SFGAdv opening Day Observations...

Associated parks:

OK...lotsa crap going down this year. I think the 30th anniversary is gonna be HUGE!

First off, I'm telling you that you should check this topic later for a link to my friend's website with the pics.

OK, here we go:

Red lines along the ground all around the park. What is this for, you ask? Why, re-routing power lines. What's re-routing power lines go to do with anything? New rides need power, people. These red lines were everywhere around the park along the pavement. There are pics of this.

Take a walk down next to the water arena and take a look across the lake. what do you see? Trees, duh. Now, turn youir head a little to the right. what do you see? More trees, but behind these trees is a FRICKIN HUGE land clearing. There's your 30th anniversary present, right there baby! Huge expansion across the lake. We got a pic of this, too.

Viper is still its normal beat the crap out of you until you suffer from internal bleeding self.

Chiller was closed. I'm wandering into the park, look over at it, and see the batman train just sitting there. Between the in-line and the spike tower. In that little valley there the train is just sitting. I suddenly hear a loud clunking noise, look up, and see the train being pulled through the in-line. the train proceeds to valley between the top hat and in line and remains there for the rest of the day.

DDR WAS SHUT DOWN!!! NOOOOOO! But, hopefully it'll be open next week, so hooray for me.

Rolling Thunder had it's trains repainted.

Let the running joke of the year commence!!! See below:

Great American Scream Machine. A rollercoaster hated by many because they actually think it's rough. why, i've never understood, but some people just have low thresholds for pain, I guess. Anyways, the blue train leaves the station and goes through its run. When it return to the brake run, everyone noices something in the second row, right seat. The, ahem, OTS restraint was, um, kinda UNLOCKED! With a person sitting there, nonetheless. So, opening day and we almost had a fatality at the park. Sure sign of a great season, eh? No more shall I ride the blue train.

Church (Skull Mountain) was closed, on Good Friday, no doubt! Church cannot be closed on Good Friday! Also, there was no Holy Water (waterfall) flowing from it! How dare they!

Oh yeah, one last thing:


OK...that's about all I can remember right now. As I said, check back later for the link ot his site.

Scream Machine should go the way of Drachen Fire. Terrible ride.
The word "definitely" is definitely the most misspelled word on the buzz.

*** This post was edited by Intamin Fan on 3/29/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 3/29/2002. ***

I went today but I ddin't know that's why they were only running one train! Medusa broke down too and then Viper did, followed by The Runaway Train. they all re-opened which was cool but THE CHILLER WAS CLOSED! That really sucked! I might be slow but what's DDR? I also have to say I liked Viper. Maybe cause I had my hands up the entire time.

Medusa rears it's ugly head. A monster coaster unlike the world has ever seen. Your strapped to a flying chair, 14 stories in the air! Just don't look down, you can turn to stone! Only at Six Flags Great Adventure! Buy one season ticket admission get one

OH, what's you website address? Nevermind, .....later......

Medusa rears it's ugly head. A monster coaster unlike the world has ever seen. Your strapped to a flying chair, 14 stories in the air! Just don't look down, you can turn to stone! Only at Six Flags Great Adventure! Buy one season ticket admission get one

*** This post was edited by nitro230ft on 3/29/2002. ***

DDR is the "Dance Dance Revolution" Arcade game. You know, the one where people jump around like idiots trying to prove their cough cough-dance skills-cough. For some reason though, everyone likes it. Kyle (coaster131) is a fiend for the game and has a psycological addiction to it.

How much more floorless can they get?

Oh! DDR! I'm really good at that game! For a second I though you were talking about a ride. I never go to the arcade a Great Adventure though, I can play video games(including DDR2) at home. You can buy it off Ebay.

Medusa rears it's ugly head. A monster coaster unlike the world has ever seen. Your strapped to a flying chair, 14 stories in the air! Just don't look down, you can turn to stone! Only at Six Flags Great Adventure! Buy one season ticket admission get one

dude, on scream machine i wa sin the white train just sitting in the break run while they decided what to do with the blue train. i was in the first row. it was cool just sitting there.
oh and i dunno what you people are on but VIPER is not that rough

You said that you saw the Batman train. I presume that it was without OTSRs.

PS: I don't find GASM to be even in the same class as Drachen Fire when it comes to head banging, though it is somewhat of a head banger. Nor is GASM nearly as bad as Viper.

*** This post was edited by Jim Fisher on 3/29/2002. ***

The Batman train for Chiller had no OTS's, of course. That's basically a given. the Robin train, on the other hand, had it's OTS's back...

Just kidding...

-Kyle Brylczyk

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