SFGADV on 7/5/02

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My day started at 5am packed the car and left CT. at 6am. Traffic was light and made record time. Arrived at the parking lot at 8:30 am. and parked right up front. The weather was perfect, glad there was no humidity it was 106 on the 4th. They opened the gates at around 9:30am Crowds were light as we stood at the rope heading towards Nitro at 10:06 the rope came down and off we went . We got right on the first train last row outside seat which is my favorite on Nitro. It was a great ride as smooth as always. I noticed the line was still short so we got right back on, same seat of course.We left Nitro and decided to go on Batman the ride. We arrived at BTR the line was small about a 10min wait so we rode that twice in row. We decided to head to the Chiller but it was closed more on this later, so we went to Skullmountain. This ride was a walk on, only rode it once. We left Skullmountain and waited 15mins. for the Skyride to take us to the other side of the park. Got off the Skyride and walked right on Runaway Train no line at all. Then it was time to ride Medusa it was 11:20 am and the Gp were still no the other side of the park, Madusa was a walk on. We rode it twice last row of course. It was great to ride 3 B&Ms in an hour and a half because it was time for the rough ones . Viper was up next. I didn't get to ride it last year and now I remember why I didn't miss it. There was no line at all which is understandable it's got to be the roughest steel coaster I've ever ridden. It's not a head banger it's a neck banger. We rode the front row and it is a painful ride so that was enough. Next up Rolling Thunder the wait was about 20mins because they only had the left side train running at that time. This has got to be the worst maintained woody I've ever seen the thing needs some serious work. It's rough , noisy, and an eye sore. One ride was enough on this, so its off to Scream Machine. The line on SM a little long but with 3 trains it moved fast about a 15min wait. It's a good ride until you come to the block brakes and it comes to a stop and completes the circuit really slow. By this time it's 12:30 and time for lunch. We head out to the car to eat and cool down as it is about 85 degrees and the AC and lunch feels good. At 1:30 we went back into the park and went to Ski Extreme show which sarted at 1:45. The show was good, we sat at the top of the stands in the shade it lasted about 40mins. We were going to go to the Dolphin show but the line was to big. At this point it was about 2:30 and I heard the Chiller running in the distance,so off we went. By the time we got there we noticed the line was big because it was just opening and only had Batman running. It was about an hour and a half wait so we waited I didn't mind because I rode Robbin with the lap bars last year. Once on the loading platform we headed for the back row. This ride is so much better now and the launch is great if it was'nt for the wait I would have gotten right back on. Now it was time to ride the last coaster Blackbeards train , this was a walkon. Same ride as Poison Ivys train at SFNE great helixes. By now it's 5:00pm time to grab some dinner so we head over to Nathan's for some dogs the best. It's 5:45 and now it's time to get in line for the REO Speedwagon and STYX show. They opened the gates at 6pm and the stadium was packed for the show. REO came on at 7pm and played for an hour and 10mins.then STYX jammed it was a great time. We left the park at 10pm to head back to CT. I got home at 1:05 am to end a long enjoyable day .

I tried to get into that concert, they owuldnt let me in because the palces was jammed. since you got in, was it really that full that they couldnt let anyone else in?

Looks like you had "The Best of Times" at the park and Styx show.

Sorry...couldn't resist the bad joke...

It's 106 miles to Indiana Beach. We've got a full tank of gas and a half-full cooler of cokes. It's light, and we're wearing Disaster Transport 3-D glasses....hit it!

Nice TR! But make some paragraphs.

-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.

I can't read it. Paragraphs might help.

KoRn is the Mellennium Force of ROCK

DRAGON82487 said:
I tried to get into that concert, they owuldnt let me in because the palces was jammed. since you got in, was it really that full that they couldnt let anyone else in?

I was at the concert last night also. Yes, it was standing room only. The stupidest part (or should I say the most Six Flags-like) part of the night came during intermission. I wanted to go out and get some food during the break. An employee told me I could not come back in without a hand stamp. I asked for a hand stamp and I was told that her supervisor told her not to stamp any more hands as a way to ease the crowds inside. Tell me if this makes sense. Instead of going out and spending money, I was forced to stay in the arena so that I didn't miss the show.

In hindsight, I should have told her that I had to use the facilities, and since she wouldn't stamp my hand, could I go right in front of her? I'll bet she would have stamped my hand then.

Jim Hansen
Number of coasters ridden: 171

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