SFGAM 10/14

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We arived at the park at 10 and headed for RagingBull. We were next in line when it got stuck on the lift hill. It took about 10 min to fix it. Sat back row 10/10 great ride.

After that we Headed of to DeJa Vu waited about an hour. We were next in line and it closed for 10 min. Sat on seat 2B 10/10 Good ride.

When we got off DeJa Vu we headed over to Iron Wolf. Sat back row and saw the new track. I asked a ride op how much was back there and she said that the track was for Six FLags Ohio. It was a pretty good ride 8/10.

Next was V2 waited about 15 min for back row pretty good ride.7/10.After that we headed over to Viper sat in seat 1-3 good ride 7/10.

Next up was batman waited 15 min for 2nd row. Great ride 10/10. It was a pretty good day today it wasnt to busy or to cold. The new track looks pretty cool. Somework was being done on SW they are almost to the first loop I think it will be down pretty soon.

Yet another reason not to listen to park employees. Track for Six Flags Ohio? Yeah right.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

Yeah thats what i said im like thats a bunch of bs. The ride op was like yeah thats for SixFlags Ohio they ran out of space for their new coaster. I dont think they would send it all the way to SFGAm.
No no no. I know what she meant. Shockwave's track laying around is for SFWoA. ;)
Are the fine folks in Ohio ready for an Arrow megalooper? ;)

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

LMAO! but their aint nothing wrong with arrow megaloopers...*thinks of Steel Phantom*

*goes and cries*

Kennywood Park, America's finest traditional amusement park.

Well, Shockwave at SFWOA would greatly add to that park's woes.

SFGAm: 1)DV 2)V2 3)AE Blue 4)Viper 5)Bull

Track made in Ohio for an Ohio park being stored in Illinois? If that was true, I would highly suggest anyone with Six Flags stock to sell. NOW.
As if anyone HAS Six Flags stock.

"My friend who works there said.." In enthusiast talk is,"The Lemon Chill guy said.."

*cough BillGates cough idiot cough beating dead horse cough*

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