SFA 6/26 People fainting in line & more

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It's going to reach a high of 96 degrees out today and I'm going to an amusement park. This should be fun. I met up with Gowithgravity and his friends Brian and Jason. To say that Brian is estastic to ride S:ROS again is an understatement, since his last ride was in April. I see that they're running both trains (yeah!), but they're not loading the red one for some reason (booh!). As we get into the first line of the queue, a young woman faints right in front of me. Luckily Jason caught her before her head hit the floor. Someone was nice enough to give up their water bottle until first aid showed up. One of the ride ops also came over and held her hand up to signal to first aid where she was located in the line. This delayed loading a bit, but, hey, it's only a ride. Continuing on through the line we worked our way up through to the front car. Right as we get there, another young lady faints. This is not the day to be dehydrated, and it's an even bigger case for a bathroom with a waterfountain, or at the very least just a waterfountain (or two) between S:ROS and Batwing. We finally saw why they weren't loading the red train. It turns out a blue shirt (mechanic) is standing beneath the train. What he was looking for I don't know. All I do know is that they started boarding the red train finally (yeah!).

GWG mentions his new found love of woodies, and things were looking bleak in that department at first. Roar is stuck on the lifthill with an empty train, as is Wild One. What the hell was going on? We also passed a non-functioning Penguin's Blizzard River, but there were blue shirts working on it. It looks very smart with it's new watertower at the top of the ride. After a spin on Joker's Jinx, I suggested the Alpine Bobs, which I will never understand why they're in Gotham City. I haven't ridden it in several years, and I remembered why once the speed kicked in. It really isn't very exciting, and that includes the backwards portion, but the little ones seem to enjoy it.

The rest of the group wanted to go eat some sandwiches out in the parking lot, so I stayed inside and rode High Seas (pirate ship), and the Iron Eagle (Rotoshaker), which is not the best ride to be riding on a hot day with all the blood rushing to your head. It's during this time though that I see them running Wild One with people onboard. At least one of the woodies is up. I pass a still dormant Typhoon Seacoaster. This would've been a great ride today with its splashdown. Oh well, maybe one of these days this year it'll be up. I'm holding my breath.

After much debate, we decided to go to the waterpark at 3pm in the afternoon. Yikes, is the pavement hot! We hit several of the attractions, and the water temperature is perfect. I still can't help but think "Why am I waiting 30 minutes in the hot sun for a 15 second waterslide? I saw a lot of people who didn't get friendly with their suntan lotion today. They'll pay for it tommorow.

Heading back into the main park, I suggest a ride on Around the World in 80 Days, a small Zamperla ferris wheel at the edge of the waterpark. None of us had ever ridden it, and it's been there for years, I believe going back to the Wild World days. It was very placid. Next, a mandatory stop is made at DDR. I opted out, as I wasn't feeling up to it. We passed a torn apart Rodeo (Breakdance). Everyone of the seats has been taken out of the cows. I can't imagine what they're going to do to it now. The rides already been modified like three times since they installed it.

For some sick reason, we rode Mind Eraser, which didn't violate my 5 minute or less line, or I don't ride policy. GWG and I rode in the very last seat, and we didn't get that bashed around for once. Noticing the short line for Renegade Rapids started the next debate. With only one holdout, we got in line, and only waited about 20 minutes, which is unbelievable on a day like today. There only seemed to be two major splashes, which didn't bother me. I wanted to get wet, not drenched to my skin like I would on Shipwreck Falls, or most river rapids rides.

We next headed back towards Gotham City, where we stopped to eat first across from Forever Closed Ride, I mean Typhoon Seacoaster. I had the burger basket w/fries which was actually really decent for $6.29. Yes, it's about two dollars more than a McDonalds combo with no drink, but I though the food tasted far superior to that of the clown. Walking towards Wild One we see caution tape going across the pathway by Pirate's Flight. Iron Eagle is sitting at about a 45 degree angle backwards to the platform with people onboard, and they have a ladder bringing people off one-by-one. I'm sorry, but this P.O.S. needs to be sent back to Italy, and they should give us something a little bit more reliable like a Power Surge or something. After a very short wait, we got on Wild One. We then rode Two-Face, which had a short line, but we had to way three cycles because of a handicapped patron. What I didn't understand is why she and some of her escorts got to stay on twice. Oh well.

We checked out Batwing and passed with the one-train operation, so rounding out the night, there was only one ride we could get in, and that was Penguin's Blizzard River which had opened earlier in the day. Brian and I both got splashed in the lower portion of the slide, and it still felt good as it was still rather warm. So overall, I'd give the day a C.
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.

I agree that it might be time for Iron eagle to be removed,when I was there back on the 14th it was stuck near the top,fourtunately no one was on it at the time.

It looks as though IE is on my list of rides not to go on along with the parks chaos ride down by S:ROS as wwell as the ole hang n bang Mind eraser.

When I rode IE earlier in the day, there was a programming error also. When the ride comes to a stop at the top of the swing, it rolls over. Well, it rolled over and over and over. Finally the arm started swinging like normal.
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.
It's just one more reason why they need to remove it,that thing has also been making alot of noise near the end of the ride cycle as well.

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