SFGA Tips from a mechanic!!!!

After visiting sfga this weekend (august 6th and 7th) i thought that i could leave these tips given to me by a mechanic that was working on the ride Kingda Ka....

On a hot day the ride will not be open all day...(he says this is 85 degree or more). What will happen is the ride will close durring the hottest time of the day....roughly 11-3ish! due to too much stress on the coaster. So he says the best thing to do it just hang out around the ride about 3 o'clock and beat the rush in when it reopens!

Also that as time goes on the ride will become more and more reliable...so that soon not matter the temp it will be open.

He then informed is though that they always usually say at the beggining of the day at the front gate that Kingda Ka will be closed....which is usually not true. Just means the ride will not be open all day long.

He stated to that the worst time to ride the ride is early in the am....this is becasue it is to packed in the am and most of the time it will shut down before everyone gets on it....(11 on a hot day)

He last tip to us was to hold on and said that we are nuts for riding the ride because he helped build it but WILL NOT RIDE IT!!!

Kingda Ka is a awesome ride that will give you a thrill of your life.

Also if the train doesnt make it over the hill it is ok....cause my 1st time on the ride we didnt clear the hill and we just got relaunched!!!!!

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