Associated parks:

Well, I came down with my school for "math and science day". Expecting people with G-force meeters and Calculators, there was probably one person there with them.

Anyways, we arrive around 12. Because I havn't gotten my pass processed, I was going to see if I could. A shriveled (but nice) old lady at the season pass booth said that to get in with my season pass I needed to pay an extra 5 bucks... So I did it... I get in, and the park is at about medium capacity. After hustling my friends, we walk over to Nitro and see... A full que. So, we get in line. After all, they were running 3 trains. Well, the expected 1/2 hour wait turned into a 2 hour wait. There was a sensor malfunction, and People started to riot. There were stones being thrown, People being shoved, and banging on everything. WOWZERS

So, finally the trains start being cycled, and people are allowed on. We get on the eighth row, and all of my friends loved it. Its good to finally be back.

So, with tense nerves, we walk over and buy some food at riverside. Eat, and we walk over to Skull Mountain to find a 3 train wait. We jump on, and Decide we were going to the boardwalk area (my gf wanted me to win her prizes).

Some of the less experienced members of the group wanted to ride Houdini, so we did. Same old thing, but it still disorients me. A quick walk over to the boardwalk, and I run into the season pass center... DESERTED! I walked right up and got it done. With that done, we went over and rode GASM. I couldn't believe it, but the ride was actually fun for a change! WOWZERS. No trims, but the midcourse was on hard.

We next proceeded to the Twister (huss topspin). Same old, fun and flipping. The next half hour consisted of me winning lots of prizes for everyone, including a 5 foot monkey at the ring toss!

We really wanted to get toward Medusa now... I could see the park was emptying out. We passed up rolling thunder for a quick Viper ride. Still rough, but same great drop. Accross the bridge, to Medusa. We found a quarter que, meaning about 20 minutes. We get in line, an make it up in about 10 minutes. We decide to wait for the front. I think its running a lot better then last year. The helix was actually powerful! When we got off, there was no line so we rerode 3 more times.

A long tread back up towards Nitro, the park was almost completly empty (5:45). My friend wanted to hit freefall quick, so that was that. We also saw batman open with 1/8 filled trains. We get into the station, and no one is there (except of course the ride ops). A walk on front row is not common here, so we took it. WOW! Batman is running very good this year. WOWZERS.

Finally, we get to Nitro. Evryone is saying they were double riding it, but they wern't for me. I got 10 (thats right, TEN) re rides. WOWZERS.It was fun, but we had to run back to our bus in order to get on time.

BTW! Chiller was testing all day with water dummys in the seats. The ride looked good, and ran really well. I hope to see it open when I go tomorrow.


Nitro: Good as always, but It was a bit windy, which robbed us of airtime. I had a three click ride the first time, so I was whipped over the first drop. Also, the new magnettic breaks add a smooth finish to the ride. At first, I couldn't tell but then I knew something had had to been changed, since I didnt get the "Oh my gowsh my n**s!"

Batman: WOW! The ride is running very intense. As said before, complete walk on and very enjoyable. 3 rerides, front.

Medusa: Like Batman, the ride was running very well. Everything was intense, but what really stook out was the helix. I actually had tunnel vision! 4 rides, 1 front, three walk ons.

Viper; Ehh, I cant say I am thrilled with it, but its good to see it back. The drop was good, but the heartlines were rough as hell. one lap, front seat.

GASM: Even though it was rough and rough, it was rough and enjoyable. Good G's, and the corkscrew was really good. I think I am starting to like it! (shoot me).

How much more floorless can they get?

*** This post was edited by GreatAdventureAddict on 5/4/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by GreatAdventureAddict on 5/4/2002. ***

Man, never went to a themepark this year. Next week im getting my gadv season pass and reading this trip report is kinda a teaser and making me excited to go. cant wait untill next week.

Are roller coasters my life? NO, but I certainly like them!

I don't think Nitro has magnetic brakes. It didn't last year, and why would they wan't to change?

- Peabody

Nitro in fact had magnetic brakes LAST year for a period. They were, however, taken off. This year they have been added again, presumably because the ending stop is incredibly fast/harsh.

Silver Star also has magnetic brakes at the end. Nitro/Silver Star still have the regular friction brakes, but the mags are there to slow the trains down before they hit the friction brakes.

"I have a flashlight, enjoy the show!"

I'd like to see a pic of that.

- Peabody

You have to look closely to see the magnets on the break run. It looks like the first regular set of friction brakes, only they have side mounted magnets. Also, while riding, you can look down into the brake fin region and see the fins. It adds a much slower, smoother finish to the ride.

How much more floorless can they get?

Sounds nice! If anyone has a pic, please post.

- Peabody

WOWZERS nice TR ;)

X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don' you love SF ?

As in the other topic, I am a ride op on Nitro, and it does have maganetic brakes at teh end. You can ask any of the employees at nitro.

I Forgot to add the new things I saw at the park...

Well, El Sombrero is gone and there is nothing in its place.

Centrifuge is also gone, but Alcatraz looks like it may covet that area for more space.

Also, there is mass construction of a huge "gazeebo" thing in bugs bunny land. Its not small, its actually really big. I dont know what its for (probably a retail center, yet to drain more money from us).

How much more floorless can they get?

You forgot to say wowsers again. ;)

Sorrrrrrrry folks! Parks closed. The moose out front should have told you.

GASM: Even though it was rough and rough, it was rough and enjoyable. Good G's, and the corkscrew was really good. I think I am starting to like it! (shoot me).

Nah, I'm with you on that. Arrow Megaloopers rule!

R.I.P Megadeth. 20 Years of Metal will not be forgotten.

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