Believe it or not, I was there too. In fact, I was in the S:ROS line as they were evacuating Batwing (wearing an Exterminator sweatshirt). I rode S:ROS thrice, the final time with I-Fan. We then hit up JJ, Wild One, the Rodeo (twice) and the Octopus (which made us both a little queasy) before I-Fan had to leave. I hung around hoping ROAR would open. Ate, caught the Wild West Stunt Show (which is funny everytime I watch it), and they snagged a backseat ride on ROAR. I guess I left somewhere around 4pm. It was good to get out though.
Sidenote, there were so many people there wearing red/white/blue or American Flag t-shirts. It was also the first time I can remember when the white folks seemed to outnumber the black folks..
--who almost went to PKD as well...