Is there anyone who can tell me how long of drives it is to go from SFDL to SFNE. then from SFNE to SFGRAD then from SFGRad to SFDL.
Any help would be great
It is 6 hours from SFDL to SFNE and it is 4 1/2 hours from SFNE to SFgadv.


wicked thanks. now is this at the speed limit?

1.Fire Dragon 2.Raptor 3.Ice Dragon 4.Batman Knight Flight 5.Kraken

Ya but you can do it a lot faster if you speed:)


but we don't do illegal things like that do we??

Gotta hand it to the 80+ year old guy that was doing at least 80 on the nj turnpike last weekend when i was en route to GAdv though...

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"We love Megan!"

*** This post was edited by JFNJ on 8/30/2002. ***

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