SFA wins discrimination case...


Hadn't even heard about this one. Apparently back in 1999 a couple got a little angry when SFA told them that their 4 year old son was too short to ride TSC. So in protest, when the boat got back to the station, they refused to get out for a good ten minutes after which they were escorted out by security in handcuffs. Apparently they thought it was racial discrimination and tried to sue the park for $2.5 million, but SFA won the case and...well...you can read the rest...

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.

So ridiculous. IMO, the courts made the correct decision.

And if I was in charge at SFA, I'd have done the same thing- bring out security to take care of them. Thats just shameful behavior.

Here is a link to the ruling:


The technically haven't won yet, it's been sent back to P.G. Court for retrial.

Thats the reason park tickets are $52. Cause they need to re coupe money to pay for lawyers and crap! I hate people! Coasteguts you can't post here you have a G in your name! :>)


Jeff's avatar
They didn't win anything... it was sent back for a new trial.

See news section...

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

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