SFGAdv. 7/27

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Because this park is my hometown park(well not really, I live in New York, but this is closest), I know what to expect from it by now...but this was definitely my best trip to Great Adventure ever. First let me talk about some flat rides on this trip:

Twister(Huss Top Spin)-usually when I go to Great Adventure and ride this Top Spin, we get the really boring program where you usually get maybe 1 or 2 flips...Well I guess the ride op. was in the giving mood this time...cause we just kept on flipping and flipping, a good 8-9 times on this ride...out of control!

Time Warp(Chance Double Inverter)-this was my first time on one of these, because every time I've been to Great Adventure, it is closed down...Well I finally got to ride it, and it is not that great of a ride. It moves too slow. If you want to get inverted in an intense way...check out Evolution.

Evolution- The most intense non-coaster ride in the park. Basically just a big carousel with OTSR, that is attached to a big arm. The carousel rotates, the arm moves until it has moved 180 degrees, and you are spinning upside down 90 ft. in the air...it then concludes with the plummeting of the arm back down to earth.

Pendulum-The best non-coaster ride in the park. Everyone knows the deal with Huss Frisbees.

Now that I've spent a lot of time on flat rides...Onto the Coasters!

Like most weekdays at Great Adventure...the park was pretty dead, so most rides didn't have long lines at all.

