SFGAm, 11/2/02, power riding heaven!!!!!!

Associated parks:

Weather: Not a freakin cloud in the sky and cool (mid 40's)

Highlights: Power riding anything you want pretty much the whole day.

Got to the park around 10:15 am. I decided to surprise my daughter because I didnt tell her we were going. She thought the park was closed for the season.

Made the turn off of Grand Ave. and her eyes lit up. "Daddy, daddy!!! Great America is open!!!!"

I couldnt believe we were about to ride coasters in November. We just hit everything that we saw first which meant no massive walks to one particular ride.

We did Whizzer 3x, Viper 5x, Demon 5x, and Eagle 3x. My daughter was a good sport and let me ride Batman, Deja-Vu, and Raging Bull while she waited in the station (Thats my girl ). The last riding of the night was Giant Drop. No line whatsoever so we power and I mean .... Power rode this thing. I stayed on about 12 times in a row and my daughter knocked out about 16 rides. Safe to say we are sick of Giant Drop right now. :)

Alot of things were closed including all shows, a few flats, and bunch of stores and restaurants. However, if you are a coaster junkie , live in the Chicago area, and havent gone this weekend, I highly suggest you get there this Sunday and experience coaster riding heaven on earth.

The 50% off everything was nice to. We had a full dinner for under $7. We also snacked throughout the day paying prices that wont strip your wallet.

Heres to another fine season that officially wrapped up. From April 15 through Nov. 2, SFGAm was a blast for the 2002 season.

Thanks for reading.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity.

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 11/2/2002. ***

Sounds like fun:) Was V2 open.


Yes, V2 was open (all the coasters were open), but I just decided not to ride it.

They must have done something finally right to DV because it seems to be operating really good (even in cold temps).

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

I was suppose to go to SFGAm 11/3 but my brother doesn't want to because he is, get this, "sick" of Great America which I find impossible. Anyways, glad you had a good time! Was deja Vu a walk on? Were some Fright Fest decorations still up? also were the tea cups still pitch black inside?

If you don't have anything nice to say don't say ANYTHING at all.

*** This post was edited by Gamfan on 11/2/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Gamfan on 11/2/2002. ***

I can't wait, I'm going tomorrow, I hope the weather is as great tomorrow as it was today! I would have gone today if I knew the weather was going to be so great and if I didn't have musical practice.

The below statement is true.
The above statement is false.

Deja-Vu was the closest to a walk-on that you will get. The longest the line got for it was to the end of the staircase going up into the station. If you want to knock out a bunch of DV rides, this weekend is your perfect opportunity.

The FrightFest decorations are gone. It feels like a normal operating day again. The Chubasco and Rue Le Dodge still had the black coverings on the rides but no lighting, special effects, or Halloween decorations.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity.

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 11/2/2002. ***

Wow...it sounds like it was just as dead today as it was Friday night. The true test....could you reride Bull (without getting off) to your heart's content? And were the Mid-course brakes more or less off like Friday night?

Also, it sounds as though you might be V2-ed out like myself. That ride has lost its "punch" for me.

Also, I'm wondering if the park is making any money whatsoever this weekend. Maybe staying open wasn't such a great idea from a business perspective.

SFGAm: 1)DV 2)V2 3)AE Blue 4)Viper 5)Bull

I was there too... Wow.. Power riding heaven!! It was a little cold, but with a good coat, a hat, and some gloves- it was tolerable. Here are my totals..

Wizzer - 4 (3 rerides without getting up at the end of the day)

DV - 3 Including a walk-on ride around 5:00... I couldn't believe it. I made the mistake of riding this early in the day for my longest wait of the day (15 minutes). I agree with Chitown about SF doing something right to get the ride operating in the cold. It was a touch slow going through the cobra roll backwards, but nothing to complain about.

Giant Drop - 4 times without getting up. I could have stayed longer, but it was very early in the day - RB looked very good from the top of the drop.

