SFGAm 10/25 cold, but very fun

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I went on Friday with 2 of my friends. I will try to make this as short as I can. We arrived at the park at 4:30 and ran in and went to the right towards Raging Bull.

First up Raging Bull, 0 min wait, back row the best ride at SFGAm.

Then Deja Vu 0 min wait, back row, good ride didnt seem to break down the whole day.

Next Iron Wolf which should be Iron Werewolf for frightfest but is'nt. 0 min wait back row, one of the best rides in the world.

Then we did V2 2 times in a row, 0 min wait, 1st row and 2nd row, great ride really gets you pumped to do other rollercoasters.

Next we did Batman the Ride twice, 0min wait both times, 1st time we did the 2nd to last row, then we did 1st row. Still awesome I love the G's.

All what I just said was within an hour,thats the most I have ever done in an hour.

Then we headed for Demon the crowd started to get bigger but not unbareable at all.

We did Demon, 2 min wait, back row, this ride is very fun In the dark.

We headed to Raging Bull but the line was pretty long so we skiped it and went to terror twister ( Tea Cups) They should all ways keep it this way its really fun and dissorinting however you spell that.Any way it was a 5min wait but worth it. I love the Song SandStorm by Darude.

Then we did Viper 10 min wait,near back row some whare. I love the ride they just need to do something with the line inside the station then need to make the railings longer so you can see what line your in.

Then we went and did Iron wolf twice,5-10 min wait but worth it,both times we did first row, this ride is awesome in front row.

Then we did Viper again,5min wait, I don even know what row but still fun.

Then we ran out of the park, we had alot of fun and the line were never long 10-15 min were the longest we had to wait all night.

There was some Scooby Doo cereal for free samples it was really good or I was just really hungry but like every one had some by then of the day It was every whare on the ground. We saw ShockWave Its so crazy every week I go more track piles up. It was cool and sad I really want to ride it I miss it even though I really dont like it.We left the park about 9:15 it was so fun.

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