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We arrived at th park alittle after 10. The firs ride e decided to go on was DeJa Vu we waited 5 min and got on back row. Once got off we gotback in line and waite another 5 mi an got on agian. We rode it agan later on around 2 waited 15 min. 10/10 Total of 3 rides
After DeJa Vu we went over to RagingBull Waited 5 Min back row got right back in line to ride it again waited 5 min. We went on this ride 8 times 10/10 everytime.
After RaginBull we went to V2 w went 9 times with out getting back in line. Allwe did was switch seats. We rode V2 a total or 11 times 8/10.
After that w went on Batman Great ride. We went on it a total of 5 times. We got to be the last riders of theseason on Batman. everyride 10/10
We went on American Eagle 5 times prey goodride 8/10 Then we went to Whizze ok ride 5/10.
We rode demon a total of 8 times it was n ok ride. I think this rideis to short 5/10.
Went on Iron Wolf 5 times. Are last ride on this was front row it seemed to be moveing alot faster then usal most of been becuase it was dark. 7/10
It was a great day. This wasthe best day i have had at anypark. We go on a total of 46 rides. As i said beforevery good day just a little cold.
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say ANYTHING at all.
Around what time did you ride Iron Wolf? Our party had the last five rides of the season all to ourselves on Wolf (front row), they were nothing short of magical. Wolf is definately my favorite ride in the park.
*Edit* The last two rides were all ours...
Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.
*** This post was edited by BullGuy on 11/4/2002. ***
*** This post was edited by BullGuy on 11/4/2002. ***
Let's see just how smoo the the Intamin hypers are in a few years, then we'll talk.
Personally, the only reason I found Millennium Force to be "smoother" than Raging Bull was becasue the constant G's pretty much stapled my body into one position. I found Raging Bull to be just as smooth in the track department, but let me move around a little.
Colonel Sanders said:
This isn't about which hyper is better. It's about which hyper is smoother. I agree B&M is the smoothest over time. But when a new intamin and a new B&M are compared intamin is smoother. I prefer B&M's as an overall ride. Silver Star aggggggggggggggh I love that ride.
Trim brakes the ride?? After watching this on Robb Alveys video it has to be the worst of the 4 B&M hypers...I have been on the other 3. It seems most people think the same way for that that ive talked to. Now on topic, I think the B&M hypers are smoother, but that doesnt mean they are better. I actually think some times a bit of roughness adds to the ride, especially if you dont have to worry about OTSR's. Taking a look at my top 7 steel coasters you will see that i love both types but prefer Intamins over B&M (the only type of steel coaster i dont prefer B&M to the others). IMO, Nothing compares to S:ROS at SFNE....and I wonder if anything ever will.
Top 7 steel:
1. SROS SFNE 2. MF 3. Nitro 4. SROS SFDL 5. Phantoms Revenge 6. Raging Bull 7. Apollo's Chariot
SFGAm Viper
*** This post was edited by SFGAm Viper on 11/10/2002. ***
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