Viper - 2 Both in the last car (reride).. I should have taken another lap.. this ride was very good today. They were running one train all day.

B:TR - 2 They were not allowing rerides on this ride (I tried). They were running two trains part of the day - it switched to one train operation a little after 2.

AE (Backwards) - 2 (reride). I hope they keep one side backwards for next year.

RB - 6 total. Two train operation all day. They were allowing rerides if there were empty rows. If you could not get a reride, you could reenter the line at the Fastlane entrance. I ended up getting 3 rides in a row. The crew was excellent today. The trims were on for the third hill, but they were just a "tap". The mid-course breaks were also a "tap". Both trims did not slow the train drastically. I even got a little air on the third hill - something I haven't seen this year.

V2 - 5 total. This ride was operating all day. They were allowing rerides to anyone who wanted to. Sometime you had to swich seats to stay on the ride, but that is ok. I ended up getting 4 rides in a row. I met someone who was on her way to 30+ rides on V2 today. She was at 24 rides at 5:00, including a stretch of 6+ in a row. (Don't remember the exact number - it was tough to talk at 55 mph :) ) About the ride losing it's intensity... The ride appears to be consistantly strong all year long. I think we all have been riding this too many times. I kind-of noticed this today.. but it is still a great ride (espically the back row)

Overall this was a very good day. I arrived at the park around 11:30, parked in the third row, and started my riding. Unfortunately, my body could not take this mass amount of coaster riding. :( I had to take an extended break in the afternoon and went to that little mall down the road from the park. I did my best without spilling my guts on the midway.

It was nice seeing everything 50% off. Drinks, food, parking... everything! The longest food line I saw was at a Dippin Dot’s stand! Maybe they were asking what the new ride will be for next year. :) Also this is a good time to stock up on your Superman gear for next year – at 50% off (if that is the “thrill ride” they put in next year).

If you like massive coaster riding.. this is your weekend. I hope they continue this next year. About the making money thing... I believe that they took a gamble with the weather. If the temps were 20 degrees warmer, I could see the park very crowded. This weekend was also sponsored by a group of radio staions. I also saw a lot of people buying things. With a minimal staff, maybe they broke even.. I don't know.

Thanks for reading this mini-novel. I tried to answer a few questions from above.

-Jesse (Who can't sleep because of his headache :( )

Note: They were allowing season passes for this event. I got in with my SFDL pass that I bought earlier this year - I think I got my money worth this year.

*** This post was edited by jesbob21 on 11/3/2002. ***

I want to go soooooooooooooo bad, man this sucks, I hate not being able to drive. I went last friday, it was like that but this sounds alot better. I went the first day of the season I wanted to go the last day.
yet PKD and BGW are closed for the season....ahhh! i dont get it...time to move to california now ;-)

#1-MF #2-Apollo's Chariot #3-S:RoS

-Why a car if i could have a coaster train on wheels??

Bull fan said:

The true test....could you reride Bull (without getting off) to your heart's content? And were the Mid-course brakes more or less off like Friday night?

I rode Raging Bull 25 times yesterday, plus one more just in case I accidentally lost count. There were a few times when I could just stay seated, a few times when I had to move, and a few times when I just exited and came back through the Fastlane entrance. I'd say they passed that test.

In the 26 times that I rode, the mid-course brakes were off ONE time. I wish I'd stopped to look at the on-ride photo, I'm sure I had a look of utter shock, surprise, and unabashed joy on my face.

*** This post was edited by BuffaloGal on 11/3/2002. ***

I was there yesterday too - From 2:30-close (6:00).

In those 3.5 hours, I got more rides in than I did in two combined visits this summer. Not a line in sight (other than a horribly ;) long 10 minute wait for DejaVu )

I rode AE 5x, IW 1x, RB5x, DJV 3x, BTR 1x, Viper 3x (1-3 ROCKS!!), Whizzer 3x

Le roi est mort. Vive le roi.
Thanks Great America!

