight, he said that sounded familiar. There were two more surveyors by Shock Wave. The blue train being completely removed, along with the removal of the lift chain, is further confirmation that the ride is over for the Shock Wave.

When we got in to the park, we decided to go to V2 first. Rode in front. 5 minute wait.

After V2, we went on Batman, also front row. 30 minute wait.

Whizzer was open but it had a long line so we didn't ride.

Then we rode American Eagle backwards in the back of the train, front of station.

After that, we went on Splashwater Falls. being a complete idiot, I left my camera in my pocket. It seemed to still work afterwords but we'll see how the pictures turn out.

Next, I bought a Shock Wave shirt just in case and had lunch. When we got back from lunch, we realized this was going to be another weekday Saturday.

My friend talked me into going on Triple Play. After that, I needed a break so we went to Zajie. It was sort of good.

Then we went on Raging Bull. Rode back row. I used my camera in an attempt to not get stapled. It worked except the ride stapled me on the dip. I still don't see how people think it's worse this year.

We were going to ride Viper but the line was way to long so we had dinner.

After dinner, we went to Deja Vu. After we had been in line for five minutes, some persn line jumps us to meet up with some friends. My friend tells them that is not allowed. The one guy started getting really mad and swearing at us. We decided not to wait behind these jerks for another hour. Got out of line and saw a supervisor. Told the supervisor what had happened. She called security. Then we got to go in the security trailer and write about what happened. They have a really neat arial picture of the park from 1991.

The people were ejected from the park and we got to get on Deja Vu through the exit. The whole thing took 25 minutes. Rode 2 B. For some reason, that row vibates a lot.

After Deja Vu, we rode Logger's Run. It's a good ride but I think Ice Mountain Splash is better.

We then rode Roaring Rapids seven times.

Then, we finished off the day with Deja Vu. 1 hour wait. Rode 2 B again. It broke down when we were on it. We went to far into the station so they to push us back about 3 inches.

I was the friend who was with him. And when we went on Roaring rapids in the evening the Re-ride gate was open so we had to do it 7 times in a row! Man that is a fun ride. Also on the Americain Eagel we were going for the 2nd row on the red side. They were racing the eagel the train before us but once we got on they began to dispatch both trains at the same time but as soon as the first car on our train was out the station the ride op hits the E-stop because some dumb kid was waiting in side the staion! I'm cursed when it comes to the eagel racing.

Have you ever been to SFGAm and seen Deja Vu closed? If you have then go again and it WILL BE DEJA VU!

Sorry I couldn't hear you, The voices in my head are drowning you out.

You guys did a great job by telling security of the line jumpers!!!!! Im glad the park took the right action and that you guys were rewarded for your good deeds with the exit walkback to the ride.
Thank you Bob o! It's good to know some people actually believe that we deserved to be rewarded most people i talked to about it just said "well why was it your job to stop them?" man that was very nice of you to say that!

Have you ever been to SFGAm and seen Deja Vu closed? If you have then go again and it WILL BE DEJA VU!

Sorry I couldn't hear you, The voices in my head are drowning you out.

CPLady's avatar
I can't believe people would defend the line jumpers and you reporting them. I rarely see line jumpers at CP, but I've had my share of reporting rowdy and obnoxious young teens, and have always been met with words of thanks and/or cheers from others.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

BullGuy's avatar
It's the same people giving reports on Shockwave's demise...

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at SFCB.

If more people would act in the manner you did maybe we would have less problems with line jumpers!!! While at PKI we had somebody trying to line jump while on the SOB after a bunch of us berated them verbally they left the line on thier own without us having to notify the park.

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