SFGAm 6-16-04

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I decided to head over to the Park today with my sister. We arrived at the park around 3, the parking lot was pretty empty.

We got in the park and got are passes processed right away, they get the passes done fast now.

After we got are Passes done we decided to kick off the season on Superman because my sister has never ridden it. We waited about 30 minutes and got on the 5th row. Good ride the G's on the pretzel loop are great. 9-10.

After that we Hit Ragin Cajun. We waited about 30 minutes for this as well, they were running 3 cars. They put two other people on the ride with us. None of us got off this ride to happy my arms were hurting like Hell afterwards and i have bruises. 5-10.

Right after that we headed over to Batman which was closed but opend a few min later. I really like the new paint but black looked better. Now there are 3 yellow coasters close to eachother. We waited two cars and were on in the second to last row. What a great ride still my favorite coaster at the park. 10-10

Next up I went on Iron Wolf alone since my sister doesnt like this ride. Waited one train and was on the back row with a family i didnt know. Had a good ride. 8-10.

Next up was the Bull. Waited about 20 minutes for the second to last row. THis ride is still great good air time and they didnt have the trims on to hard. Fun ride 10-10.

We rode Demon next walk on it was a good ride a bit rough.7-10. We decided to eat after demon. Once we finished are nachos from demon nachos we walked over to V2. I went alone because my sister felt sick after Demon. Waited about three trains and sat with a guy sitting alone in the back. Great speed the launch is great on this ride. You could really notice the new supports added to it. 9-10.

We skipped Eagle and Viper. Deja Vu was closed didnt see it test either. Jesters Wild ride was open but skipped it. Revolution and king chaos were closed. King Chaos was testing but didnt opem. We left around 7:30 it was a goodday for only being there a few hours. I give the day a 9-10. The employees were really nice as well.

Kick The Sky's avatar
Nice to hear that King Chaos is finally testing. I was hoping to make it my first Top Spin but I guess that honor will have to go to Tomb Raider next weekend at BeastBuzz. With all the problems they have had getting this ride up and running, I'm wondering if it will be the park's next Deja Vu.

Certain victory.

I don't get it. It's a Top Spin. There are like a million and two of these out there already. Why is this one seeming to be such a problem?

Cursed, I tell you!

OMG I have a new sig!!!
I don't know what is wrong with it. I have only been on a couple top spins by myself, but they didn't squeak and shake like this thing did. The whold foundation was shaking like crazy when I saw it testing on the 16th. Maybe it had to do with the two big pieces of theming on each side?

Please wait for the ride to come to a full and complete stop. Push down, then pull up on your lap bar. Thank and enjoy the rest of your day at CoasterBuzz.

King Chaos looks crazy...I'm not sure how topspins are supposed to work, but this one was swinging and screeching all over the place. The swinging motions looked almost too dangerous for any person to ride.
Which park was King Chaos from originally? I seem to remember some discussion when it was announced for SFGAm that someone mentioned it had been a maint. problem in its previous location.

"Heavily medicated for your safety!"

From what I heard that it was a portable Top Spin used at various locations. I could be wrong tho...

ChiDan1972 said:
Maybe it had to do with the two big pieces of theming on each side?

That's actually not theming on the side. Like SFNE's, SFGAm's Topspin is a portable ride. The two cylinders you're referring to are water tanks used to support the ride (and counter its movements).


When I was at the park for coasters after dark, King Chaos was testing aroud 7:00 P.M. and had three people abord it for one cycle and I noticed it later with one person. I was wondering if it was going to open later for coasters after dark, but I never made it back to that area to check.

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