SFGAm 7/11

Associated parks:

15th time this season

Today we got a late start we got to SFGAm at 10:35.

Ride closesurs

Loggers Run was closed and Ice Mountian Splash was acttually open yahhh, east river crawler, and hometown fun machine, and GUESS WHAT that Big Green and blue and light blue Sky Whirl Monument is still closed. I forgot its name. =]

Ok we ran in the park went to V2 walk on we were next up and V2 launches and it gets just out of the station and either estops or just breaks I dont know what. It was just out side of the station. I wish i would have been on that train that would have been fun speed up really fast then stop almost instantaniously. It was cool =] we waited to see if it would get fixed very soon but a supervisor came up and was talking with the ride ops.

Then we left cause i had to meet up with Brad at American Eagle. We came and Brad was at the start of the line they hadnt even done the walk up yet. I was surprized. We got on Blue casue red wasnt open.Jeeessss is this coaster smooth i was sooo surprized I havent ridden it for like a week. I was Just at Cedar Point Mean Streak is soooo rough. I hate how people complain about coasters at SFGAm there actually really awesome and really smooth. It tracks so well.

Any way then we did Demon I love this coaster even more it so fun 5 min wait. Then we ran to Raging Bull wow I cant belive how small it looks now compared to Millenium Force and Top Thrill Dragster. We had a 15 min wait well worth it. I love pre drop you get alot of speed so you get whiped over and get good ejector air.This ride gets better every time i ride it.It was running 3 trains

Then we did Iron Wolf I really wanted to ride Iron Wolf think last time i was there I didnt ride it. We had a 25 min wait which is like the longest i have ever had to wait for it I think.But awesome ride anyway. Then american eagle red opened we waited 20 mins still its sooo smooth I cant belive it.

Then we rode Demon 15 min it acttually had some switch backs open it was so sad. The park was really busy.When we rode that time they didnt play the DEMON SONG it was werid. The ride op said that happens some times whatever.It was just werid. Raging Bull had a 15 min wait we did back row i needed alittle airtime.Still running 3 trains

Then we did Viper hoping that there would be a grouper but no of course there wasnt. I still havent rode this thing when theres a grouper there it sucks. I never ride Viper anymore hardly just cause i hate the Station so much. I wish the would put a grouper in the station or would make the silver handrails longer so you acttaully know what row your waiting for.ahhhhhhhh that was a 30 min wait.

Then we did Iron wolf again yet again a 25 min wait i didnt care cause i love this coaster so much. Then we did American Eagle backward again 20 min wait.Then we did triple play casue my friend she didnt have any time left and she had to leave. I love this ride thank you HUSS for making this ride its so fun lol.

Now brad and me ran to Demon there was a 20 min wait that was my 56 ride on DEMON this season and brad like 212 or something he has so many laps on it so far.

Then we headed over to Batman casue we hadnt done it yet. They were playing the weather Speile about how if weather conditions in continue to in crease they will have to cease operation that was after like 20 min of waiting already. We got on BATMAN in 35 mins that was with alittle of gotham city park filled up like 1 switch back and all of the Ghetto filled up.It started to rain when we got on it was awesome.

We got off and it started to rain we were like the only ones out on the midway we ran over to American Eagle and the Queue was still open so we ran in and got under the little roof under AE Blue.We waited like 50 min but thats with the rain and all the tests they had to do. I think they have to do 4 dry runs for each trains or something. I was looking at the third train in the transfer track it looks so werid it dosent have a stripe on the train and the sheilds on the side of train are only on one side.I would love to ride American Eagle without sheilds it would be cool.

Then we ran to Raging Bull cause we wanted to do it last before we left the park. The line was soo long it sucked it was goign through like 5 switch backs and the staight away and it only was running 2 trains now this sucked and they were stacking with 2 train it was sooooo sad. I guess i was just really spoiled with have gone to Cedar Point just a week before and the full compacity, no stacking, super fast crews. We finally got to ride after 50 mins of waiting. It was scary there were really low clouds and they were reallllly Dark. I was sooo cool. Nothing happend though. Then we got picked up at 8:00. Over all had an ok day it was alitlle to crowed and crews were to slow but i got alot of coasters. So whatever here my totals

AE B: 3, AE R:1, DEMON: 3, Raging Bull: 3, Iron Wolf: 2 , Viper:1, Batman The Ride: 1 , Triple Play: 1

Rides total: 15


choose thy fate: freeze or burn

Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003


I'm glad I didnt go on Raging Bull when you did. It looked long but I didnt know they switched to 2 trains from 3. Why did they do that?

Top 5 SFGAm Coasters: 1) Raging Bull 2) S:UF 3) V2 4) B:TR 5) Viper
Maybe Deja Vu would be on this list if it would open!

I have no Idea its six flags, thats my answer for anthing they do stupid lol


choose thy fate: freeze or burn

Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003


Holydumb, did you ride the back row on Bull at around 7:45 pm?

Projected count for 2003: 32 parks & 110 coasters. Actual as of 6/30/03: 20 parks & 78 coasters.

yes I did


choose thy fate: freeze or burn

Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003


Nice Trip Report. I havent been to SFGAM since, 2001, but I loved the park then. What about Superman?

Kennywood Park, America's finest traditional amusement park.
Track Record: 60 coasters at 17 parks.

Then I was the one who sat with the two of you, I think. One of you was wearing a Buzz T-shirt, the other was wearing a Gwazi T. Which one are you?

Projected count for 2003: 32 parks & 110 coasters. Actual as of 6/30/03: 20 parks & 78 coasters.

I was the one in the Buzz Shirt and Brad was the one in the gwazi shirt. Wait were you wereing the who wants to be a millionare shirt.


choose thy fate: freeze or burn

Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003


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