SFA 4/10/04 Decent Day!

Associated parks:

I was at SFA opening day, but I am sure many of you had read the TR about that day. JJ & SROS were both down.

I returned today to take my son to get his season pass processed, and was pleasantly surprised. Every coaster was operating today.

The highlights:

I got my rides on SROS and JJ that I failed to get last week.

I rode all the coasters except Batwing because I had my front and backseat rides the week before. Plus I had my nephew with me that was too short to ride.

The staff were all still very friendly, and helpful. Thumbs up for that. They are improving.

I got to hang out and ride with my new enthusiest friend Tom that I had meant the week before at the park. Hes a good guy, and a good riding partner. He even waited for us at the entrance.

There aren't too many negative things people could say about SFA today. Maybe the one train op? That wasn't a big deal because the lines weren't long even with one train running.

Sure the coasters broke down, but they were prompt to get them back up and running. Good day. This park is improving. 2 trips for me already this early in the season says something.

Towards closing time (about 7:30 or so), I was on line for S:ROS. Sat down, restraints locked, and a problem. The ops couldn't even get the restraints unlocked. Within 5 minutes, maintenance was on the scene. A minute later, the restraints were unlocked, and we went back into the queue. Another 5 minutes, the problem was apparently solved, and the train was sent around twice (unloaded). Immediately after the train arrived the second time, the ride was back to operational and loaded up. This was at about 7:45. Not bad at all, considering they could have just as easily said the ride was OOC for the rest of the evening!!
Glad to hear the good stories.

It is very good for public relations to get S:RoS up and running so quickly rather then simply shutting it down for the night and fixing the problem later. The folks waiting in line got the ride they waited for, and will go home happy, which is what any park should want, since that means they are much more likely to return. Sounds more like SF has finally figured that out :)

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