Chitown said:

Deja-Vu was the closest to a walk-on that you will get. The longest the line got for it was to the end of the staircase going up into the station. If you want to knock out a bunch of DV rides, this weekend is your perfect opportunity.


Not exactly true, I waited for Deja Vu on Saturday and the line extended about 20 or 30 feet past the covering over the walkway where the track comes out of the station. I waited for the front, since it was my first time on a super invertigo, and only waited about 20 minutes.

Six Flags is mad crazy!, all the major parks open in November, I would have to say Six Flags is the greatest theme park company ever!

stoogemanmoe's avatar
Cool Scott! We were going to go today, but our plans got altered because we had to attend a meeting today for the new Eyenet system being installed. By the time we would have gotten there, it would have been maybe a couple rides then head home. What time did the park close? I know you said most of the Fest Decor was gone, but did they have either of the haunts going? Also, did they have the "controller" stunt this year?

Loyal fan of Nolimits.

The park was open from 10-6 both Saturday and Sunday. It was also open from 6-11 on Friday. That 8 hours of operation was ...."more" than enough to do anything you wanted for how many times your heart desired.

In the 27 years that I have been visiting this park, that was the emptiest I have ever seen it. All the Fright Fest stuff was completely gone Stooge.

What is this "controller" stunt that you are talking about? I cant picture what it is.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

stoogemanmoe's avatar

The controller was from Alice Cooper's Brutal Planet. It was done by Distortions who did all the effects for Alice's Brutal Planet tour. The thing is on a podium with a cyborg and all you see is his head and arms. It's a real person standing behind a box and in the box is two mirrors that are angled from the 2 back corners in the box to the front middle of the box with a human spine holding up his torso, so all you see is this cyborg guy with just a chest and spine and nothing under it. It's a really cool effect if it's done at a distance of 15 feet or so. I'll post a pic of it on my page.

Loyal fan of Nolimits.

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 11/3/2002. ***

BullGuy's avatar

I went on Sunday with some "GP" friends. It was one of the most memorable times at a park I've ever had. One of my friends knew I liked Shockwave, so when we parked by it so I could snap some pictures, he blasted "November Rain" by Guns 'N Roses.

"When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain

We've been through this such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away"

That alone made my day. A security guard who was monitering things nearby happened to hear this, and burst out laughing. Whenever I hear that song again, this is what I'll remember, no doubt. ;)

The day was filled with afore-mentioned power-riding, and I thought I'd definately get the last ride of the season on Bull. Unfortunatley, we overlooked the fact that the park was closing at 6 pm on Sunday, and so we were too late. (we did run all the way from Iron Wolf to Raging Bull though:)) It would've put a damper on my day, but instead of Bull, we had a 6 ride marathon on Iron Wolf in the front row, and the last 5 rides of the season, we had the train all to ourselves. :) Nothing better than closing off a great season on Iron Wolf with an empty train.

Here's hoping for another "Last Blast" next year!

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

*** This post was edited by BullGuy on 11/4/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by BullGuy on 11/4/2002. ***

SFgadvMAN said:
Sounds like fun Was V2 open.

hello first time here but glad i found it hi chitown well i live an hour and a half from sixflags and we did go sunday had a blast; and can u please tell me what happend on with shockwave i read u saying something happend i know we are getting a new ride. and what is a b&m coaster? ty fancyblue-----------------

Gamfan said:
"I was suppose to go to SFGAm 11/3 but my brother doesn't want to because he is, get this, "sick" of Great America which I find impossible. Anyways, glad you had a good time! Was deja Vu a walk on? Were some Fright Fest decorations still up? also were the tea cups still pitch black inside?

----------------- well hello all well i rode deja vu 2 times and broke down rite befire i went to ride it no it still has its problems with the computers and the restraignts not locking. but u all seem to be cool.
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say ANYTHING at all.

*** This post was edited by Gamfan on 11/2/2002. ****** This post was edited by Gamfan on 11/2/2002. ***"

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