SFGAM 2003 ideas

I think that SFGAM next year should probably be getting a brand new scream machine or 2. I think that the new coaster will probably go where the Power Dive and Cajun Cliff Hanger were and the Orleans Grill and ERC will also be removed. I think the coaster will be a B&M Flyer, unfourtounatley most likely it will be named "Superman" or some dumb super hero name. However I think that ERC will be moved next to the river rapids and replace that dumb gazeebo or some of those useless games. I don't think Shockwave will be removed, but I don't think it will open until next season. I personaly think this ride could use Shoulder restraints like Iron Wolf has to reduce head banging. I hope that all that nasty concrete under ShockWave is torn out and grass is put in underneath it (Wishfull thinking) What do you guys all think might happen next year?
You think a lot! ;)
BullGuy's avatar

I think you should send some of those ideas here...



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Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

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