SFGAm - 6/16/04 - Coasters after dark-( Short trip report)

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As the day started before work forecast calls for T-storms and flash floods from noon on.
I decided to cut out of work after lunch and got there at 2:15 changed my clothes and got in at 2:30. The weather was humid as hell but no rain all day.I got on all coasters 1 time with the exception of viper which was 2x. I hit stargate and orbit 1X also (note- all before Cad started at 9pm. crowd thinned out at 5 pm but by 9 packed again. More pass holders than I expected on a work night. Walk ons and short lines till 8pm and 15-30 mins after 9. I had thought I would get on way more stuff than I did- but riding at night is cool.
Deja wasnt running as usual and the mosquitos were attacking like crazy. All in all a great experience and Im glad I went early cause 5 rides in the last 2 hours wasn't as many as I hoped I would hit.

Cedar Point -How an amusement park should be run.

I passed V2 at about 930 and the line was longer than it was at 4 when I first rode it. I think there was enough people in there to call it a sucsess. They even closed off the Raging Bull line at 10:35. 20 seconds before I got there !!

I think the bad forcast kept everyone away durring the day, and all the season pass holders decided to come later on in the day when they knew it wouldn't rain.

Please wait for the ride to come to a full and complete stop. Push down, then pull up on your lap bar. Thank and enjoy the rest of your day at CoasterBuzz.

I'm thinking alot of people had to work and thats why they got there late. Also I'm glad I hit Raging bull 1st if they closed the line early.

Cedar Point -How an amusement park should be run.

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