SFGAm 7/11

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This happened to be one of the scraiest days for me. You'll see at the end.

Today my mom and two of friends went to the park. left the house around 9:00 and got there at around 10:00. We only waited 5 min. to pay to park. We saw Superman's first train of the day w/people on it. We first went to guest relations to get my friend his season pass ticket. My mom, friend and I all had season passes. When the guy asked if anyone else was getting a pass my mom said we all already have one. So he gave my friend a family price for his season pass. And he had a coupon for $10 dollars off. He got a very good deal.

The lines to get in were long as usual but the entrance to right next to guest relations was closed. Wonder why? The rides cosed today were Logger's Run, East River Crawler, Hometown Fun Machine, and you guessed it: Deja Vu. I was sooooo surpised. :-)

Since we saw Superman was open we went there first. Very happy w/the line. The que was a third of the way full so it took about 40 min. Last row ride. That was only my 5th ride on it. Awesome ride as usual.

Next we headed to Vertical Velocity. It was weaving except for two of the lines. No bridge. Haven't seen that all season. Took about 30 min. Got a last row ride. My first ride in the back. That has to be the best seat next to the front.

Next we did Ice Mountain Splash since we saw a very short line from V2. When we got there it said it was closed due to maintnence problems. Then we headr some woman telling her friend that someone got their arm hurt on the ride. Next thing we see is someone w/a wheelchair going into the ride. We saw the girl leaving the ride. I saw her sleeve. It was black just above her elbow. My friend said he heard them telling her why it happened and, supposedly, not to sue. I dont really believe it. They let people back in about about 5 min. later. We gotmour ride. Of course I was in the front. Not to wet considering I ducked down the whole drop.

One thing I noticed is that there are two drops right next to each other directly across from the drop on Ice Mountain Splash. There obviously for Logger's Run but I STILL even today dont know why there are two drops next to each other. The only time I ever went on Logger's Run we only went on the left drop. Whats the other side for? I thought that was for Ice Mountain Splash but I guess not.

Anyway, next we had lunch at the Farmer's Market. I shared Buffalo Wings and cheese fries with my mom. I guess it was good.

Next we did Raging Bull. Three train operation. No weaving. the line started just after where the person usually sells drinks in line. We did a front row ride. Yellow train. Amazing like always. I know the blue train supposedly gives you less airtime than the others. But which one gives you the most? Not sure.

Next we did Giant Drop. About 10 min. wait. Nice ride. Got an amazing view of the park. Its interesting how in my seat the first spike on Deja Vu is right in front of the back spike on V2. (not literally, just looked like it) It was very cool. I had a little troubly getting my seat belt out. Sorta embarrassing.

Next we did Viper. about 15 min. wait. Got the fifth row. I noticed that on one of the traines, the entire front car ahd the next seta please sign on it. The front row was now double the time it would be. That must suck. Next we wanted to do go-karts but didnt want to wait. So we went to the Bumper Cars to find out that was closed. So then we went to Batman. Earlier it went outside the que into some weaving police things. But this time it didnt go out of the que. It was full except that two of the lines in the "good" Gotham City weren't used. Only took about 30 min. Lat ride. For the first time I felt dizzy after that ride. Maybe its just the back.

Next was Iron Wolf but we didnt want to wait that long. So we did American Eagle backwards. Saw the thrid train. Only the left side of it had the side padding. Just wondering, have they ever used three trains before? Is that train new or something? Does red have three trians? When was the last time they used three trains, if ever?Did something happen to that train? Sorry about the questions. :-) the wait was only about 10 min. Maybe a little more. Fun ride.

Next we did Raging Bull again. Yellow train, 6th row. This time we waited a little over 15 min. Only about six of the que things (que lines?) were used. Nice airtime.

