SFA 1st Trip of The 2003 season.

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rail junkie's avatar
My buddies picked up me around 9:20am.We arrived at SFA around 10:30am.After getting our 2003 season pass processed we headed down to Gotham City. Where we started our 1st ride of the season a flight on SROS. And the queue line was not crowded at all a walk. So we rode SROS in the very front row. The front seat on any coaster is great because you do get lots of air time. And oh boy was SROS running fast. We did 2 laps on Superman Ride Of Steel. After 2 laps on SROS it was time foe another flight. But this time a awesome flight on Batwing. And it's lines where not bad a walk on. Even though they where only running 1 train. So we did 1 flight lap on Batwing. Then it was off to TJJ and it’s lines where also not crowded a walk on. After 1 lap on TJJ it was time to take a lunch break at Pizza O’eight where they have good pizza. Now it was time to take in a woodie coaster on Roar. There’s nothing like a good old woodie. I just love the sound of the chain as we climb to the top of the lift. Then after 2 laps on Roar we headed down to Coyote Creek where we took a ride on Mind Easer. As we where waiting in the line some one seat belt wouldn’t lock. So the ride operator asked ever one to clear the area up to the bumper cars. In fact they had to shut down the bumper cars after Mind Easer was stopped. So after watching the mechanics take some one off the ride. We headed for another Wooden coaster this time a ride on Wild One. And Wild One was also a walk on. We even got a re-ride on Wild One this is the very first time that we ever got a re-ride on Wild One. So after 2 laps on Wild One we headed back to Mind Easer where they were testing it. So after about 3 test runs they re-open Mind Easer then the ride operator got a message on the control panel saying that one of the lap bars wasn’t locking. So we got right on of the line. We are never riding Mind Easer again. I hope that some day SFA will take out Mind Easer and put in a B&M type coaster. So we took a dinner break at Crazy Horse Saloon. I was very impressed on how well the ride operators where running the ride and how clean the rides where. There where hardly any trash around those rides. We ended our 1st SFA trip on a night flight on SROS again in the Very front seat. We even took in some flat rides on High Seas, Flying Carousel, Alpine Bob. I will rate our SFA trip a 9. SROS 3 laps Wild One 4 laps TJJ 2 laps Roar 3 laps. Oh by the way Two-Face The Flip Side was not open. And there was no train on the track.

Rail Junkie

I guess that I can be glad that we rode Mind Eraser in the morning. The new head pads are the best that I've seen (felt?) on an SLC.
Too bad we missed it but it's become a tradition for Rail Junkie & I to start every trip to SFA with two laps on S:ROS,in case you're wondering Rail Junkie is one of my two friends that I go to the park with & it's usually the two of us riding together while our other friend is off riding solo most of the day.
Glad you had a good time. I was at the park today as well and must agree the ride ops were handling the crowd pretty well despite Batwing and SROS being down.

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