SFA-Frightfest 10/6

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Note: the date should say 10/5-Friday
Yes kids, it's that time of year already. Time to get in your last four weeks of riding, and hopefully while not freezing your butts off. Crowds were moderate and the weather was still nice enough to just wear t-shirt and shorts. Upon entering the park, I ran into GoWithGravity, a Coasterbuzz member. Walking down to Batwing, it was nice to see all the flat rides working except for Sky Escaper, which hasn’t worked for months. Running into two more enthusiasts, Alan and Diane, we headed down to Batwing, where we met up with another enthusiast Ted. We all took two rides in a row on Batwing due to almost walk-on conditions. They were only running one train, but who cares. Outside of S:ROS, we met up with Shana, another enthusiast, and we took multiple rides on S:ROS due to the short lines. It was great to be back on board. As a group we went and rode Roar next, which is always a great night ride. Right next door to Roar we checked out the haunted house, which was surprisingly well-themed and was mildly scary. We headed to The Rodeo next, which was giving double rides, and was crazy as always. Afterwards, I talked us all into going on to Mind Eraser since we were in the area. There was no wait for the front, but it didn't make the ride any better. Oh well. Needing a little break, the six of us checked out the magic show in the theatre. The 20-minute show features several illusions, which are worth checking out. We lost Ted after the show, and this is where I made the bad error of riding the Teacups with the four others. As I’m typing this, I can still feel the pains in my neck from the g-forces of spinning too much. Southwest Territory was our next destination and we rode Wild One, then Two Face. Heading back to Gotham City, we took in our last Frightfest event, the haunted hayride. The path, like last year, still goes deep into the woods over by Batwing. There were a couple of different props than last year, but overall last year’s hayride seemed better. The one thing I noticed on the hayride is how much land sits undeveloped. Rest assured, this park has lots of growth potential. Having half-an-hour left, we did what any other enthusiast would do; we rode S:ROS a lot. The lines were basically a one to two-train wait, so you could easily pick out any seat you wanted. One time we walked back into the station, and there was no wait at all for the front seat. That’s what I call great!

I had a great time in the five hours the park was open. Everything felt a lot more relaxed also, since there weren’t that many people there. Some of the rides were a little slow loading, but it didn’t bother me at all tonight. I was a little disappointed that Joker’s Jinx was closed, but there’s always next week/year. For your information, Brutal Planet has returned for it’s third year in a row.

Batwing-Bow Down

*** This post was edited by Intamin Fan on 10/6/2001. ***

hey Ifan, sounds like you had fun,.....how long does that last at SFA?  i might take one more trip up there this year...nice TR :)
It lasts all the way up through the last weekend of October.I was there yesterday and it wasn't too crowded even Two Face was a walk on.Now that's a first ever since they built the ride.

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