We decided we would do the Go-Karts. the sky toward the front of the park was really dark.. In lines it staretd to drizzle. And then it started to pour. My friend and mom didnt go and decided to watch some bike show thing. Not wet at all. One of the guys slipped from the rain so they cancelled the show. My mom and friend got to stand under the Space Shuttle. Oh I forgot, that was closed too. They closed the Go-Karts and said you could stay in line or get a refund. We went to get our refund. We waited about 5 min. Completely soaked. Still waiting to get EIGHT DOLLARS! back. Still pouring he says "do you wanna just wait in line?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! At fist I was happy cuz I thought he meant forget the money. But then I said sure and he went towards the line. I was soo mad. I just said" WHAT ARE YA DOING?" Did I mention it is STILL POURING. So he says just wait in line. He stands by the coke machine hadly getting wet making me stand in the pouring rain to get eight dollars. He says lets go by your mom and go back later. We went back abotu 5 min. later (still pouring) and got our money back. We decide to wait under the space shuttle and then finally the sun comes out and the rain is starting to go away. Very mad from being soaked, being told to wait in line while it pours while he stays somewhat dry, and simply getting eight dollars back, he of all things says, "lets go back and see if the Go-Karts reopened? I wanted to kill him. Not only is the track still completely wet, I really dont care anymore.

So of course he says "lets do the Bumper Cars (which reopeend). Waited 10 min. And it actually helped. Got to crash into people. Walked out w/a smile on my face.

Next we did S:UF. No weaving. About 25 min. wait. Lat row. In the turnaround after the pretzel loop, I just saw tons of change fly out. We wanted to do V2 and Raging Bull to end our day. The sky also got very dark again but not that bad towards Raging Bull. Skipped V2 because of a longer than we wanted line, and went to Ragig Bull. The line was alos longer than we wanted. So went to Giant Drop to end our day. Only my friend and I went on this.

Very short wait. But here comes the scray part. The sky is darker now. My friend put his hand out and it started drizzling. I wanted to leave then line. We were going to and then soe announcement came up," attenetion ladies and gentlemen, at this moment the operation of Giant Drop ahs been seized do to the current weather conditions..." and more stuff liek that. they still continued to let people on. We were gonna leave but my friend said it stopped raining. We got on the ride and then heard the announcement again. During it, of course they start the ride up. I was very scrared. After getting off, my mom said she was gonna tell us to get off because she saw lightning but she didnt cuz we were next in line. That was the last ride. We left and got free corn nuts and as soon as we got i the car, it started to rain. Just in time. We went to Burger King for a late dinner.

All in all, a good day. Bad weather for a liitle while but still fun.
*** This post was edited by SFGAMan 7/12/2003 6:22:35 PM ***
*** This post was edited by SFGAMan 7/12/2003 9:51:46 PM ***

Nice TR. At first read (a speed read I guess) I could not figure out what was so scary. Then, after reading more attentively, I realized that you were close to a couple of hundred feet in the air at a moment when lightning may have struck - I can see how that might be scary!
Being stranded 200+ feet in the air when lightning is in the area is not fun. and it was drizzling.

SFGAMan said:

On ething I noticed is that there are two drops right next to each other directly across from the drop on Ice Mountain Splash. There obviously for Logger's Run but I STILL even today dont know why there are two drops next to each other. The only time I ever went on Logger's Run we only went on the left drop. Whats the other side for?

So we American Eagle backwards. Saw the thrid train. Only the left side of it had the side padding. Just wondering, have they ever used three trains before? Is that train new or something? Does red have three trians? When was the last time they used three trains, if ever?

BOTH of SFGAm's log flumes have parallel drops. They used to alternate right and left - it allowed them to run more boats and have higher capacity. One side on each was closed 10-15 years ago (guess).

I would guess that the 3rd Blue train on American Eagle probably just got back from rehab at PTC. I also saw it yesterday and I wouldn't immagine SFGAm would have purchased a new train. Yes they did used to run 3 trains on each side of the Eagle. Back in 1981 when it opened, SFGAm only had 4 coasters so capacity was a much bigger issue.

Laugh your troubles away at Riverview, the world's largest amusement park.

BullGuy's avatar
I went, arrived late, had fun. :)

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

I love going on Giant Drop when its lightninging lol. It adds extra danger


choose thy fate: freeze or burn

Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003


I went on the tenth, I noticed the bike thing too and SSA was closed then too. And the East River crawler was closed. Does anyone know what's wrong with ERC? I know SSA was closed because of the bike thing but what about ERC?

Favorite Coasters at SFGAm: 1.)Superman 2.) Viper 3.) Batman 4.) Bull 5.)Eagle
*** This post was edited by Binks Drake 7/13/2003 2:00:43 PM ***

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