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19th visit this season

I arrived with my friend at 9:20 and we ran and go meet up with brad at the front of then line we dash over to SUF

SUF first Dispatch first car 2nd seat walk on it acttually opened on time : ) lol. That crew is hates us to lol. Then we ran over to BTR

BTR already had a 6 min wait back row. 6 min which is like from the bottom of the stairs in the tunnel. Then ran over to V2 another 6 min wait already lol 2nd car getting very rough already : (

THEN We saw it the DEJA VU TRAIN with water dummies in side i couldnt wait to see it test : )

Then we did demon before the line got really long walk on.

Then we ran over Viper we had an 18 min wait with out a grouper very good. I had my lap bar down like 3 clicks it was awesome so much air : )

Then Raging Bull 2 train operation untill we reached the stairs and the put teal on. We got teal of couse the Sucky train. we waited 40 mins.

Then we did SUF again cause they talked me into it lol. Iam glad we did casue i got my count up and there was nothing else to do. Every thing had long lines by now.so y not queue for SUF. 60 mins not to bad considering it was full switch backs and it was spilling out on the midway lol.Much better back row front rows ok for first dispatch but why would you wait extra time for it thats stupid.

Then we headed over to Demon once again then it happend at exacatly 2:25 pm DEJA VU tested its first train and then at 2:26 pm it valleyed lol it it didnt catch on the return tower 1 trip and valleyed and hit the safety breaks right before the cobra roll.It was pretty sad but whatever iam glad it tested. We were already in line for Demon so we waited for it.I rode in the first seat cause I had some business to do with my camera lol WINK Wink.30 min queue.Anyway I Then we ran out on to the midway to see Deja Vu test up close. We met up again with some coaster dorks lol JK. And we waited until it tested and was like 1 hour till it tested again. We didnt care what ever. I the Time that I was at SFGAm today 9:30 - 6:00 i saw it test 7 times and 5 out of those times it vallied.I am just glad they got the train on the track and its testing yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah : )

Ride Totals

SUF: 2, DEMON: 2 , Raging Bull: 1, B:TR: 1, V2: 1, Viper: 1

Total ride: 8 It was really busy

To see the Pictures I took today look here http://groups.msn.com/kylecoasterworld/sfgamjuly22.msnw


choose thy fate: freeze or burn

Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003


Thanks for the info and posting those fantastic photos, but there is something that confuses me about your report...

You mentioned that Deja Vu vallied and stopped on the breaks right before the Cobra Roll. I was wondering how they were able to test it again so quickly if it was stuck between the Loop & the Cobra Roll. Wouldn’t that require dismantling the whole train? I'm guessing you meant "Loop" instead of "Cobra Roll", so that they could easily attach the catch wagon to the tower to pull it up for its return trip. The only other thing I can figure is that it didn't catch on the first tower after its return, thus causing it to fly through the station and get stopped before entering the Cobra Roll.

Just curious is all... Glad to see that there has been major progress this week. I guess the train modifications haven't helped the catch wagon/valley problem, but hopefully more extensive testing will help solve the issue.

Thanks again for keeping us updated


Thanks for the recon, man.
I meant the Station and the cobra Roll the safety breaks. I didnt valley on tower 2 it just caught then lowerd down to the base of the lift then got pulled up again the released.


choose thy fate: freeze or burn

Fly with the Man of Steel in 2003


Some oene at SFGAm World said that an employe told them that they purposely made it valley so they could test the safety brakes.

Shockwave @ SFGAm R.I.P 1988-2002
Top 5 Coasters at SFGAm 1)RB 2)S:UF 3) DV 4)V2 5)Viper
Smell ya later!

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