coasterguts said:
Colin, you may want to rethink what your saying.Riddle Me This;TSC;Alpine Bobs;Cyclone;Octupus;Rodeo;TOD;Tilt-A-Whirl not to mention 8 coasters.
TOD is the only other ride out of those I consider a Thrill Ride, the other are just bleh. Kinda like Coaster Lover said, it has to do Inversions for me to make it a true Thrill Ride for me.
*** Edited 10/10/2005 11:51:58 PM UTC by Colin Fisher***
As for TSC I don't think it can really be classified as a thriller,more of a family water ride though if you ask me.
Now like CL said some infrastructure such as a path to complete the loop between GC & CC is a much needed addition,more lockers as well as restrooms are also greatly needed(cough over by Batwing cough) & a family coaster that's just a notch above great chase would also do wonders or maybe even an outright LTMT expansion if they had enough space for it.
Now they really do need some more flats though & I do think the eagle is probably on it's last legs & will be leaving soon because it's not worth the investment anymore what with the amount of downtime it's been having but they ohh so need a replacement for KC,hell maybe they should think about adding that top spin we lost to SFDL after all.
They did make mention of the HH expansion rumor,but in addition possible plans for 06/07 may include a MR. six pandamonium clone & or dark ride as well,now these are two rides that could possibly be part of the site plan from a few years ago(indoor dark ride/coaster & runaway car ride) so we'll have to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.
I Always knew Burke made good decisions for Six Flags Inc. NOT!!!! ;)
Coaster Lover said:
If anything, besides improving services, SFA needs infrastructure. They need to complete the loop and destroy those big dead-ends in the process.
Ditto. It drives me nuts (im sure everyone) when I have to do a turn-a-bout when it comes to dead ends. UGH!!!!
They really need to start connecting the two points into a complete loop...along that path might make a great location for the rumored dark ride & pandamonium coaster,als does anyone think the new HH slide complex might include a clone of that new slide that SFNE got this year?
A day at the park is what you make it!
I find it funny and surprising that they can keep one running like a gem- putting it up taken it down traveling down the road on a train playing fairs and carnivals all over the eastern US, but when it comes to keepen one running in a park they dont know how to handel it.
*** Edited 10/12/2005 2:27:15 AM UTC by Colin Fisher***
The park says that a masterblaster type slide would be a capacity nightmare?well someone better alert them because what do you think Batwing is? I doubt it gets anywhere near the 1500 PPH that it was designed to handle.
It didn't necessarily go down for days at a time--more like three minutes at a time after every other ride on bad days.
Hope they get it figured out...
NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.
A day at the park is what you make it!
You know how Python has been listed as "in storage" since 99? well now they've got it listed as being removed from the park entirely as of 2004/2005 which in itself is somewhat interesting becasue on my last trip I did notice a section of track removed from the pile & an excavator sitting right next to the lone track section.
Look under "history" to see what I'm talking about.
If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.
who knows
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