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after a nice 2 hour drive on route 301 from Richmond (my new route....see ya I95:)), my buddy Josh and i got there at promptly 10:30, we walked in, and i was promptly greeted by Intamin Fan....for more info on that, read his post about opening day, and check out my response:) anyway, we headed down to S:ROS to begin the season, and i was blessed with the opportunity to get on the first train of 2002!! awesome....we had to SETTLE (haha, yeah 2hostyl, sorry buddy:)) for the last car, but hey, for the first train it was worth it...i had forgotten why i loved this coaster so much :)
well we got off and decided since there werent many people back in this section to hit the front row....we met up with I-Fan again and his friend...chad?? (sorry Rob, cant remember his name..the guy with the MF hat)....took two more rides on S:ROS....beautiful...still my #1 steel:)
onward to the Batwing....finally got to witness history as the seats beautifully reclined as they began to asend the lift....way to go Vekoma...or SFA maintence..whoever:) while in line, which was only about 15-20 min, I-Fan and Gowithgravity gave me the scoop on headin there in 2 weeks...i am now salivating Pheonix and the haunted house, haha! my friend and i rode with 2Hostyl and we were heading up the lift, the Hostyl one points out that the Krypton Comet (chaos) was broke the words left his lips, chi-chi-chi-CHINK! we grind to a halt on what can only be described as some bone jarring roll backs:)...but hey, it provided a lovely view of Gotham, so no worries..and yes, batwing was on a 2 train operation that morning...rode it again around 4:30, and it was back to one train....
the rest of the day was buddy josh and i conquered all the coasters....WIld One is packed with air this year!!! way cool....loved it :) roar seemed to be a little rougher...maybe its just me....all the coasters though for the most part seemed to be up to par. i even enjoyed Mind Eraser....if you ride the front, its not that bad, i swear, haha:)
also finally got to ride Renegade Rapids....they were closed everytime i went last year...its become my favourite raft ride...great drops and turns...and no waterfalls!! we hit Typhoon as well, seeing as how Josh had not gotten to ride it before...the drop freaked him out, haha:)
all in all, a wonderful was awesome meeting some new enthusiasts....intamin fan, gowithgravity, jim fisher, weatherman...cant wait to see you guys again....i saw sam marks in the batwing line, but he was talking to someone so i didnt bother him....great day saturday, 2002 looks like its gonna be a great year for SFA!! :)
Tim (man, it feels GOOD to ride S:ROS again:))
"hi, my name is Tim, and im a coasterholic"...."Hi Tim!!" hehe:)
Ready to spring into a new coaster season! :)
X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don't you love SF ?
"hi, my name is Tim, and im a coasterholic"...."Hi Tim!!" hehe:)
Yeah.....uhhh. but you for got to mention we rode together for a bit.
*looks around shifty eyed and darts for an open window*
"Owww, wasn'"
Ready to spring into a new coaster season! :)
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