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We arrived at the park around 10:10. I thought because of the recent tragedies, the park would be empty. It was, but let time go on and the crowds will come. This was the first time I didnt proceed to Nitro first, as I despretly wanted to hit Robin because of the improvements (and it usually has the longest, SLOWEST line).

We ran to Chiller. After drooling from the midway, we walked in, and walked on a middle row. I sat down, and i fitted comfortably into the new nifty lapbars. My 6'2" friend, though, was a bit squished. I also realized that they actually restrain your feet as well, but i managed to sqeeze my feet out because they hurt. On our first time, I was expecting the train to be rough, just minus the headbanging. I was wrong! The ride is sooo smooth and enjoyable, with everything that makes a coaster good. There were lots of head choppers, and the zero-G roll was amazing. After we did the middle, I took Coaster131's advise, and did the front row. THANK YOU COASTER131!!! The front row was so much better, plus you get more headchoppers.

We next proceeded to Nitro, its looming steel structure was just calling to me. We waited about 5 minutes, then got the back row. It was great as always, and i was glad because the trims were almost off and the midcourse break was very light. One dissadvantage about the back row, i got a shower of spit(YUK).

Next we hit Batman the Ride. Since the line wasnt as long, we did the front first. It was good, nothing really to say as im sure everyone has ridden a batman once in their life. We did the back row as well, and you can really feel the ride back here. My advise - Get the train with the older restraints, its much more thrilling.

We next rode Skull Mountain for the airtime in the back. It was about a 7 minute wait. Next, We strolled down and rode Chaos, that fun little flipping ride. I saw the Blackbeard treasure train running, so i said to myself, "Why not". this was actually a 5 minute wait because I guess it appels to the small ones. It was actually cool, with a Schwarzkoph style drop where you drop, then peel off quickly to the right.

Next, we took the sky ride to Frontier Adventures. We went to Medusa. Another walkon. We decided to do the front row as well, and i got my faviorate seat - The left end. It was running slowly (the service). There would be 2 trains on the breaks, and they wouldnt dispach the other. Slow ones...

We were in line sor the saw mill log flume, but it broke down so we rode the Mine Train. This thing is fun, but it hurts my legs. After that I rode rolling thunder, and richie sat out. They were running the left side (YES!) which has more airtime and it dosnt hurt as much. I prefer to call it the "RT" train, because as it pulls out of the station it sounds like the NYC subway.

We headed to Dino Island, but it had a 45 minute line. Instead,, I did the Twister and Scream Machine. The trim breaks after the first loop were completly off, and as a result I blacked out on the second and third loops. I didnt like that one bit! I think they should tear the thing down and put in like a flying dutchman. C'mon, they actually have to get Pringles to sponsor it!

We sat for a little while and bought some cinnamon roasted nuts. for our last ride, We decided to hit Nitro front seat. It was a 40 minute line, but we had time. It was waoth it, as always. I love leaning over and looking down the first drop.

We left about 6 o'clock. It was a fun day, except for scream machine. I am eagerly awaiting my final visit so that i can get on Robin one more time... 

I agree that Robin is amazing and smooth with lap bars I can't wait until 2002 for the Batman side. I also think its sad to see Viper sit I love that ride.
Now if we can just get the SFA bigwigs to pay attention...

Joshua Wilcox
"We have awakened a sleeping giant and have instilled in him a terrible resolve"
- Japanese Admiral Yamamoto after sneak attacking Pearl Harbor

I know the Batman side will be SICK!!
*My Personal Top 10*
1)-Nitro, 2)-S:ROS(sfne), 3)-Kraken, 4)-Alpengeist, 5)-Incredible Hulk
Ive been calling SFA and they said they are keeping the OTSR but they may be lying or the phone operators honestly arent sure.
You're welcome for the advice, lol.  My opinion is that Chiller is now greater than Nitro....and I'm sticking to it.  Amazingly, and I know that many will disagree, Chiller is now #2 on my Top Ten!  Right behind MF.  It was a hard decision for Phantom's Revenge or Chiller for #2, but Chiller won out...how, I don't know, lol.  Maybe once I get on SROS at SFNE, Chiller will be reduced to #3.  Who knows.
Bomb Squad Technician

If you see me running, try and keep up!

MedusaFanatic, are you talking about Jokers Jynx? Just to stay on topic, but I think the ride expierience (and length) on Nitro beat Chiller. Dont get me wrong, chiller is great but its too short for a 1 hour wait. At least Nitro is worth a long wiat
MedusaFanatic, are you talking about Jokers Jynx? Just to stay on topic, but I think the ride expierience (and length) on Nitro beat Chiller. Dont get me wrong, chiller is great but its too short for a 1 hour wait. At least Nitro is worth a long wiat
You've been calling the operator at SFA? Why don't you talk to the Dippin Dots person instead? By the way, Six Flags Inc. makes decisions for SFA, not the park itself.

Batwing-Bow Down

I havent ridden a batman the ride clone.
As far as Joker's Jinx is concerned they should switch to lapbars for cars 1 through 5 but keep the otsr's on car 6 and make it the fastlane seat.Garrunteed there won't be as many people getting fastlane for that ride.And maybe we should create a petition against SF inc. calling for the removal of all otsr's simular to the fight against fastlane petition already on the net.
Yes I'm talking about Joker and I am just saying what SFA told me when I called about the OTSR you don't need to be smart Intaminfan. It would also be impossible to change only half the train and it would also look ridiculous.
haha, man seems like a little arguement :)  i gotta tell ya, i LOVED chiller/batman side this summer...freakin imagine it with lapbars!!  dang man.  but i have to disagree with ya greadadventureaddict....i loved GASM and would really miss it....yeah call me crazy, but like 2Hostyl, im a CERTIFIED arrow fan!! :)  glad to hear they were runnin the left of Rolling thunder...i had to ride the right side...it was the worst wooden coaster experince ever for me. 

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