Great American Scream Machine(3 laps)-This one was pretty much a 5 minute wait all day. The course of the Scream Machine is pretty darn cool with the batwing and all, but that section of the course doens't move like the first half does. I'm surprised the train has enough momentum to make it through the corkscrews...that block brake in the middle of the ride really screws things up. I'm sorry to say this, but I would really love to see this ride go to coaster hea攀渀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀嘀椀瀀攀爀ⴀ 吀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 栀愀猀 戀攀攀渀 挀氀漀猀攀搀 洀漀爀攀 琀栀愀渀 椀琀 栀愀猀 戀攀攀渀 漀瀀攀渀 琀栀椀猀 礀攀愀爀⸀⸀⸀䤀 瀀愀猀猀攀搀 椀琀 甀瀀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 漀戀瘀椀漀甀猀 爀攀愀猀漀渀猀⸀⸀⸀栀漀瀀攀昀甀氀氀礀 琀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 椀猀 挀氀漀猀攀搀 昀漀爀 渀攀眀 爀攀猀琀爀愀椀渀琀猀 愀渀搀 猀漀洀攀 爀攀ⴀ瀀爀漀昀椀氀椀渀最⸀⸀⸀戀攀挀愀甀猀攀 䤀 搀漀 琀爀甀氀礀 攀渀樀漀礀 琀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 眀栀攀渀 椀琀 椀猀 渀漀琀 琀爀礀椀渀最 琀漀 戀爀攀愀欀 洀礀 渀攀挀欀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䴀攀搀甀猀愀⠀㐀 氀愀瀀猀⤀ⴀ 吀栀攀 漀爀椀最椀渀愀氀 昀氀漀漀爀氀攀猀猀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 猀琀椀氀氀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀℀  吀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 椀猀 瀀攀爀昀攀挀琀 椀渀 攀瘀攀爀礀 愀猀瀀攀挀琀⸀  匀洀漀漀琀栀 愀猀 猀椀氀欀 椀渀 愀氀氀 瀀愀爀琀猀Ⰰ 愀 最爀攀愀琀 挀漀甀爀猀攀 氀愀礀漀甀琀Ⰰ 愀渀 愀眀攀猀漀洀攀 挀漀氀漀爀 猀挀栀攀洀攀⠀䤀✀洀 愀 猀甀挀欀攀爀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 氀椀洀攀 最爀攀攀渀⤀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 挀愀渀 礀漀甀 猀愀礀 娀攀爀漀ⴀ䜀 刀漀氀氀㼀㼀 䤀 琀栀漀甀最栀琀 猀漀℀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀刀漀氀氀椀渀最 吀栀甀渀搀攀爀⠀㄀ 氀愀瀀⤀ⴀ䄀氀琀栀漀甀最栀 琀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 䤀匀 琀攀愀爀椀渀最 椀琀猀攀氀昀 愀瀀愀爀琀Ⰰ 椀琀 椀猀 猀琀椀氀氀 漀渀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 眀漀漀搀椀攀猀 漀甀琀 琀栀攀爀攀 䤀䴀伀⸀  吀栀攀 瘀椀攀眀 漀昀 琀栀攀 眀栀漀氀攀 爀椀搀攀 昀爀漀洀 琀栀攀 琀漀瀀 漀昀 琀栀攀 氀椀昀琀 椀猀 最爀攀愀琀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 猀漀 椀猀 琀栀攀 愀椀爀琀椀洀攀 漀瘀攀爀 琀栀攀 猀攀挀漀渀搀 栀椀氀氀⸀  匀椀砀 䘀氀愀最猀 搀漀攀猀 渀攀攀搀 琀漀 搀漀 猀漀洀攀 爀攀瀀愀椀爀 眀漀爀欀 漀渀 琀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 琀栀漀甀最栀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 椀琀 挀漀氀氀愀瀀猀攀猀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀刀甀渀愀眀愀礀 䴀椀渀攀 吀爀愀椀渀⠀㄀ 氀愀瀀⤀ⴀ吀栀椀猀 椀猀 漀渀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 眀漀爀猀琀 洀椀渀攀 琀爀愀椀渀猀 漀甀琀 琀栀攀爀攀⸀  䔀砀琀爀攀洀攀氀礀 猀栀漀爀琀 挀漀洀瀀愀爀攀搀 琀漀 漀琀栀攀爀猀Ⰰ 琀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀✀猀 猀愀瘀椀渀最 最爀愀挀攀 椀猀 椀琀✀猀 爀椀瘀攀爀 猀攀琀琀椀渀最Ⰰ 愀渀搀 琀栀攀 搀漀甀戀氀攀 栀攀氀椀砀 漀昀昀 琀栀攀 氀椀昀琀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䈀愀琀洀愀渀㨀 吀栀攀 刀椀搀攀⠀㌀ 氀愀瀀猀⤀ⴀ 吀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 椀猀 洀礀 瀀攀爀猀漀渀愀氀 昀愀瘀漀爀椀琀攀⸀  䄀氀琀栀漀甀最栀 椀琀 椀猀 猀栀漀爀琀Ⰰ 椀琀 椀猀 猀琀椀氀氀 洀礀 猀攀挀漀渀搀 昀愀瘀漀爀椀琀攀 椀渀瘀攀爀琀⸀⠀洀礀 昀愀瘀漀爀椀琀攀 戀攀椀渀最 䐀甀攀氀椀渀最 䐀爀愀最漀渀猀⤀  吀栀攀 稀攀爀漀ⴀ最 爀漀氀氀 漀渀 䈀愀琀洀愀渀 椀猀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 漀渀 愀渀礀 椀渀瘀攀爀琀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䈀愀琀洀愀渀 愀渀搀 刀漀戀椀渀㨀 吀栀攀 䌀栀椀氀氀攀爀⠀㈀ 氀愀瀀猀嬀漀渀攀 漀渀 攀愀挀栀 猀椀搀攀崀⤀ⴀ 䤀 漀渀氀礀 爀漀搀攀 漀渀 攀愀挀栀 猀椀搀攀 戀攀挀愀甀猀攀 琀栀攀礀 栀愀搀 猀甀挀栀 猀栀漀爀琀 眀愀椀琀猀⸀  吀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 椀猀 琀漀漀 猀栀漀爀琀 昀漀爀 愀 氀漀渀最 眀愀椀琀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 椀猀 洀甀挀栀 琀漀漀 瀀愀椀渀昀甀氀⸀  吀栀攀 䈀愀琀洀愀渀 猀椀搀攀 椀猀 伀䬀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 琀栀攀 刀漀戀椀渀 猀椀搀攀 椀猀 爀攀氀攀渀琀氀攀猀猀⸀  䤀 琀栀椀渀欀 椀琀 眀愀猀 洀愀搀攀 瀀甀爀瀀漀猀攀氀礀 琀漀 栀甀爀琀 礀漀甀爀 栀攀愀搀⸀  㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䄀氀氀 椀渀 䄀氀氀Ⰰ 䤀 栀愀搀 愀 最爀攀愀琀 搀愀礀 愀琀 䜀爀攀愀琀 䄀搀瘀攀渀琀甀爀攀 琀栀椀猀 琀椀洀攀 愀爀漀甀渀搀⸀  䤀 猀琀椀氀氀 昀攀攀氀 琀栀椀猀 椀猀 漀渀攀 漀昀 倀爀攀洀椀攀爀✀猀 昀爀椀攀渀搀氀礀 瀀愀爀欀猀Ⰰ 戀攀挀愀甀猀攀  愀氀氀 琀栀攀 攀洀瀀氀漀礀攀攀猀 愀渀搀 爀椀搀攀 漀瀀猀⸀ 眀攀爀攀 瘀攀爀礀 渀椀挀攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 眀愀猀 愀戀氀攀 琀漀 洀愀欀攀 漀昀琀攀渀 栀椀氀氀愀爀椀漀甀猀 挀漀渀瘀攀爀猀愀琀椀漀渀 眀椀琀栀 猀漀洀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀洀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀ഀ਀ഀ਀ഀ਀ ⨀⨀⨀ 吀栀椀猀 瀀漀猀琀 眀愀猀 攀搀椀琀攀搀 戀礀 欀伀爀一㐀⼀㠀⼀   漀渀 㜀⼀㈀㤀⼀㈀   ⸀ ⨀⨀⨀
I just went to SFGAdv yesterday and I definitely agree that it was my best trip to the park. Batman: The Ride seemed to be running faster than usual, and Viper was actually open for once. As long as I pull the restraints as far down as possible, Viper's worth going on as the first 3/4 of the ride is fairly painful, but the heartline roll makes it all worthwhile. Both sides of Rolling Thunder were rolling (and racing) well while slowly destroying the wooden supports at the same time. Medusa was perfect as usual, and the Chiller did the whole headbanging thing, although it wasn't that bad, and after 5 minutes I felt just like I did before I went on the ride. While plenty of the flat rides were not operating, the rest of the employees were friendly and dispatching quickly. All in all, the park seems to be getting better and better, and the addition of a hypercoaster next year will only enhance Six Flags Great Adventure.
SFGAdv used to be my home park and I have NEVER seen Rolling Thunder racing. That ride has so much potential if SF would just give some attention and a lot of TLC.

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