SFGAm 6/24 (yes, again, Deja Vu review this time)

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Well, my second trip to SFGAm in less than a week (which is good for me, considering that I live just over an hour from the park) brought much better luck than my past several trips. Just this year I've experienced a rainout, and a day of no Deja Vu, and on my third trip, it was much better in many ways. Deja Vu was running, and that was good, the blistering weather (I'm sure it got over 100 on the blacktop today, it was HOT!!!) wasn't so good, and there were some odds and ins of the day.

Okay, got into the park, met up with my party, and we went right for V2. Gotta say, I love this thing more and more every time I ride it. Fast and intense, and I can't get enough of that brake the second time up the straight spike. A great ride, a never miss.

Roaring Rapids was next. After getting off, we thought at first that we'd made a mistake riding a water ride, we couldn't have been more wrong. Shortly after the weather became blistering and we dried up quickly, but we did all get soaked on the ride, which has gotten many improvements over the years that I can recall to make sure EVERYONE at least gets wet.

After Roaring Rapids we headed over to Batman. Got on that thing in about 15 minutes, rode near the front, and of course got the signature quick and powerful ride that you'll always get on Batman, a great ride as always.

After Batman it was resting and then heading to Raging Bull. Rode this in the VERY back, and if you've ever ridden back there, you know that even pulling out of the station there is air on this thing (literally, in back). Of course the rest of the ride has you barely ever touching your seat, a great coaster as always, just plain awesome, everyone in the party absolutely loved it.

Next up was lunch. While getting over to lunch, we noticed that they began to let people in the lines for Deja Vu (somewhere around 1 or 1:30). We ate, then I gathered everyone together who wanted to ride Deja Vu. We got in line for this, and shortly after getting in line we had the line redirected to behind that little food stall. About 15-20 minutes later... the ride broke down. There was actually still quite a ways for us to go. The ride was back up in 10-15 minutes and the line continued. We got further, to the point of where we were about 3 trains from riding, and then it breaks down again. Another 10-15 minute delay (not bad though, glad to see that they had mechanics on hand right there), then a few trains went, and it was our turn. Gotta say, this is a weird seating style, don't love it, don't hate it, a little bit confusing for some guests I noticed.

Now, I'm gonna do another paragraph for my description of Deja Vu, because I noticed that I went into an awful lot of detail with the line description. Okay, going on, from the VERY back, we finally started moving backward and going up the hill. It just kept getting more and more steep until we were at 90 degrees, and even there we continued to go upward, a really scary, but really cool feeling! This alone was one of the coolest parts of the ride. Finally, we reached the top after what seemed like an eternity (but was actually more like 10 seconds) and the feeling was great in my stomach, when all of a sudden we hit the bottom of the first drop and went into some serious positive g's! We sped through the station and up into the cobra roll, which was pretty good, a couple of bumps there (nothing hard at all, no Shockwave or Iron Wolf, not silk, but nothing even remotely painful) which I liked, letting me know I'm actually on a coaster, we dropped out of the cobra roll and flew into the vertical loop, pretty strong g's there. From there we flew up the next tower and got pulled up to the top, nice comfortable feeling actually for a little while. Then we dropped down and did the whole thing backwards, us being the leading car this time, but we couldn't see anyway. The ride was pretty good. Nothing totally out of this world, but something I'd wait a good half hour for without much of a problem at all. I don't feel the ride itself was worth the hour+ wait, but it wasn't a total waste either. The ride was also pretty disorienting, with the track crossing and all, it provided enough of a change from the original layout to disorient me, which is a big plus from me. So overall, I'll say that I really like this ride.

Next up was the drink stall, got myself a coke and a water for drinking as we headed to the line for Splashwater Falls. The line was completely full for this, which, given the heat, was no surprise (also, there were quite a few in the park, and not very long coaster lines, so that was another clue). Suddenly, as were were headed right for the first maze of the line, I saw a girl lean her head forward and a lot of what looked like water (with some chunks) flying through the air. Well, I quickly found out that it was actually vomit, and had to be careful for that part of the line. Well, we eventually got on, had a lot of size in the front of the boat, and we made an absolutely HUGE wave. I've been riding this thing for MANY years, since the early 90's at least, and that's the biggest wave I've ever been a part of, that was very nice, got soaked.

After that it was Viper. No line at all for this until you got into the station. Went to my normal spot, third to back (riding it anywhere else is just a waste of time when that spot's there), and before long was riding. The usual awesome ride that Viper's always delivered, wicked laterals, and insane airtime (especially when my bar would just miss that next click down). Is there anything negative I can say about this coaster?

Well, it did take the last of my energy out of me as I had to kick in the spare tank and get to the car and drive home. Overall, not a whole lot of rides, but a really good day that I'm very happy with. I should be going back in a few weeks or earlier.

"You can't kill what's stronger than death" - Zakk Wylde

Nice Trip Report. Glad Deja Vu was open.

-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.

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