SFGAdv. 4-6-2002 It's Snowing!

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I arrived at the park at about 10:00 and I thought today would be a very crowded day since the park just opened. It was freezing outside at about 33*, not exagerating. The parking lot was almost empty as we walked about 3 rows of cars to the entrance. Since my friend "Medusafanatic" already had a season pass, I bought a pass for $80.55 and headed into the park and noticed some snow starting to fall. Some lady taking a survey asked us how many times we'd visited the park, as usual. We followed the season pass signs and slipped into line over around Scream Machine. I didn't have to wait long since the line was about a 10 min wait to get the picture. I went outside to pick up my pass when it started to snow heavily, but didn't stick too much. After picking up my pass, we walked a couple feet and veered right into the line for Escape From Dino Island since the line was unbelievably short. After the doors opened for the first time, we all went in. The ride was fun since some funny people were sitting next to us. After the ride, "Medusafanatic" convinced me to ride Scream Machine. I was hesitant at first since I once was a VOSM (Victim Of Scream Machine). The line was only in the station and we waited only because we wanted the front row and they were only running one train. The ride was a little rough and the ride was very uncomfortable since we froze our buttoxes and faces off. After the ride, we spotted other VOSMs asking the ride operator for some asprin. As we looked at our pictures, we noticed that everyone was very cold and shivering. Next, we headed over to Viper since we had always been fans of it. We waited about 2 trains for the front while the rest of the station was bare except for 6 ride operators on the other side. The wait went very fast since they were running 2 trains. The trains were very spify and looked brand new. The ride surprised us by almost snapping our necks. We enjoyed the two zero-g rolls very much. After we were walking away, we stopped at the defunct photo booth and watched the ride. I gave thumbs-up to a guy waiting behind us we were talking to in the frontrow. He gave us thumbs-up too and then hit the turn after the 2nd roll and snapped his neck. We then strolled over to Medusa. Surprisingly, the line wasn't out over near the Mine Train. We walked up the stairs and waited 2 trains for the back since the front sux. They were running 2 trains so it was super fast. The only people on the ride were almost all taking re-rides. The ride was running the best it has ever run since I go almost every weekend. We got zero-g on every inversion except the corkscrews in the back. After Medusa, "Medusafanatic" sugested that we ride the Mine Train since we havn't riden it in 3 years. The line was also very short and the whole station was empty except for the people on the ride. As we waited behind the gate, the ride operator jammed the bar into the kids on the ride and smashed their legs. We wished them good luck and they really needed it. They were running only one train and I saw the others on a track near the lift hill. When we finally got on the ride, the operator was nice since we begged him not to crunch our manhood. The ride was very rough and hurt our ribs, as usual. When we got back at the station, the bar was stuck and we started to shake the bar furiously and annoyed the girl behind us because all the bars move at once. We then wanted to take the air-cars over to the other side of the park, but it was shut down because there were about 400 people in the park. So we had to walk over to Rolling Thunder. The only side open was the right side (the killer side). There were a few people in the back of the train (poor souls), so we got the front. As we were going down the second drop, some paintchips flew up into "Medusafanatic's" eyes and blinded him for the rest of the ride. It was rough as usual and almost broke our ribs on the turn after the 2nd or 3rd hill. The station was filling up since there was only one train running and people were switching sides of the park. We decided to switch too and head over to Nitro. On our way over, we noticed Batman and Robin very silent (not surprising) and saw Batman's train with lapbars sitting outside on the transfer track. We didn't see Robin's train though, so we decided to sneak over and run in the station and try not to get caught to see the Robin train. It was sitting in there as unexpected with only half a train. But it did have lapbars. We snuck out of the exit and headed over to Nitro. There was a pretty long line compared to the rest of the lines. It was at the bottom of the stairs. We just walked up the right side because we didn't want the front for it since it was still very cold. We got the back and waited about 5 min since they were only running 2 trains. The ride was very smooth and very very cold. The ride was running very fast also and pulled major g's in the helix. Almost everyone was complaining about blacking-out during the helix while exiting the ride. We then heading over to Batman: the Ride since there was only about half the train full. We had to run through the queue since the music was blaring. When we got in the station, we wanted the back and had to wait only one train and they were running both trains. After Batman: the Ride, we were going to travel over and ride Skull Mountain, Blackbeard's Lost Treasure Train, and Roadrunner's Railway, but then remembered that my dad was still in the car waiting for us. After we left the park, we headed over to the Safari. It was pretty boring except for the best part, the babboons! The babboons were running up and down the cars and one was hanging onto the bending antenna of the car in front of us. One of the monkeys tried to bite off one of our windsheild-wiper cleaner thingies, so we squirted the anti-freeze into his mouth. That would teach that monkey to screw w/ my car. We then passed half of one of Scream Machine's old loops while in the babboon area. Leaving the park that day was very sad since we had such a fun day. The lines were short, the pathes clear, the people friendly, and it snowed! I just had to buy a bag of gummi bears for $2.09 and "Medusafanatic" bought a 1/2 lb. of vanilla fudge for $5.49. That proves that Six Flags is very expensive. I hope you enjoyed reading this trip report and I plan to write more later. Please respond if you liked this.
I count myself as one of the victims of Scream Machine. I rode it when it was new and it was so much better.
The word "definitely" is definitely the most misspelled word on the buzz.

First off, the front on Medusa definetly doesn't suck. I'd take it over the back anyday. However, the back is fun, especially when the top trim is off on the lift. You get Flungg down the drop!

Oh, btw, I've gotten the paintchips on RT. It was either under the first drop, or on the bunny hills coming back. I call it, "Paintchip Fury".

Don't be cruel to the baboons! lol

How much more floorless can they get?

Yeah I agree Medusa Is so much more amazing in the front.

Touch The Sky

So thats what that loop is in the safari.
Good TR! Gow did u pull off sneaking into Chiller's station when the queue is closed and get away with it?

So what is better? SFMM or CP? I don't care! They both have 29 coasters between them that they build so we can have a good time!

How could one like Viper if they hate GASM. I swear there is some sort of bias against Arrow rides here. Come to think of it, Say a ride like GASM was to live 25 more years. I would hear more grumbling and muttering about it. If GASM was to be taken down next year, then everyone would love the ride. Same situation that happened with Drachen Fire, and Viper. Many hated Viper, but once rumors started floating around about it's doom, everyone swore they always loved it.

Zakk Wylde's Black Label Society-Chicago Chapter

VOSM, you say that Medusa moved superfast with 2 trains?? man, you should see it when they run 3!! even with the queue starting under the zero G roll, we only waited about 30 min for the back seat, which YES i totally agree is WAY better than the front...going from the cobra roll into the midcourse, your ears get racked like crazy in the front...something i have found very odd on a B&M..but hey, no mfg'r is perfect ;)

Tim (who admits, even yes, his beloved Arrow, is not perfect...hahahahaha :))

"hi, my name is Tim, and im a coasterholic"...."Hi Tim!!" hehe:)

Todd said:
Good TR! Gow did u pull off sneaking into Chiller's station when the queue is closed and get away with it?

So what is better? SFMM or CP? I don't care! They both have 29 coasters between them that they build so we can have a good time!

Getting into Chiller's queue was actually easier done than said. All we did was sit on the bench outside and since the park was almost empty, we just waited for the two security guards patrolling near it to look the other way, then dashed through the queue. We then climbed over the gates in front of the train and jumped over the track since no one was in there working. We then just walked out the exit and sat at the bench a few minutes and then walked away as if we were sitting on the bench the whole time.

Yeah that was fun I can't believe no one saw us.

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