sfgam 2003

What do you think they will get next year? I personaly think they will get a new B&M in place of the wizzer. Also a new kind of B&M, Iron Wolf- 1st B&M; Batman- 1st inverted B&M; And of can't forget Raging Bull- 1st hyper-twister B&M! And I'm thinking wizzer because of the fact that it is old and not all that safe, you can touch the ground! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE sfgam and the wizzer but I think its time has come.

If not a coaster probaly a giant wheel where power dive was. Also some ride they can advertise big. They wore out advertising V2 and Deja'vu this yaer so they have to get somthing new.

Also, this is not a rumor of any sort, this what I think and I want to see what all the oter Buzzers think on this matter!

Thanks, Sam

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